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Everything posted by jensway

  1. My First Lab Microscope. It was like $90.
  2. I have found that when packing for a move this is a great time to get rid of stuff. When packing I looked at the item and decided if I like it enough to pack and unpack it again, if the answer is no then out to the trash it went. When my son was younger we moved several times, hubby was working and I was at home with the little one so I was blessed with being the one to pack most of the house up. I understand how you feel! Just keep thinking how it will feel to be in your new place and the move behind you.:grouphug:
  3. Don't know if this is what you are looking for, but we got this one 2 yrs. ago for our son when he was 8. We did the looking at different kinds of bugs also. Now he's in 5th and we are still using it to look at different kinds of cells. It is very sturdy. We got ours at Hobby Lobby. Here's a link so you can check it out. http://www.physlink.com/estore/cart/MyFirstLabMicroscope.cfm
  4. Elegantlion--all I can say is :rofl::rofl:
  5. We all have had our first one this season as well. DS 2 weeks ago, me and hubby last week. Best thing we found was decongestants to keep the gunk from building up and turning into an infection. We also used a netti pot--it is a nasal wash system. Take a break from school and let everyone get some much needed rest. :grouphug:
  6. Prayers for a quick recovery. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  7. Enjoy the time you have him there! Keep us updated on how things are going.
  8. Gosh I sure hope not, because then they will come after mine as well! I don't really care for lapbooks either.:eek:
  9. Isn't that the truth. Not to mention my ds only lacks about 5 inches to be as tall as I am. Won't be long and will be looking eye to eye. I also feel truly blessed to have him in my life.:thumbup:
  10. Everything we have tried from that site has been really good!
  11. I'm glad you had such a great time. Nothing like getting back to something you love to do after a hiatus.:001_smile:
  12. Sorry that you are having to deal with all of this. I'm glad that everyone is OK. Prayers and thoughts for you all.:grouphug:
  13. Congratulations on your new baby boy! :party::hurray: Hope you get some rest soon.
  14. Gina, You might try looking here: http://www.totallyfreemath.com/ http://www.glencoe.com/sec/math/prealg/mathnet/pr01/act_01/stguide.htm http://www.xpmath.com/ http://www.jamesbrennan.org/algebra/ http://www.hippocampus.org/ Hope these help! :grouphug:
  15. We have friends that have been using Jump In and their dc love it. I have a very reluctant writer or even better a non existent writer and I have decided that we will be using this curriculum next year. I really need to get him writing something.
  16. I appreciate the book recommendations. I'm going to check with our speech therapist and library to see if they have them I could borrow them.:001_smile:
  17. You crack me up! :lol: Hope you chose the neigh-ked buff color.
  18. Whew, glad to hear you were successful at getting the bug out of there! Thanks for the flush, flush advice--here's hoping that I won't ever have to use it.
  19. That is really cool! We don't do that much art around here--guess because it's not really one of my favorites. I think I need to borrow your hubby once a week or better yet I could just send DS over to your house for art with your guys.
  20. Will be praying for you to get some much needed rest. I am like you, might as well stay up than go to sleep then have someone wake me up as they need me. I do find that if I just rest it is much better. :grouphug:
  21. Had my gallbladder out 2.5 yrs. ago. To keep the gallbladder calm prior to surgery I would avoid fatty, fried, spicy and hard to digest foods such as raw vegetables (salads) or eggs. Also caffeine is not great at this time.
  22. No words to say just :grouphug: for you.
  23. I used Sing, Spell, Read and Write with my son years ago and he loved it. We had friends that had bought it for their kids and my son fell in the year between their kids using it, so we borrowed it and only had to buy my son's workbook. So I bought 2 workbooks--1 for my son and 1 for their next kid that would be using the curriculum. This was a real blessing for us.
  24. Thanks for posting this. :001_smile: My son just loves to read.
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