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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. http://www.noradsanta.org He's left the North Pole and he's on his way! :D Merry Christmas everyone!!!
  2. The only thing I could think of is perhaps vision therapy. My 15yo son did vision therapy several years ago and it really, really helped him, although he wasn't diagnosed with dyslexia (he had other vision issues, especially in regards to visual tracking). Here's an info page from our eye doctor's webpage: http://www.visionsource-fredericksburg.com/index.cfm?content.display&pageID=105 You'll see dyslexia linked under "Learning Related Vision Problems" Hope this helps!
  3. I think I know someone who did NAET, but I'm not sure exactly! This was years ago, when we lived in Maryland. Her daughter was allergic to just about everything...seriously! And intense allergies. Rashes, epi-pen, the whole gamut. She took her to an allergist that was an hour's drive away and they started giving her really, really small doses of what she was allergic to. I think corn was the biggest issue for her, but I think she was also allergic to milk, eggs, soy, and a host of other things. I know she did the treatment for years (and it cost a fortune) but over time, she was eventually able to follow an unrestricted diet. So if this protocol is what NAET is, then it did work for them. But I know it cost them thousands of dollars. They were homeschoolers, and their daughter was their only child. I certainly couldn't afford it, having 4 children! Do you know if your child has allergies? My youngest is allergic to wheat, soy, and dairy (and this has been verified by laboratory testing) and she's improved tremendously after eliminating those foods. Her dairy allergy is very mild and her pediatrician thinks that, after being dairy free for awhile, she might be able to have it again down the road without any problems. The other thing that has really helped my daughter is cod liver oil. She takes it daily and really loves the lemon flavored one. It seems that there are so many "therapies" out there and "cures" -- all of which seem to cost an arm and a leg and it seems that everyone's telling you, "Try this one! Try that one! Try this one over here!" We're staying with the tried and true methods. My daughter receives speech and occupational therapy, and my oldest son, who also has high functioning autism, did vision therapy, which helped him enormously. But...I'm not one to jump on every bandwagon.
  4. Hamsters are known to bite. I've heard Guinea Pigs bite less and they're bigger, so that would allow more cuddling. Maybe Guinea Pig owners will chime in!
  5. I'll try posting mine! We have two feet just outside of Fredericksburg, Virginia -- and a 40% chance of more snow Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
  6. I think that, if it's something they'll enjoy, and won't view as "school", they'll love it. My 15yo son has a WWII encyclopedia, the movie "Patton", and a biography of Patton under the tree. To him, that's fun entertainment and not schoolwork. One year, though, I should wrap up next year's math curriculum and videotape their reactions when they open it! :lol:
  7. Teaching Textbooks Prealgebra also covers all of the basics. It really helped my oldest son, who also struggled with math. He's now up to the Geometry text and scoring 95-100% on every lesson. I just LOVE Teaching Textbooks!! :)
  8. I wrap them and keep them in my walk-in closet. We have a keylock there and it stays locked from the 1st of November until Christmas Eve!
  9. We have 12" on our deck and it's still snowing like crazy!!! We're also under a blizzard warning until 6pm. They closed the main road through town (Rt. 301) so I know it's bad out there!! We're supposed to get another 4" to 12" before it's all over (I'm south-east of Fredericksburg, Virginia). Time for cookie baking and hot cocoa! :D
  10. My oldest dd fell in love with one college, out of the 12 we visited. She decided then that she wanted to go there, and nowhere else, so she didn't submit any other applications. They received over 20,000 applications for 3,000 slots and she was waitlisted. :( But the community college has a guaranteed admission program. If she completes an AA degree with a 3.0 gpa or greater, she's guaranteed to be accepted by her favorite 4 year college, and will be admitted as a Junior. So that's what she decided to do! She has 9 more classes left to go (after her upcoming Spring semester is completed). It's been a blessing in disguise for us, as we're able to send her to the community college for around $5,000 a year (books, tuition, and gas expense), compared to $15,000 a year + for her to attend her favorite 4 year public college. Sending him best wishes and positive thoughts as he makes his decision!
  11. Christmas Eve. My 7yo has autism and piles of wrapped presents would just be too tempting! :D So everything is wrapped and locked in the master bedroom's walk-in closet upstairs.
