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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. Porkchops and rice with steamed broccoli. And...the best thing of all!! The hubby is cooking it!!! :hurray:
  2. Politics aren't banned, Scarlett, but 99.9% of threads about abortion - pro or con - get deleted.
  3. She made up the entire incident, according to a newstory linked to CNN. (Not that I fault Senator McCain for this...there are lots of folks out there with emotional / mental health issues) http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/cnn-news/17789356/detail.html PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh police said a 20-year-old woman who originally said she was robbed and assaulted at knifepoint in Bloomfield because of her political views made the story up. Ashley Todd -- who has a backward letter "B" scratched into her right cheek -- confessed to faking the story and will be charged with filing a false report, Assistant Police Chief Maurita Bryant said at a news conference Friday. Todd, of College Station, Texas, admitted there was no robbery or attacker and said she had prior mental health problems, according to Bryant. It's not yet clear whether Todd's face was mutilated by her, or if she had somebody else do it, because a police report states that she told them she can't remember. Todd said she was driving around in her car, looked in her rear-view mirror, saw a "B," and the first thing she thought of was Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama, according to a police report obtained by WTAE Channel 4 Action News. On Thursday afternoon, police reported that Todd told them she was using a Citizens Bank ATM at Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street when a man approached her and put a knife to her throat just before 9 p.m. Wednesday. Police spokeswoman Diane Richard said Todd told them the robber took $60, then became angry when he saw a sticker for Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain on Todd's car. Todd said the man punched and kicked her before using a dull knife to scratch her face, Richard said. "She further stated that the male actor approached her from the back again and hit her in the back of her head with an object, she doesn't know what the object was, causing her to fall to the ground where he continued to punch her and kick her and threaten to 'teach her a lesson' for being a McCain supporter," Richard said. Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank's surveillance cameras. Speaking to Channel 4 Action News on Friday, Richard said police decided to question Todd because the details of her story weren't adding up. "We have learned that the victim's statement has a few inconsistencies in it and her statement has changed," said Richard. Richard said Todd said on Friday she wasn't sure if it was a bumper sticker on her car or a campaign button on her jacket that angered the attacker. Richard said Todd added new details to the attack, saying at one point she lost consciousness. "She also indicated she was sexually assaulted as well. She indicated that when he had her on the ground he put his hand up her blouse and started fondling her. But other than that, she says she doesn't remember anything else. So we're adding a sexual assault to this as well," Richard said. Police said they gave a polygraph test to Todd, but they didn't release the results. Todd said during her follow-up interview that her story had snowballed and gotten out of control, according to the police report. When she told a friend about it and the police were called, she had to stick with it. On Thursday, before police said the story was a fake, both the Obama-Biden and McCain-Palin campaigns released statements about the attack. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice," the Obama-Biden statement said. "The McCain campaign is aware of the incident involving one of its volunteers. Out of respect, the campaign won't be commenting. The campaign also confirms that Senator McCain and Governor Palin have both spoken to the woman," the McCain-Palin statement said.
  4. Excellent point! (I voted for Hillary in the primaries :D) Not to mention that it would be all over every REAL news media market in the nation. Respectable news media like the big three networks, CNN ... not World Net Daily or YouTube.
  5. 11 more days ... and it will all be over .... Please.... I can't count the number of deleted threads we've had over Obama's birth certificiate. Is it real or Memorex?
  6. We have two 3 year old labs - one yellow and one black. They have dog beds in the family room where they sleep, and a fenced-in backyard where they go out to play and...do other things. ;) And they're allowed free access to the main level of the house, but we have a baby gate on the stairs to keep them away from the upper level where the bedrooms are, simply because my 9yo has asthma and the dog hair would make it worse (we discovered that the few times that he's fallen asleep on the couch in the family room, and he woke up coughing).
