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Everything posted by Um_2_4

  1. OCD/OCPD??? or Anxiety issues maybe?? I saw it in Dec I think, maybe before the board change?? Someone posted they had success with some natural treatments instead of prozac/zoloft etc?? I tried search and nothing. (search still isn't working ??) If it can't be found, has anyone had any success with treatment for these using supplements??? I googled it and didn't find much in the 1st page or two, other than to confirm that I am 99% sure that is what person A has. They are anti-drugs, but more than willing to take supplements. Thanks for any help!
  2. Only pinterest to keep track of stuff I might find useful (I'm working on making my own curriculum for my 2nd language for PreK). Can't stand the rest....
  3. Dragon box of course Montessori words lite (for moveable alphabet for aas use with mom) Einstein math academy spelling space Hyperblast (math game by jumpstart) Amazing alex Doodle physics lite Word dominos Usa map puzzle Educational comic maker Chicken math Learning gems Ninja math My daughter (1st grade) likes: eggy 100 Sight words (by 22learn) First grade learning games (has an owl for the icon, i upgraded this one to full, has math and LA) And i use kids place to allow only access to the apps I want them to use at that moment.
  4. As someone who had severe ( as in anaphalytic shock severe) reactions to some common medications, I would prepare a letter and explanation page of what meds you can't have and brief explanation about your reactions etc. Maybe print on neon paper and insist it be included in your file and mail one to the head of the ob dept at the hospital and head of the anesthology (sp? Lol I'm on my nook) in addition to meeting with someone at the hospital to discuss. You are your own best advocate. I know you don't expect a cs, neither did I, but things happen and it's good to have a plan in place. Do you wear a medic alert bracelet or the like? You never know when an emergency will occur, when the twins were 11 weeks I ended up in the er needing my appendix out.
  5. I had been looking for an app to use with AAS for my 2 oldest and found a free one called montessori words lite (sorry don't know how to link from my nook). It has a "moveable alphabet" option on it that works great. Of course it doesn't have the specalized vowel/consontant team tiles. It doesn't pronounce the word for you, but I actually prefer that as it forces dc to pronounce it. Just thought I would share since I saw word wizard for the ipad mentioned.
  6. I would keep a diet log for her till then as starches can also make me nauseous. If the gi dr sees a pattern, hopefully, he might recognize what is triggering the episodes.
  7. I was diagnosed at 5 with hypoglycemia. I lived till 14 on a no sugar diet, till a dr told my parents I wasn't hypoglycemic. No sugar diet did not matter, I had weight and hormone problems since puberty hit at 12. At 22 I find out that was only part of the problem... I actually have hyperinsilunimeia (sp? lol). My body makes too much insulin and has become insulin resistant. So I take Metformin just like a diabetic. This leads to a HOST of other problems: PCOS among others. Most Drs are uneducated about it. I am hungry pretty much all the time. Get sick in the am if I do not eat protein before bed, etc. Only test for this is a fasting insulin test, which most drs just don't order. They just order a fasting blood sugar test and if it is in the "normal" range, they refuse to do the other test! Insist! I am looking for a new Ped because I'm pretty sure oldest DS has the same thing, but they refuse to test for it. Ok rant over, but do insist on further testing. I wish my parents had, so I would have known this young instead of finding out at 22.
  8. Ok another question, so I took omega 3 while pg with all of them, but WHY do you give your kids them? You don't have to get too detailed, but what have you seen improvements in? My main thing is mood (anxiety issues) for oldest DS, concentration for oldest DD and just ??? for youngest DS... Youngest DS (I think) has some sort of sensory issues and maybe OCD or OCPD???? I still need to get him in to a DR for this, but in the meantime.... Omega swirl has great reviews, but it looks like the content is diluted some vs a straight oil, so I'll have to look into how that translates to serving size. My kiddos don't usually drink juice, so mixing it in is not an option, so I prefer something they will drink "straight up" lol.
  9. Thanks I found the 8 ounce of the nordic naturals liquid for $21.20 here:http://www.amazon.com/Nordic-Naturals-Childrens-Strawberry-16oz/dp/B004T7DYOO/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1357148104&sr=8-9&keywords=nordic+naturals That is 96 doses, so 24 day supply and about .89 per day for all 4 kids. Has anyone tried the liquid, if so how did it taste? My kiddos will take the liquid tylenol still if that is any reference point. I could buy the larger size, but want to try the flavor first...so any input there would be helpful Also how long to give it a try for?? a month...when did you see results??
