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Everything posted by wulfbourne

  1. I love german Riesling. It has to be german though. I've tried american or australian and they just are not the same. The german is much sweeter and smoother.
  2. I'm 26 years old and I still don't have my license. When I was 16 my family didn't have a car. I joined the military at 18 and left for my LPN training with them. That took a year and a half. I got home and went strait to college, where I got 1 semester under my belt before being deployed. I got married shortly before I shipped off (I was already engaged at the time) and spent another 14 months away. I was kind of glad I didn't have a license while there, because I wasn't able to be put on the rotation for 24 hour driver duty. I've had my permit, but never really cared that much. I've never had much ambition to get my license really. I usually lived where there was great public transportation and it was never an issue. Now though we live in the suburbs where there is only the most basic of public transportation and everything is spread out. I would like to get my license soon, but now it is an inconvenience for me to do so because my husband will have to take off work, take me and the 2 kids down to the dmv sit around forever while I wait to take the written exam, and then repeat when I've had enough practice to take the practical. So I kind of wish I had gotten it at a point in my life when it would have been easier on everyone involved. I wouldn't push him at 16, but it would be easier for him in the long run if he at least gets it before he goes to college.(or whatever path he chooses)
  3. Forensic stuff doesn't bother me because I can look at it with a more analytical frame of mind. I love the mystery of books/shows like that. I think one of the most disturbing thing's I've seen lately was an episode of House. My husband even had a hard time with it. A mother was in the tub with her baby giving him a bath when she started to have a seizure and the baby slipped under the water as she shock and went unconscious. Dad came in and both mom and baby were rushed to the hospital, but that scene brought me to tears. As far as horror movies, if they have a good story it's not bad. I thought I Am Legend was ok for instance. But the thought of 'torture porn' such as Saw and Hostile makes me sick to my stomach just thinking of the premise.
  4. I second oneplace.com. John MacArthur and Alistair Begg are my 2 personal favorites. Also, my church has online sermons as well. http://www.hopebiblechurch.org/ Hope this helps:)
  5. Fair tax is a bit different. http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=about_main I personally like the idea of the fair tax rather than income tax.
  6. That's fine, but not all people who make a lot of money work hard, and not all who work hard make a lot of money. For example, my husband doesn't work 100+ hours a week, is home every weekend, and most days after an 8 hour day. He doesn't even have a degree. But he makes six figures. My FIL only has an associates and makes over a quarter mil a year. My husband was lucky in that he had family connections that got him his first job as a programmer at age 16, so he has a hell of a resume. My parents on the flip side were both college educated, my stepdad had a masters degree but barely made ends meet. My mom was working 2 jobs for awhile, and my stepdad was working the 100+ hours a week for a lousy 30K a year job. It wasn't until he decided to be a truck driver he started making any real money. So I disagree with the premise that everyone who makes money works hard for it, or that all who work hard will be rich.
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