  7. Welcome!!!!!! (I also have a 14yo Aspie!) Enjoy the boards!!! :seeya:
  8. Excellent post, Night Elf!!!!! :thumbup: Another reason for studying history, btw! (For whoever had that thread going on the board!)
  9. Ohhhhh!!! I love Costco!!!! Actually, our Costco is in between Wal-Mart and Target (directionally, at least!) I love to go there...but only during the week during the day. Saturdays are just too crowded. I love their meat prices!!!
  10. I try NOT to shop at Wal-Mart. I worked in one and I know their practices more than I'd like to! And, we're 25 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart...but it's only 2-3 more miles further to reach Target! Since we're driving that far anyway, I just go another 5-10 minutes more and shop at Target. I much prefer Target anyway! Their selection is better, their salespeople are nicer, and the store is cleaner!
  11. It happens in many places. Our local homeschooling group has a co-op and that co-op was doing an election class. I was reassured that they weren't going to discuss the current election at all. I know that the majority of the members of the group are Christian and I didn't want my sons to feel alone and that they would be the only ones voting for Obama. So I decided not to have them take the class. So I'm at our homeschool meeting Monday night and the mom who's running the class said, "Oh! Our election class was able to take a field trip! We went to the election center / voting area, and all of the kids were able to vote! And the final tally was that 2 kids voted for Chuck Baldwin (the independent) and 18 kids voted for McCain. And, those smart kids! NONE of them voted for Obama!" To say I was shooting laser darts out of my eyes would've been an understatement!!! I'm very glad that I kept my kids out of that class. My son would've been CRUSHED at her response / reaction. NOT that Obama didn't "win" but that he would've been referred to as "not smart" because he didn't vote for McCain.
  12. Awwww...you like me! You really like me!! :001_wub: I try NOT to offend anyone...ever....really!!
  13. I wouldn't know. I don't have anyone on ignore. I'm sure I'm likely on quite a few ignore lists, however! ;)
  14. We're putting hardwood everywhere on the main level, but we're putting DuraCeramic in the kitchen and bathrooms. Real ceramic flooring is very cold and anything you drop on it shatters. I have two dogs and an autistic daughter, who loves to play in the water, so, for us, I couldn't risk having something that would be very slippery if it got wet. And the DuraCeramic looks JUST like ceramic tile -- you can even grout it! So we're installing that next! I hope to have it in by Christmas.
  15. No, she didn't. I watched her like a hawk and both my OB and my pediatrician knew better than to approach her with anything! I even refused an epidural with her (because I'd had one with my son and I was determined to do everything differently). I also made sure that I nursed her longer than I did my son (I nursed my first two for about 2 years...I nursed my third child for 3 years and my youngest for 4 years, because I wanted to make sure she continually received immunity -- because I've had chicken pox and rubella and regular measles, etc., and, as long as you're nursing, your children continue to receive antibodies). She's the healthiest of my 4 children, btw...so I always look to that when I'm considering the vaccine debate. She very rarely gets sick and, when she does, it's very mild and gone within 12 hours or so. Thanks for responding, too! I'm always curious as to what others have done when vaccinating subsequent children after receiving an autism diagnosis!
  16. Psstt....it was Laura (if you're referring to the OP). Not to be confused with me...who also lives in Virginia...and does have a SIL named Laura, who also lives in Virginia... :leaving:
  17. My oldest son had a VERY similar experience!!!! He was talking in sentences until his MMR vaccine at 15 mos and he stopped talking 5 days later. Didn't talk again until he was 4. What have you done about vaccinations for your other children? (If you have had children since this happened?) I ask because we stopped vaccinating after this happened and my youngest child is autistic with severe language delays and she's never been vaccinated. So I never know where I stand in the autism / vaccination debate.
  18. I would guess that it has something to do with the increase in autism spectrum disorders. As to why that's on the rise is open for debate. My 6yo has autism and a severe speech disorder.
  19. Yep!!!! Our newest member is already spamming the Special Needs board! off to report a post...
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