  10. Do you have it set to require a password for purchases? Is this a nook color? On my nook color I need a password even for free books/apps. Also nook color has a free downloadable "safe kids" app that lets them only see what you put there for them.
  11. Looking for a recommendation on an omega 3 product for all 4 kiddos... Needs to: taste good LOL My kids chew multi vitamins so no problem there, in fact prefer chewable over liquid MUST be gelatin free (fish content OK) If none are gelatin free, then what is the best liquid? Anyone try this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002VLZ8C6/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_2?ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Also reasonable price, because I need a month's supply for 4 kids... so if you know dosage also that would be great! Thanks for any help! :seeya:
  12. amazing alex? (I have this on a droid tablet, so not sure about ipad, but i assume it is available)
  13. It depends more on the family than the country, if she usually asks for cheese only pizza, i would assume they do follow halal.
  14. And according to islamic law we can use vinegar as long as it has not turned to wine. I studied extensively for almost 17 years from many countries and this is the 1st time i heard this unless maybe she is from Iran.
  15. I would stick to fish or vege. And if she is coming over that day, i would skip the "present" as that would put her in an uncomfotable and questionable position. Her parents may or may not have taught her, but she would probably not want to accept it as it is a symbol of something you do, not a muslim holiday or tradition. Usually if muslims are knowledgable about their religion ( and unfortuantly some are not) they do not participate in non-muslim traditions. I don't visit my non-muslim freinds/family on that day because i don't want to deal with all that. I may get flamed for this but it is the truth. Please excuse typos i'm on my nook!
  16. After my cs i would NOT have been ok alone. I think it was about 8 weeks before i felt 90%, and i have a high pain tolerance or so i've been told by l&d nurses. Could u find a mommy's helper (teen or college student) to come by after school/classes? they could at least do some heavy lifting (pick up etc) and sit with the littles to let you nap or shower.
  17. I second bones, also covert affairs, royal pains (if u like med dramas, but this one is set in the hamptons, some romance).
  18. Just be prepared that with twins, things can take a quick turn . I would ask your dr also, because every hospital i know of requires twins to be delivered in the operating room, reg delivery or c/s. I ended up last minute c/s because baby A turned from vertex to transverse last week of my pg and had a tramatic c/s.....so glad dc were home with mil instead of there at the hospital.
  19. This thread almost made me choke on my kung pao chicken. Really it should come with a warning label! Cereal here on sale can go down to 1.50-2.00 a box, so that is when i stock up. With coupons i've gotten down to .75/box. If there is a homeschooler's membership card, i'm pretty sure mine would be revoked for letting the twins watch leapfrog videos while i teach the olders!
  20. oh..i feel that way too when reading here sometimes... and as the only homeschooler in my circle really.. I know some think that of me... I was never taught to cook/clean/do laundry (my house wan't dirty... I just (don't shoot me) grew up with a maid, not live in mind you, but my mom and I never had to do any of that stuff). My parents taught me school/university was my only job.. I went on a full ride to enginerring school....then life took a turn from my plans and I ended up married with 4 kids and at home (which I love, don't get me wrong, I just don't love the cleaning/laundry that go with it)... Learning to cook/clean etc in your 20s is much harder in my opinion b/c no one is there to show you. DH grew up with an (i'm pretty sure) OCD mom and 2 OCD sisters (who I love dearly, don't get me wrong, but they stress me out) who did everything for him. despite what he thinks these things are not "common sense"....plus I am just slower at these things than someone who has done it since they were small...dishes take me longer, mopping the floor takes me longer... My house is clean (not white glove) most of the time, we have a formal living room for unexpected guests, a quick dust and it would be ready, although I would have to do a quick clean of the guest bath since DC use that during the day. School books are my love and nemisis at the same time...since moving we now have a library (spare bedroom filled with bookshelves) for books/puzzles/computers so now I can shut that door when needed. Family room is only a tv,couch and treadmill and is open to the eat in kitchen...that gets vaccummed/mopped daily as it is where we spend 90% of our time. Upstairs gets cleaned on weekends...Laundry is done on