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Denise in IN

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Everything posted by Denise in IN

  1. Oh, that's fun! I just wasted a half hour....and it's all. your. fault. :D
  2. Oh, dear Jenne, I'm so very sad for you. Many prayers and hugs for you today and in the coming weeks.
  3. I bought mine from this Ebay store: Sierra Rope Products. Great price, great service.
  4. It's good to see you back! Congrats on finishing the race. 13.1 miles is about...oh, say 13 miles farther than I could run right now. :001_unsure: I'm so glad to hear that you had some time away with your family and with Hans. The pictures on your blog are beautiful - love the beach!
  5. This is a great idea. We do a "light day" on Friday, but I may rework our schedule and just do Science & Art on Fridays. We need something different for the spring!
  6. What a lot for you to deal with in one day! I do hope the doctor's are able to help your son. We have friends whose son just had surgery in December for his sunken chest (he is 16). He actually had a second surgery a couple of months later to adjust the bar, but I think he is doing well now. It's such a hard thing to face medical issues with our children! I'll be praying for you and your family. :grouphug:
  7. Hi Camy! It's good to see you here, do come by more often if you can. :)
  8. You know what this means, don't you? In order to complete the cycle, you'll need to do this: boy, boy, boy, girl, girl, girl, boy, boy...boy, girl, girl, girl :eek: Isn't that exactly what you want to hear in your last trimester??!! :001_rolleyes: :D
  9. How exciting for you...hopefully baby will cooperate and "show" him/her little self completely! ;) I was so happy with my last pregnancy that I had reached "Advanced Maternal Age" status, so insurance would pay for the midway ultrasound!
  10. How wonderful! What a happy day for you and your family. I love the pictures. The smile on your dh's face is the best!
  11. We'll miss you, for sure. I will pray for focus, wisdom and perseverance for you! May God protect your family through this year. Will you still blog occasionally?
  12. Joanne, it seems like you're getting hit with all kinds right now. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. No advice or knowledge on the insurance, but prayers and :grouphug: for you and your family!
  13. What a bum deal for you. Hope you can work something out without too much of an ordeal (and extra $$).
  14. Hey, we're not so far apart! Not that I've been to South Bend too many times...but we're like WTM board neighbors! :D
  15. How exciting! You will have a great time (and you will come back and tell us all about it, right?) :D
  16. Mindy, this is a great idea! I'll have to talk to dh about considering this. We haven't traveled much yet with our kids, but we'd like start doing some as they're getting old enough. Getting to all 50 states would give some direction to our planning! So, when will you go to Hawaii (one of my favorite places in the world) and Alaska?
  17. This rain is making me crabby too. It's so grey outside. Yuck! And PLEASE don't say snow. The beautiful sunny weather we had earlier this week spoiled me! My boys are making me batty too. Now I have to know...where are you in northern Indiana? I'm in the Ft. Wayne area. (If you don't want to put you specific location online, you can pm or e-mail me!)
  18. Probably group PMS... :boxing_smiley: (I've been looking for a reason to use that boxing smiley!) :p
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