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Everything posted by Mnemosyne

  1. I was a hacker as a kid (white hat, obviously, or I wouldn't admit to it. ;) ). Moral/ethical dilemmas aside: Now that he knows what he did is wrong (I am assuming here), and it sounds like he has an interest in this type of stuff, I'd let him go for it in legal/moral ways. Challenge his knowledge, keep growing his skills - technical skills of all kinds are only becoming more and more important. Perhaps you could encourage him stretching his skills in different ways. Hacking courses, programming classes, clubs, robots, engineering, creating software or apps - whatever. If it's a field he's interested in, there are a bunch of good outlets that could keep him busy and challenged (which, in turn, may lessen the allure of less ethical ways to be 'creative', because that outlet is more available).
  2. Bank App Flashlight Headspace if you're into meditation YNAB/Mint/budgeting software Cozie/Trello/shopping list app HabitRPG or other to-do app Evernote/OneNote if you use either
  3. Finland is still in the top 10 in the year they participated (2011 was the first year they participated), on average in 8th place in math and 4th place for science.That's not terrible at all. Not first place, sure. But they are still scoring better than the vast majority of countries participating in the tests, including the United States and England. I'm not saying the Finnish system is perfect by far. :) I just wanted to expose the members here to something that seems to be working and that some members may want to incorporate to their homeschooling.
  4. Ours is downstairs waiting to be disposed of. Embarrassingly, last year's tree is right next to it also waiting to be disposed of. Oops. We forgot. >.<
  5. Had that as a kid. Especially in high school. I'd give myself stomachaches just from the stress - when I get stressed out, it manifests physically as well as emotionally, generally with stomachaches and headaches. There were days I'd be doubled over in pain. Thankfully I can handle stress a little better now. ;) Could hers be stress related? May be worth seeing if she's interested in meditation or other stress relief methods.
  6. Well, I am a fairly recent college grad, and no, I didn't visit any schools at all before applying. I actually only applied to one (I wasn't too motivated to go to school at the time) and visited after I was accepted. However, I did a bunch of research - school website, talked to kids that went there, looked at videos/photos/average temps, etc. In short, I felt as though I knew the town and university very well. I'm just glad I actually liked it once I started attending. ;)
  7. Hope all is well, Jean. To Do: Respond to 2 emails Email landlord re: fireplace Email Luke's gymnastics teacher Cancel daycare for Thursday (both kids sick) Academy homework Khan Academy study Confirm conference dates and give roommates paypal info Complete Module 23 Contact product suppliers, have samples sent Start LLC paperwork (speak to attorney?) Write copy Put together shopping list for when DH gets home from training Update editorial calendar 'School' (logic, math, writing, art)
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnAsTiT_Qy4&list=WL&index=73 This is a wonderful documentary on the Finnish school system (#1 or close to it in worldwide ratings). It's not about homeschooling, but it is extremely interesting, and there are lots of things that may be able to be implemented into homeschooling, co-ops, etc. I'd love to hear what you all think, it seems like a great system. EDIT: Another vid.
  9. If you're not opposed to Washington, Central WA University has a great music program in a cheaper area of living (for WA).
  10. I love Coursera! Taking a mechanical engineering class right now. I try to stick to only one class at a time. I watch lectures and take quizzes, but if there are additional assignments I often don't do them. I just don't have the time.
  11. Onion powder (hubby can't stand regular onions) and garlic powder.
  12. Yeah, terrible about checking this thread, especially since I get 50 plus notifications every day, it seems like. :P I'm still working on The Intelligent Investor. It's going to take a while to get through, I'm afraid.
  13. For Washington I've read the whole RCW because of my law enforcement classes. So I know them really well. Never bothered with Georgia (only other state I've lived) unless I'm uncertain about a specific thing. I probably will at least scan through the child related rules next time we move just because they're getting older. I wouldn't expect everyone to read them, though. It's just what I'm in to.
  14. https://www.khanacademy.org/mission/early-math As an example, this link should take you directly to the place where you can test yourself on math. Is that showing up for you?
  15. I just started planning for our 'Pre-K' year. DS is wanting to do more and more 'school', so I've decided to jump in this next year. I've got a bunch of stuff planned, but we'll go at his level - I'm not too concerned about getting to a particular point. Pretty much stuff to prepare him for Kindergarten, some basic letter writing, basic counting, animal studies, etc. Mostly arts and crafts, though.
  16. I decided to drop Crime and Punishment for the time being. I still want to read it but I just don't have the time to dedicate to it right now. My focus for this month will be finishing The Intelligent Investor, Big History, Psycho-Cybernetics and Starting Strength. That's one book a week. I think most of my time I'll be focused on The Intelligent Investor, but if I finish that more quickly than I'm expecting I'll be able to get more reading done.
  17. Both of those will be re-reads for me. Liked them both, but I feel like I rushed through them (I often do the first time through a book). So, on the to-read list they are! I have to be organized, I just have so many books. I have more books I haven't read yet in the house, but they aren't even in my Evernote yet. So I just listed the ones I want to read or re-read the most right now. ;)
  18. We do Dutch and English. It's easy because I speak Dutch - we just have a bunch of Dutch in the home. They don't speak it much yet (they barely talk at all at this age, lol), but I rely on a lot of exposure at this age.
  19. I am terrible about keeping this updated. http://www.evernote.com/l/AAfhpyid4r9AKbuW7hQ-n5OsFJY-UEXcRdU/ That's my current status. 10 books read. Just finished Quiet and Smartcuts - absolutely loved both of them and they are both going on my very short "To Buy" list. Have a short list I'm currently working through, I need to figure out which one I'm going to focus on for the next week so that I don't keep on reading a couple pages of each and not getting any of them finished. No more buying books for a while (or getting library books). Eek! I have library issues.
  20. I'm only 23, but have made an appointment to check for immunity at my next doctor's visit. With my daughter having chronic low WBC, I'd rather be safe than sorry. I think I might have had the measles as a kid, but doesn't hurt to check. Was planning on seeing if I needed boosters for anything else as well. I have no interest in getting sick. ;)
  21. I just use Evernote, with a note for each list and a table in each note with the information for each book. I like it because it's much more easier to edit than a paper version would be.
  22. https://twitter.com/duolingo(Main) https://twitter.com/ginag(Head Marketing/Comms) https://twitter.com/Hejkristinemc(Head Community) https://twitter.com/bmeeder(Founder) https://twitter.com/severinhacker(Founder) https://twitter.com/LuisvonAhn(Founder) You might get better results tweeting them or one of their staff.
  23. I like this. It's my dream to attend Harvard for my Master's degree. I had been thinking in about 8-10 years, when my kids are older, my husband's career has settled down a little bit, and my business could run while I was attending classes. I had been feeling discouraged, thinking about how much older I'll be than most of my classmates, but your post helped me look at things in a different light. I'm excited to continue working on putting myself in the position as the 'perfect Harvard candidate' again. :)
  24. Today's learning: Extroverts need to be especially careful driving when tired. Being sleep deprived is a de-arousing condition (making you less alert and active), and extroverts need more stimulus/arousal than introverts do. Introverts need to be especially careful driving in loud, busy traffic for the opposite reason - it overstimulates them. From the book Quiet. I thought I was weird - I'm just very much an introvert, and so many little things make sense, now.
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