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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. I love Izzy pictures!!! She's grown a lot!! Wow!!! Thanks for sharing!
  2. Oh I'm sure there are other liberals who'll disagree with me! That would be nothing new! :) Really liked his explanation on Meet the Press about why he was voting for Obama. He expressed a great deal of frustration and disillusionment with the Republican party...and I'm sure that what he went through with the Bush Administration played a large role in it.
  3. Oh, I agree completely, Deidre!!!! The Bush Administration threw Colin Powell under the bus. And he was left with no other option.
  4. LOL! That was great!! I'll never be able to hear that song again now without singing "Solid as Barack"!!! OH!!! And Amy Poehler was NOT on last night because she was having her baby!!! She had a little boy named Archie yesterday!! :)
  5. My oldest dd has a Zune. It can play all sorts of music and videos, too!! You can store pictures on it as well. She LOVES it!!! We just bought the docking station for it yesterday -- that's going under the Christmas tree! -- it has speakers....and it recharges it ... and it has a radio, clock, and alarm -- $50!! A docking station for some of the other MP3 players can cost 3 or 4 times that amount. We bought hers at Circuit City...but Toys R Us carries them as well.
  6. Oh neat!! I will!! For some reason, I seem to find any new state quarters at the local McDonalds! :lol: Looks like we'll be heading there for lunch!
  7. I don't think it's been released yet. We're waiting for Alaska and Hawaii and our collection is finished!!
  8. My 9yo received Guitar Hero last year for Christmas and he played it a lot... he really enjoyed it....for about 6 months. Then his interest sort of fizzled out. But we gave him Rock Band for Wii for his birthday last month and he loves it more than Guitar Hero! He loves to play the drums! The variety of instruments, and the fact that he can sing along, is much more appealing (and the music selection has more variety than Guitar Hero, i.e., more than just heavy metal rock selections)
  9. That's a very nice "benefit" when waiting until children are older to introduce the idea of weaning, if they haven't weaned on their own already! They are old enough to understand explanations, and they now understand that Mom has feelings of her own. They are less "me focused". And I love Kathryn Dettwyler! :thumbup: I actually met her and heard her speak at a LaLeche League conference in Maryland several years ago (back when my youngest was a baby). Fascinating research!!
  10. This is just my personal opinion ...... but I wouldn't go "cold turkey" on a nursing child! Distraction works VERY well....as does a change in the usual routine (if they're used to being nursed to sleep, maybe have Dad create a night time routine of his own and take over that task). And, to be quite honest, I've never weaned a child. I've always nursed them for as long as they want to nurse....and, at least according to my own, personal experience, you're very close to that age right now! My 1st weaned herself at 2 years 9 months....my 2nd weaned himself at 2 years 6 months...my 3rd weaned himself at 2 years 11 months....now, my 4th child weaned herself at 4 years 7 months, however, she has special needs and, for that reason, it took her longer to "emotionally mature" if that makes sense. She didn't reach that age of "I'm not a baby anymore" (i.e., "I don't need to nurse anymore" until she was over 4 years old) So I would try distraction and a change in routines and see if weaning doesn't just happen on its own! :grouphug: Hang in there, Mama...this is a very brief season in your child's life and you'll be surprised how quickly these days will pass!
  11. Same here!!!!!! The Washington Post was our local paper for over 20 years, till we moved to the Fredericksburg area and now we get the "Free Lance Star" ... ugh.... I drive up to the local 7-Eleven and buy a copy of the Washington Post every Sunday to get a chance to read some real news!!
  12. My oldest daughter has been friends with boys her entire life. She's a "tomboy" by nature and, even when she was younger, she'd rather be out in the woods and climbing trees than playing with dolls or dress up. That hasn't changed at the community college (she's been there for 2 years). She has one or two girl friends...and more than ten boy friends. They all hang out together and she has a great time.
  13. Very well said!!!! Liberals didn't do it all by themselves. They had help. And a lot of it!
  14. :thumbup: Thanks for sharing!! (My nephew is in the Army with the 3rd Infantry 1st Brigade...and served 3 tours of duty in Iraq)
  15. I was going to also suggest that it likely will happen when they become interested in girls!! That's what worked for my brother! When he started to notice girls, you couldn't get him OUT of the bathroom!! He was stealing my blow dryer and asking for fashion advice! (Of course, I was out in the backyard looking for the alien space pod that contained my real brother! :lol:) My 14yo showers w/o being told...but he hasn't yet discovered girls (thankfully!) ... but my 9yo! Oh, he'd wear the same clothes every day if I didn't tell him to take a shower and put on new clothes. :glare:
  16. :lol: Do you mean in general or on this board? ;) Social groups are a way for other like-minded folks to find other like-minded folks! Say you're into cooking, or you have kids in martial arts, or you lean toward unschooling, or you're fond of duct tape....you can find others who share your point of view / perspective, etc. If you're asking where they can be found, click on 'User Control Panel'...then 'Social Groups' is listed on the left hand side...scroll through the list and join any that look appealing to you.
  17. I don't watch much TV... However.... I regularly watch "The Biggest Loser" .. "Law & Order: SVU" ... and "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" Oh! And "Saturday Night Live" during election season :D
  18. I *think* it's called "John and Kate Plus Eight" ... no idea what network it's on, but I know it's one of the cable channels like Lifetime or something.
  19. I saw maybe 15 minutes of an episode, once, and that was enough for me! I couldn't stand the wife / mother. She was shrieking at her husband and smacking him and I realized that I didn't want to waste my time. Haven't tuned in since.
  20. My kids love Fred, too!!!!! Best math purchase I've made in YEARS!!
  21. It took a good week to get used to them...and learning to look down through the bottom of the lens to read. Haven't had a problem with them since then! I'm quite pleased. I used to have to take my glasses off to read (I've been nearsighted since I was 7) and now I don't have to!
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