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Everything posted by wulfbourne

  1. Not sure what price range you're looking at, but I love my Rainbow vacuum. It's the best of both worlds. It uses water to trap the dirt, so while you don't have to replace bags and such, when you empty the bin the dirt doesn't fly back into the air. There is also an setting so you can let it run without an attachment and clean the dust and allergens out of the air as well.
  2. Wouldn't the United Daughters of the Confederate all have to be related to Confederate soldiers to be members? If so, are they really honoring the actions and ideals of the Confederates, or are they honoring deceased family members who died trying to protect their homes and families? As far as someone saying all soldiers should be honored, does this only apply to US soldiers? What about Nazi soldiers or Vietnamese soldiers we fought? I think the dead should be given proper respect in general, so I see no problem with it.
  3. Fevers always make me nervous as well, but I just try to keep myself and the child calm. I do medicate if the child seems overly uncomfortable from the fever though, regardless of if it hit 102 or not. My oldest just had something similar, fever on and off for a little over a week, runny nose, etc. It never got over 101.5, but it was persistent. Can your child tolerate spicy things? It may sound weird, but if she'll eat/drink spicy things Franks Red Hot is great for sore throats. It's only got a couple ingredients, the first 2 being vinegar and cayenne pepper. Those are 2 big natural remedies for sore throats. When I get a sore throat I'll take spoonful of Franks or eat something coated with it if I can eat. It might also help clear her sinuses ;)
  4. If her nose feels stuffy but isn't running out the front the mucus may be running down the back of her throat. That would cause the red irritation, pain, and the upset stomach.
  5. Have you shined a light in her throat to take a look for the white patches yet? Does she have a runny nose?
  6. My house is clean enough to be healthy, and messy enough to be happy. My MIL has this in a cross stitch hanging in her house :)
  7. Hi, I typically go by Wulfie or Wulfbourne on forums. I have a 3 year old and a 1 1/2 year old so we're not technically homeschooling yet. I'm just a crazy person who has been planning and researching like crazy since I made the decision to homeschool my kids. At first I was really scared of the idea and sure I would be damaging them somehow, but now I'm really confident in my decision. I love the discussions in the General Board and the K-8 board help feed my insane need to read and plan many years in the future :)
  8. Same here. The Anne of Green Gables series, Little Women, and other older/classic novels. They're much more inspirational to me than most of the modern non-fiction types. Also, in an odd way Mona Lisa Smile was inspirational. One scene in particular was really inspirational. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hlBeZkxR6U&feature=related It reminds me that I am making the choice to be a stay at home mom and housewife because I would regret not being here. And since I made that choice I should do my best in that choice the same way I would try to be the best in any other career I could have chosen.
  9. From what I read on the census website if your census is received after they've made up the lists for the workers you'll still get a visit. Since they probably didn't have you on record as having answered it they wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in the mail. Either that or it was someone trying to scam you. Apparently there is also identity theft issues going on right now where people are pretending to be census workers in order to try and get the info they need.
  10. I don't know, I'll tell you when I trade them out ;) This is my first rotation through the toys, but they have 'top shelf' toys (the messy ones) that they always get excited when I pull out. I imagine pulling out old toys again will be the same reaction.
  11. Too many stuffies. A play kitchen with some bits to go with it. A couple Fisher Price little people sets. A couple other toys, but not too terribly many. I need to cut down on the stuffies though. I've also taken to rotating out their toys. Right now I have out the Noah's Ark Little people set and soon I'll trade it out for the farm I put in the attic a few months ago. I need to find a better way of storing things though.
  12. At a year long are you sure it's not an LPN program vs. a CNA? Have you looked into LPN programs? I was an LPN for awhile and I enjoyed it. I was in the military though, so I don't think I can compare my experiences to the civilian world though.
  13. How many of you learned Latin before teaching it to your kids? I'm still in the planning stages because my kids are young and I'm trying to build myself up as much as possible before I teach them. I've been considering teaching myself Latin as well so that when I go to teach it to them I'll be able to answer more questions. So did you learn it before hand? Was it helpful? If you didn't learn it, do you sometimes wish you knew more?
  14. From my understanding some law firms are becoming more tech savy. If the husband knows what his wifes typical username is or what forums she frequents it makes it easy to search for incriminating evidence. They can even request a forum provide backup of any posts he/she may have deleted as they stay on the servers for quite awhile afterwards. Always be careful with anything you put on the web. Never put anything that could identify yourself for safety reasons or possibly be dragged up later in court.
  15. This is me. I've most of the book once through, but I keep going back and rereading the grammar section as I plan out in my head how I want to do things. My oldest is only three though. :blushing: I'm a bit obsessive when it comes to research and planning and with something like my kids education I want to get it right.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vupEpNjCuY I'm really looking forward to seeing this one :) I'm going to see it with my MIL and my SIL at some point. I don't think it's quite the type of movie most are complaining about though because it's more of a documentary than a blockbuster. As far as movies that I highly dislike, Twilight movies, Alexander, Clash of the Titans (the new one), Juno, the last Harry Potter movie, The divinci code, movies that portray adultery as positive, movies with excessive violence for no reason, and on, and on.
  17. :iagree: Stevia is an all natural 0 calorie sweetener. I've heard some bad stuff about Splenda.
  18. Chicken alfrado. I cheat and use a jar sauce, shred the chicken, throw the chicken and veggies into the sauce to simmer for a bit. Cook the pasta, toss together and serve.
  19. Yeah, I've got two of his books as well :) Like you said, this is a too the point attention getting way of saying it. Much easier to get people to listen to a 2 minute clip that might pique their interest. Then you give them the books.
  20. Bumping to see how she's doing and hoping she'll check back in. edit: I posted just as she was. *embarrassed*
  21. I used to shop at BJ's because they carried the only formula my baby could tolerate at a really good price. Now that my kids are past that we shop at Costco because they have a better selection of organic items and a good produce section. Plus their generic dog food is rated as highly as much more expensive premium brands!
  22. :iagree: Sounds like this might be a wake up call to switch to more natural cleaning solutions.
  23. My two girls are close in age and the youngest seems to be growing fast enough I'm worried they'll both wear the same size in the not to distant future. For now the younger one gets mostly hand me downs. BUT, I do get her a couple cute outfits specifically for her, especially since some clothes get too stained the first go around (and I buy a good bit used to begin with)
  24. Language warning, but it's a good clip and I figured I'd see what people in here thought.
  25. I always fold laundry when its fresh and warm, but I detest putting them away. So I'll have 3 baskets of nicely folded laundry sitting in my bedroom waiting to be put away.
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