  12. I'm just outside of Fredericksburg, Virginia. No snow yet...but they're calling for 1 to 2 FEET before it's all over! I've never seen that much snow in my life! :eek:
  13. I'm a retired LaLeche League Leader and my hubby is 100% supportive of breastfeeding, extended nursing, and child-led weaning. It's funny.....I've heard him give nursing advice to friends and family members on numerous occasions (when asked, of course). Everyone's just tickled that he knows so much about it. He tells me that he listened to me give advice in person and over the phone for years...he just paid attention, too! :lol:
  14. 1st - 2 1/2 years 2nd - 2 1/2 years 3rd - 3 years 4th - 4 1/2 years
  15. I have to make playdoh for my youngest, as she's allergic to wheat. Here's my favorite recipe: Stove Top Play Dough 1 1/2 cups finely ground white rice flour (such as Bob's Red Mill) 3/4 cup salt 3 tsp. cream of tartar 1 1/2 cups water 2 tbsp. canola oil *optional food coloring or essential oil for fun scents (such as lavender) Sift together the flour, salt and cream of tartar. Heat water and oil (and food coloring or essential oil if desired) over medium heat in a large saucepan . Add the flour mixture and stir constantly with a spoon until the dough pulls away from the sides of the pan (you may need to add a smidge more water if it's too dry). Place dough onto rice floured counter top and let cool slightly. Knead dough until smooth and no longer sticky. When it feels very similar to regular Play Dough, you are done! Store in an airtight container or resealable plastic baggie.
  16. Yes....according to the Border's website, a new edition is coming out January 21st. :D
  17. This week, I'm making... Fudge -- Peanut Butter & Chocolate Peanut Clusters -- Peanut Butter & Chocolate Bourbon Balls Decorated Sugar Cookies -- Gluten-Free Hershey Kiss Cookies -- Gluten-Free Snickerdoodles -- Gluten-Free Next week, I'm making gluten-free brownies & a pumpkin pie to take to the family Christmas party on the 26th.
  18. My oldest tackled her first math class this semester. She struggled with math the entire time she was homeschooled, and she ended up needing a remedial math class, but she was surprised how much math she knew, compared to the other students in her class. She was surprised that most of them didn't know their times tables, nor did they know how to show their work. The instructor didn't allow calculators in her class and my daughter said most of her fellow students were lost without them. She was given the opportunity to move out of the class, as she missed the cut-off on the placement test by only 10 points, but she wanted to take it anyway, to hone her math skills and brush up on any weak areas and she's very glad she did. She needs a 65 on her final exam on Monday to earn an A in the class, so she's pretty sure she'll make it. ;)
  19. Our youngest is in public school this year, so we're following the school schedule. Her last day is the 18th and she doesn't return until January 4th, so we're taking those same two weeks off in our homeschool. My oldest is at the community college and her last day is Monday and she doesn't return until January 11th! I'm looking forward to some nice and relaxed family time! We'll be doing alot of baking the first week, and then they'll be enjoying their new toys and presents the second week. We're looking forward to the break! :)
  20. My boys enjoy all the Lego Star Wars games! And Super Mario is always a hit, but they didn't enjoy the olympic one that much. They love Wii Sports, which I think comes with the console...or at least ours did. It's a lot of fun! My boys also love Guitar Hero. You have to buy the guitar just once and then it can be used for all of the other games (I think there are close to 10 altogether!)
  21. We have one. The kids enjoy it, especially my youngest. It's easier for her to play than most video game systems. Our X-Box 360 is a HUGE hit with my older kids!! They love it and play with it just about every evening.
  22. Woo hoo!!! My oldest has earned A's on all of her finals so far!!!!!!!!! :party: She has one more to go on Monday, but it's her easiest class. She's extremely relieved!!! Keeping everyone else's college students in my thoughts and send updates everyone!!
  23. My 15yo isn't allowed to turn it on until after dinner. Then he can play until he goes to bed, however long that is. As long as he's up in the morning for breakfast and school, I don't keep tabs on when he goes to bed. Usually it's around 11 or 12. On the other than, he doesn't watch TV or use the computer, except for school-related stuff. I have no limits on X-Box time on the weekends...as long as he helps around the house when he's needed. He loves his video games. :D
  24. I had just graduated from high school and was working my first job while attending community college. I remember studying all night and then turning on the radio to go to sleep (I always slept with music playing) and I wondered why all they were playing was Beatles songs. After 2 or 3 songs, the DJ came on and I heard the news for the first time. I was in shock! I was a huge Beatles fan (my older brother had lived in England during the late 60's and early 70's and he'd gotten me hooked on their music). A sad day in the music world. :(
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