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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. Was that the TV movie thing, "The Day After"? I think it came out around the same time and, boy, did that freak out a lot of people!!!!! I remember that!!
  2. Ditto!! Unless we have company over....or it's someone's birthday, we don't usually have dessert either.
  3. I'm sure it's been there in many elections, but we have the internet now and I think that really, really makes it more prevalent. In the "old days", you had politicians and reporters discussing the elections and maybe a few town hall meetings, but you didn't have every Tom, Dick, and Harry posting their own views via blogs and then having that taken as 'fact' by both sides of the political aisle. I think that's contributed to a great deal of the fear.
  4. gotten a speeding ticket in 30 years of driving had a Mike's been west of the Mississippi traveled outside the US
  5. Great quiz!! And very accurate! Here are my results: Obama - Democratic - 90% match Nader - Independent - 81% match McKinney - Green - 77% match Barr - Libertarian - 54% match Baldwin - Constitution - 36% match McCain - Republican - 18% match - (ouch!)
  6. I was just thinking the same thing!!!!! But...two weeks from now, it'll be a moot point!! :D
  7. I'm so sorry!! :grouphug: We've had to make that decision before, too!! It's such a hard one!!
  8. *I* think we are! I have one brother and his family's as broke as we are, so no issues there! ;) But my hubby has 3 sisters and all 3 work full-time jobs, as do their husbands. They all live in million dollar houses and have maid service to keep it clean. Their children have been in day care since they were 6 weeks old and they're either still in day care, or they're in public school. I have been a stay-at-home mom since my oldest was born 17 1/2 years ago (in the beginning, I did have a part-time job for a few years, while my hubby got his business up and running, but my schedule was flexible so that either myself or my hubby was with our daughter). I feel like I know my kids...and I enjoy my kids. You ought to listen to my sister-in-laws complain during Christmas break and during the summer, when they have to spend more time with their children. :rolleyes: Would I like to make a six-figure salary, live in a million dollar house, and have a maid service? Not really (although there are days when I feel otherwise!). But I don't have to "keep up with the Jones" either....and I like that!
  9. :lol: World Net Daily! What a joke!!! I'd trust the National Enquirer before I trusted anything I saw as a headline in World Net Daily! :lol:
  10. I miss the weather in Virginia Beach!!!!! We always had a least one warm weekend in February and we'd head to the beach! I'm serious! Here? Outside of Fredericksburg? I'm lucky if it stops snowing by March!
  11. "City of Angels"!!!!!!!!!! (with Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage) This movie is rated as "the worst movie ending ever" by my hubby, who has seen many a bad movie in his time!!!! Just hearing the title mentioned makes him groan loudly!
  12. Nope! One of the many advantages of homeschooling!! I expect to find few lines here, if I arrive at the polls between 10 and 11 in the morning (after rush hour and before lunchtime). But, many moons ago, when I worked full-time, I always voted absentee ballot for presidential elections because I hated waiting in line!
  13. Oh I agree!!! I grew up in Virginia Beach and moved to Northern Virginia when I was in my 20s. I'd never seen so much snow in my life!!! It's definitely colder up here!!
  14. Only one year did someone hand out a religious tract. The kids found it in their pumpkins and they were just disappointed that it wasn't edible! ;) My ONE horrid experience with trick-or-treating happened when my oldest son was 4. He has autism, as some of you may know, and he was non-verbal that Halloween .. well, he could say a few words, such as "Mama" and "No" and "Please" ... sort of a toddler-sized vocabulary. And we went up to this one house with the tombstones in the yard, etc. My son was hanging back, shaking his head. He didn't want to go up there. And I told him that it was fine. He didn't have to go. We could go to the next house. So the adults who live in the house were standing there and one of them said, "Awww..come on. It's okay. We won't scare you." So my son bit his upper lip and headed up to them....and they had another adult, hiding inside a coffin..and he jumped up and my son screamed and screamed, hysterically. And these *%&(&(** were LAUGHING at him. Thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen in their lives. I had to take my son straight home after that, and he refused to go trick-or-treating for 3 straight years after that. It wasn't until we moved to another neighborhood that he was willing to go out again...but, even then, he was afraid. He's now too old to go (at 14), but he can still tell you ever minute of that experience (he's very verbal now) and it happened 10 years ago. Now THAT irks me more than someone handing out a tract. (I get tracts handed to me in public from time to time and I just throw them out later)
  15. I certainly did!!! I woke up at 4:30 in the morning because I was freezing!!! Turned the heat on and plugged in the electric blanket 'cause I couldn't wait any longer to be warm! :) Fall is definitely here!! Btw....according to the Farmer's Almanac, we're supposed to get twice as much snow as usual this winter, so get ready!
  16. You might want to consider Oak Meadow. It's secular and a combination of hands-on learning and literature...if I had to describe it in a nutshell! A link is below in my signature line...you can view samples online, too.
  17. Oak Meadow has a 5th grade environmental science curriculum. I'll cut and paste the description: The Environmental Science Syllabus: Gives 36 weekly lessons in ecology, food chains, population, habitats, wildlife conservation, biomes, water and earth ecosystems, pollution, and natural resources and alternatives. The student experiences the natural environment through biome and other observation projects, composting and gardening, and becoming involved in community environmental concerns. Not sure if that's what you're looking for or not...it's $85 and I'll post a link to the site -- or you can view the one in my signature line :) https://www.oakmeadow.com/store/orderitem.cfm?rec_no=90
  18. Does he have any team jerseys or uniforms? My 14yo son never liked wearing a costume (he's on the autism spectrum), but he loved to go as sports players!! One year, he wore a football jersey and sweatpants, and we stuffed everything with old t-shirts to give him that 'padded look', put that black stuff under his eyes, and had him wear cleats. He loved that! He's worn his baseball uniform a few times, too. I've seen many kids wearing their Dad's clothes and going for that 'hobo' look.
  19. Oh I wish I had an ignore button for mine!!! :lol:
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