weekends..that is the best I can do for now. Cooking ....I am in a rut on that one. I need to make a list of menus...I am struggling to keep it to $600/mo including non-food items as well. only dh eats out (work lunches) and he has $100/mo for spending money. Otherwise I send him leftovers/snacks. I have cut out most, not all, processed foods, but oldest DD is VERY picky (I think she may have sensory issues, but how do you diagnosis that???) and she is underweight, so I buy "treats" for her that would ordinarly not be in the budget. DS on the other end will eat most anything and is on the husky side (tall and big) like his uncles so doc said to limit carbs/sugar (already did) till he hits a heigth growth spurt. But cooking from scratch for me is stir fry and rice, meatloaf and sides, hamburgers/coleslaw, homemade pizza, roast in crockpot, roasted chicken, etc... Anyone have anyother ideas???? I LOVE stuffed grape leaves, egg rolls, tons of other time consuming dishes but don't have the time to make them. DH would love those elaborate dinners, but I DON'T have time. The twins (1 is non verbal and I think OCD, other is just demanding) take up a lot of my time as does school work for the older 2. We cut extras outside now b/c of budget and now we are without a car except for DH's for work till we find another one...Kids haven't left the house for 2 weeks... I do grocery shopping on sun am while dh stays with the kids as we don't all fit in Dh's car. School has improved since I did workboxes, I put review/independant work in there for the older 2 so now those things are getting done daily, but I have to struggle to find quiet time to teach the older 2 the subjects that need one on one instructions b/c of the 2 3yos...the minute they see me sit down with 1 of the older 2 then they demand my attention, they have there own "workboxes", I can redirect them to something new in there, but it is just another interruption to deal with. We don't do LOTs of extras.. I moved art to SAT am. History is reading, Science is done maybe 2x a week. I try to make sure that we focus on the things we need to work on: handwriting, spelling, math. Work out HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA...sorry that is hysterical... only if wrangling 3yos for changing clothes counts, oldest DS says it should be an olympic sport (that and toddler diaper changing) Organic... NOPE can't afford it...kids eat 2-3 pounds of fruit for snacks a day, I usually pay .50/lb or less for bananas, apples, pears ,tangerines, oranges etc thanks to local ethnic markets here, otherwise I couldn't afford it. Organic bananas are 1.98/lb here, organic apples 2.58 last I saw. Lunch is leftovers or sandwiches (PB, tuna, quesdilla, grilled cheese), with fruit/veges Snacks are (besides fruit) wheat thins, breadsticks (for dd), pretzels, oldest ds needs protein at snack time so pb(natural), peanuts or tuna to go with it. DH keeps hinting that it would be cheaper to make my own bread since I only buy 100% whole wheat...but I pay .99/loaf at outlet bakery, so nope it's not...we use 4 loafs a week. Sorry for rambling, just this topic is often on my mind
  21. My kids are also young, but we won't be doing any sleepovers, not just b/c of the issue in 1st post, but for a multitude of additional reasons...like the misinformation that someone mentioned... Just dosen't fit with our family...not to mention my memories of sleepovers was not the best....
  22. Internet AHHHHHHH or computers AHHHH But I'm back now, although alot has changed apparently. You just don't realize how much you rely on computers when homeschooling... forget that all my recipes are online. etc.... But we got 2 new laptops (well used, but new to us) and a tablet !!! So.... off to read
  23. Thanks everyone for the info, I will most likely be HSing overseas for part of next year. I will be back, we will probably be going just for 6mos, so with 6 people traveling, I will take all 12 bags! I HOPE that is enough books to last. I will take some tablets and laptops ( we SHOULD have hi speed internet). Anyone who had internet, did you have problem accessing any sites you normally use for school? (I'm thinking of the twins, starfall, pbskids, etc. Also we have jumpstart subscription for all)
  24. Yeah since they didn't specify HOW they would ship, I would have expected priority mail and that can take 2-3 days depends where it is. Do you have a tracking number or Delivery confirmation number? Did you check on usps site? Sometimes it says friday, but I get it thursday anyway. They don't always scan it at every point. USPS told me with delivery confirmation they only HAVE to scan it at pickup to put it in the system and at delivery to provide proof. Did they ship it LATE tuesday, cuz then USPS doesn't count that in the 2-3 business days also for Priority? I've never had priority mail deliver in 1 day unless they were in the same town.
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