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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. My 19yo averages 5,000 texts a month. Our 15yo doesn't text. No interest in it. We do have the unlimited plan!
  2. We own several video game systems -- a Wii, an X-Box 360, and a Playstation 2. They're all in the basement...hooked up to a TV that's only used for video games. My boys LOVE video games, but they're only allowed to play them after dinner, so it doesn't interfere with schoolwork during the day.
  3. Only our youngest has a TV in her bedroom, and that has a DVD player attached to it (no reception for actual television usage). She watches her favorite movies on it as she falls asleep, and it has a timer doohickey thing that turns it off when the movie she's chosen to watch that evening is over. (We're talking Blues Clues, Dora the Explorer, etc.) But the only TV in the house is in the family room. At least the only one that has reception! :)
  4. My oldest drove a 10 year old Ford Contour with 100,000 miles on it for the first two years of her driving life. It was given to us for free by my SIL, but it finally bit the dust in December. So we bought her a brand new 2010 Ford Focus for Christmas...and she loves it!! We got a great deal on it because it was a stick shift (the only one on the lot that was). Of course, she had to have her Dad drive it home from the dealership and teach her how to drive it! It took her a day or two, but now she adores it! For her, driving is essential, as she's commuting 45 miles each way to college, and she does it 2-3 days a week. She has to have her own car.
  5. Thinking of using this for my youngest son next year. I've read previous posts where, if you do science every day, which we do (my son is a science lover!), then you can complete Year 1 and Year 2 in one year. What would I need to purchase as far as supplies go?? If I bought the Complete Kit for Year 1, would I just need the Lab Notebook for Year 2? Or do I need to add in another consumable supply kit? Thanks in advance!
  6. We do school in our dining room. We have a large pine table that comfortably seats 6. For storing school supplies, I use the matching hutch. It's a huge piece of furniture so it has lots of shelves, drawers, and cabinets to hold all of our books and materials. Against another wall, I have a computer desk and that's where the kids' computer is. It's convenient to use for schoolwork that way and, on the days that my youngest is home, I can have her there with us, playing on the computer, while the boys have their regular school day.
  7. How can I sign up for the Mousesavers Newsletter?? We're planning a trip to Disney in February! Thanks! :)
  8. My hubby is pulling for MARYLAND -- Go Terps!! I'm pulling for KENTUCKY -- Go Wildcats!! Our 10yr old just brought his sheet to me. What a surprise...same as every year, he's picking DUKE -- Go Blue Devils!! We're filling out our sheets today -- we play as a family and the winner gets to pick their favorite restaurant and we all go out to dinner. We're just hoping our youngest doesn't win, as we'll be forced to endure a night at Chuck E. Cheese! :lol:
  9. Soy seems to really affect my youngest. It makes her extremely irritable and upset.
  10. We do table work first...English and Math, followed by Art....then we have lunch. After lunch, we do Science and History. It works out well because science always seems to involve the kitchen in some way, and we're already in there after lunch. For history, we usually wind up on the couch in the family room, so I often save Reading for after history, since they're already sitting down.
  11. :grouphug: I could've written a similar post! My youngest is autistic and I can't imagine disciplining her for something she has no control over! I don't even want to think what the Pearls would suggest that I do to my daughter when she shrieks at the top of her lungs or bites herself. (Not to mention what they'd think about the fact that she's still not completely potty trained at the age of 8). We treat her with love and compassion and respect....the same way we treat all of our children.
  12. My oldest is at the community college and she had a sociology class last semester with a similar requirement -- and she couldn't stand it!! She complained about the same thing --- guess that's what 13 years of homeschooling will do to a kid! :lol: And participation on the discussion board was required for the class. She couldn't "opt out of it".
  13. My 18yo is in college, so her computer is in her room...no limits. I don't read her emails...check her history...she's an adult and hasn't given us any reason to worry in the past. The kids' computer is in the school room / dining room, and that's the one the other three kids use. So I know what they're viewing. My youngest is on Nickelodeon 99% of the time. The two boys look for alot of stuff related to their video games (cheat codes and hints and the like). The younger three don't have email addresses or access to chat rooms, etc. As for time spent...my youngest probably spends an hour a day on the computer. My boys spend less time than that. They really don't use it that much. It's more of an "information finder" than anything else. My 18yo spends ALOT of time online! Most of her college homework is submitted online and she chats with her friends from school when she's not actually there.
  14. LOL! I very good friend of mine is from Buffalo and she's told me stories that are hard to believe! She lived next door to me when we lived in Maryland and we got...like 6 inches of snow and she had her 5yo dressed and was out waiting for the school bus with him. I called out to her and told her the schools were closed and she didn't believe me! She said, "In Buffalo, we call this SPRING!" :D
  15. Blizzard warning here near Fredericksburg, Virginia! It's snowing like crazy...we have at least 3" of new snow...on top of the 17" we got last weekend!! Arrghhh....but...only 38 days until Spring! :D
  16. Snowing like crazy outside of Fredericksburg, Virginia this morning! I would estimate we have about a foot on the ground already...and it's supposed to snow for another 12 to 14 hours! eek!!! Many, many are without power. We're still up and running...for the moment at least!
  17. We have about 7 inches here on the ground outside of Fredericksburg, Virginia, but we're getting a mix of snow and sleet at the moment. Our total expected amount has been lowered to 12-18 inches, but my two SILs who live in Loudoun County are expecting 36-40 inches!!! We have power and heat, though!! I hope it lasts through the night at least!
  18. Ditto! It really started snowing here near Fredericksburg about 30 minutes ago and it's sticking quickly.
  19. My SIL just left Harris Teeter (she lives in Loudoun County, Virginia .. South Riding area). No milk...no bread...no orange juice. My hubby was at the Super Walmart in Fredericksburg, Virginia this morning and said the meat section was sold out. Completely. :willy_nilly: We've had steady light snow for about 3 1/2 hours so far, but really no accumulation yet to speak of...
  20. Nothing here yet! I'm outside of Fredericksburg, Virginia. My husband has left in search of propane. Wish him luck! :lol: My little one's elementary school is closed today and the community college where my oldest attends has already closed through Sunday. Our latest weather prediction is 16 to 24 inches (and we have several inches on the ground already from the last storm!) But we went to the grocery store on Wednesday and stocked the pantry and bought a few videos to watch. Will be rooting for the Saints on Sunday!!! :party: WHO DAT? EDITED TO ADD -- Spoke too soon! It's snowing outside at 9:30am!! Here it comes, folks! :D
  21. For those of you who get Channel 7, the weatherman this morning said that we'll measure this one in YARDS! :willy_nilly: My kids are loving it....not so sure if I am! :lol:
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