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Annie Elle

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Everything posted by Annie Elle

  1. You are not alone. I am quite done with my dd13 daily crying over her school work, her attitude and acting like she knows everything. She does NOT do well with being corrected.
  2. Yes, buy lefty scissors but otherwise teaching a lefty is no different. My lefty has better handwriting than my righties!
  3. I would like to have one but don't because of the septic tank. We have spent too much money on our septic system to take any chances.
  4. I enjoy This American Life and Radiolab. They both share stories of people. I also enjoy Science Friday and America's Test Kitchen.
  5. I use this for my 12lb min pin mix. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002RJM8C/ref=twister_B00280MRBK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 For such a little puppy, maybe file or finger nail clippers until she gets older?
  6. I've been a nurse for 18 years. I wish I could say my experience was the same as the OP. The times I have been chewed out by a doctor on a power trip are few and far between but they stand out. To be honest, it just makes the doctor look like a fool and I wish they could see that. There are jerks everywhere, even in medicine. My husband is a nurse too. It is interesting how these jerk mds will treat a male nurse different from a female nurse.
  7. We used to have an Odyssey but now have a Pilot. I loved the Odyssey when the kids were smaller. Minivans are so practical with little kids. Once the kids got older we traded it in for a Pilot. I love my Pilot. Since we only have 3 kids, I only use the third row seat when I am carrying extra kids. Without the third seat, the back has a ton of room. Ours has almost 100,000 miles on it and we have had only to change to oil and the tires.
  8. I have always worked part time and homeschooled. It can be challenging but rewarding too. Though the kids have gotten busier as they have gotten older, they help out more. We work as a team. My kids know that my salary buys the cools things they get to do so they help quite a bit with the household work that needs to be done. There is no way I could work, teach, cook, get them to all their activities and keep up with the housework. I've tried to teach them that to live is to work. It is a fact of life and has to be done. Whining and complaining about it only hurts them and learning to be a productive person leads to satisfaction. School is part of that work. Homeschooling is flexible and I am so thankful for that. We do school a lot on Saturdays. When I am working, each kid has a list of school that they must get done. They would have received instruction on how to do everything on the list on the day before. I sometimes use an older kid to give a spelling test or listen as a younger kid reads but don't do this very often. On my days off, I spend a lot of individual time with each kid, going over the work that was completed and new lessons. Because of my kids ages and abilities, none of them can be combined in any subjects. Also as the kids get older, I use more online classes but I am aware of the work they are doing in those classes. The kids do most of the housework so I focus on school when I am off.
  9. Based on what you have said, your father would fit criteria for hospice services as long he is not receiving aggressive or curative treatment. If he lives longer than 6 months and I hope he does, hospice services would continue. Palliative radiation is an option but not all hospices will take on the cost of it. Hospice social workers are amazing. They know how the system works and how to get the benefits needed. I love the social workers I work with. The Medicare Hospice Benefit does not pay for 24hr/ 7day week in home care. It will pay for in home continuous care for out of control symptoms, 5 day periods of respite care (there is no limit to the amount of respite care you receive, the 5 day periods cannot be stacked on top of one another), and general inpatient care in a hospital or hospice facility for out of control symptoms. Medicaid Hospice Benefit will pay for 24 hr care in a nursing home. My hospice takes care of many patients who live in nursing homes. The VA also has their own hospice program. It sounds like your family is dealing with a lot. I am so sorry. My father was an Air Force Veteran too. And I felt he was let down with the care he received.
  10. Please contact your hospice. They should have a bereavement program that can help.
  11. I am so sorry your family is going through this. I am a hospice nurse and there is so much hospice can do for your family. Hospices are required to offer respite and cna services. Hospice social workers can also help connect you to local services that can help too. Nurses can help manage meds and can give 24 hr care if his symptoms escalate. If your father has Medicare I can answer specific questions you may have. All hospices are required to offer the same services through the Medicare Hospice benefit. I edited this to add that not all hospices are created equal. Please choose carefully. The hospice I work for is a non profit with our own hospice house. In the past I have also worked for a for profit hospice and felt like I had to constantly fight to get the things I felt my patients needed.
  12. We use Spelling Workout. It's a workbook but gets the job done. Sequential Spelling would be good for multiple ages.
  13. I was an out of state student at Georgia Southern many years ago and earned my degree there. We are also looking at my son attending there next fall. I am pretty familiar with Statesboro too. It is a party school but easy to avoid all that. There are great social opportunities that do not revolve around sororities. Be aware that GSU football is huge in Statesboro. I have heard good things about the honors program and have a friend whose daughter is in it but don't know anything about the English program. The campus has expanded quite a bit since I graduated and would not consider it an easily walkable school. I think there is a bus system now. A bike would be excellent way to get around campus.
  14. Flash cards and xtramath did not help my kid who struggles with math facts. Times Tales is awesome and helped him tremendously. http://www.timestales.com
  15. Me too. I have not had a cycle in 5 months even though several times I had symptoms where I thought I was going to start. Moodiness, irritability, insomnia, hot flashes...not fun. There is something wrong when taking a pregnancy test and needing reading glasses to see the result. :-) And God has a sense of humor to have me going through peri/menopause and my children going through puberty at the same time.
  16. That's horrible! What's wrong with him? Crazy. How is your Mom doing? Was he arrested?
  17. Yes, I love it too. I am on my second reading of it to my middle child. My senior says it is some of his favorite books in his homeschool experience.
  18. I get this a lot, too. Mostly from public school teachers. Then they add, "I couldn't stand to be around my kids all day." This is so sad to me. Personally, I enjoy my kids and couldn't stand being around other people's kids all day. I guess that makes me an odd duck too. Lol
  19. Yes, sometimes I feel like we are odd ducks. We are the only family in our large church that homeschools, plus two of my children do not share the same race as my husband and I. So we definitely stand out. We are fortunate to be a part of a very supportive homeschool group and that is a blessing, but I am one of a very few moms that also works. Recently I was talking with some other homeschool moms I had just met and mentioned that I work as a hospice nurse. That grounded the conversation to a halt and they stared at me with slightly horrified expressions. Oh yes, I felt like an odd duck then. And then of course, I'm the only homeschooler at my job. I'm not fully in the sahm tract nor in the career mom tract. Sometimes I feel like I'm straddling two worlds. Being an odd duck is nothing new to me. To be honest, I have plenty of elementary and middle school pictures that should be on those awkward pictures websites, lol. Personally, I am comfortable with the choices I have made in my life and for my family. And if that makes people see us as odd ducks, I am fine with that.
  20. If your sister was not symptomatic, I don't think you can blame her. I'm a nurse and am around illness all the time. If I isolated myself every time I was around a sick person, I would not have a life.
  21. No but with our lab it didn't matter. We dropped it into her food bowl and she inhaled it with the rest of her food.
  22. Our vet prescribed tramadol. It worked well and we got it from our pharmacy.
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