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Laura Corin

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Everything posted by Laura Corin

  1. The Queen at least eats frugally - I don't know about Prince Philip - and they both have exercised all their lives and done a job of work into old age.
  2. I heard an explanation of this. Most smells are made up of many elements that on their own don't necessarily smell good. When you lose the ability to smell some of the elements, the residue may be unpleasant.
  3. England is really keen on easy access, it seems. My brother has now been offered vaccination appointment times by his GP, the large vaccination hub at the football stadium and ...some other facility. All first shots. All because he turned 65 on his NHS record. They are enthusiastic but not entirely coordinated.
  4. We don't have anything set in summer - its a temperate climate Normally somewhere around 17 degrees C in winter, so about 63 degrees F. We switch off the heat at night.
  5. Sorry - two different courses. Light first course, then...... pancakes!
  6. Sunny, windy weather. I came back sweating from a brisk walk, having worn too many clothes. Yoga later before pancakes. Running tomorrow.
  7. Counting down: about four hours from now. Pan-fried haddock with green veg; lots of pancakes with lemon and sugar.
  8. I think I grew up with granular sugar but now I prefer icing sugar, which is powdery.
  9. Yes. Lemon juice and sugar. But our pancakes are crepes, so you put the topping on then roll them up. I'll be doing that for Shrove Tuesday today. Eta I think that it's the whole of the UK
  10. Just a note: well-insulated homes are not only important in cold places, they reduce energy consumption in hot places that use air conditioning too.
  11. Interesting short podcast on the new trial taking place seeing about the efficacy and safety of using two different vaccines (e.g. Pfizer for first dose, Oxford for second, or vice versa). It's being investigated to see if it improves immune response, not only just in case of vaccine shortages. https://www.theguardian.com/science/audio/2021/feb/16/covid-19-why-mix-and-match-vaccines-podcast
  12. Running today: the temperature has come up about 10 degrees C in the past three days and the snow has melted. The beach was positively balmy. Ran about 1.5 miles very slowly. I'll do some yoga after I finish hoovering. I forgot to say that a few days ago I saw one of my neighbours skating on a frozen flooded field. She said she hadn't been able to do that in 25 years. Stay warm @Dreamergal. I know you chose to live there for the warmth...
  13. Lovely walk up the valley with my son. It's a bit slushy but fine under foot. Our dog ran in so many circles and is now crashed out by a radiator. The rest of the day was essay writing, so I'll do some bedtime yoga. The temps are meant to be well above freezing this week, so I'm looking forward to running.
  14. In the UK I'm not eligible yet. My mother had her first jab before Christmas and her second in January - the vaccinators went to her care home. My 65yo brother was called by his GP one week after his birthday - when he entered the eligible tier - and invited to come for his first vaccination a week later.
  15. Thank you - I realised that I had good candidates for inner socks: the light mohair ones that I wear on their own in spring and summer. I layered my Smartwools, which are looser, over the top. My insulated boots are roomy enough to cope. I just took a short walk, but my feet felt pretty good. I had planned to run today, but it's really cold. I'm working on an essay today instead, and I'll try to run tomorrow, when it's meant to be about 5 degrees C warmer.
  16. Good snowy walk yesterday - hard work through the snow up the hill. Easy yoga later. @wintermom @FarmingMomma other snow people - what socks do you wear for going outdoors in winter? I have a history of chilblains, and my current snow wear isn't working. I wear medium weight smartwools and Oboz snow boots. Should I get thicker Smartwools or sock liners? Or both? Other ideas? Thanks
  17. https://www.recoverytrial.net/news/tocilizumab-reduces-deaths-in-patients-hospitalised-with-covid-19
  18. Three weeks after first vaccination (mostly Pfizer), 67% protection from symptomatic disease. In video at at 3 minutes 45 (data from 45,000 contributors): https://www.youtube.com/watch?mc_cid=ce87b2f843&mc_eid=5df5c35ab8&v=B3YtJYsZuYU&feature=youtu.be
  19. Wool socks and fluffy slippers. When I sit still I sometimes wrap a throw round my feet. Think about putting down a rug or mat if you have hard floors. Drafts under doors might make you cold too - put a blanket under doors.
  20. My brother had the vaccination - it was Pfizer. He has a slightly sore arm and a stuffy nose, but the latter might be because he cycled back in the cold afterwards (after the waiting period).
  21. I live in an early nineteenth century house in Scotland. We will be renovating once the pandemic is over, aiming for about 17 degrees C inside (around 62 F), but currently it's around 14 degrees (57 F). We could really crank up the heat, but we are not sure that the boiler would cope, given the current poor insulation. It has been sitting at just below freezing outside recently - we have snow on the ground. There is a question of habit - I was really uncomfortable at my parents in law's place in Texas in winter, heated to 72 degrees F. It felt hot and unseasonable. I grew up in a late eighteenth century house in England, and bundling up feels cosy. ETA: there's the environmental aspect: I can make myself comfortable with clothes and am not using extra fuel to heat the house, when all that is needed is to heat the two inches around my body. The outer layers of clothes are not washed often, as they don't touch my body, so I'm doing barely more washing than I would if I wore fewer layers. Meanwhile, I'm reducing pollution.
  22. Yes. I am wearing Smartwool socks, fleece lined walking trousers, baselayer, turtleneck, fleece, down vest, fingerless gloves . I can move easily and take off layers I use a throw on my knees sometimes.
  23. Managed to get back to the beach today to run. I couldn't get the Garmin app to let me rejoin the training programme because of the big gap and because of its being the wrong day of the week. So I just ran very slowly for twenty minutes. it felt good and the weather was stunning: blue skies and no wind. I'll do some gentle yoga later. Weight a long way up - I've been eating whilst exercise has been difficult, which is not a good plan.
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