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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. Good Morning, Girls! I am staying home today, that's for sure! ** clean out some of the kitchen cabinets ** organize school stuff ** make a plan for the last 8 weeks of school ** work outside a bit ** finish laundry Hope you all have a good day! Jean, hope you feel better! Don't over-do it today!
  2. Yes, it happens to me! 8 years ago I came off antibiotics for a sinus infection at the same time we received our daughter (adoption), they called one morning, we came home with a newborn that afternoon. I'd never had a new born before. Needless to say, I was under tremendous stress. A few weeks later I developed staph infections in my cuticles and my fingernails started becoming very gross. My GP gave me Cipro for the infections, but they never went away. Another round of Cipro. Staph infections kept coming back, fingernails continue to be gross. Finally, I went to a derm. who cultured my fingernails - it was Candida overgrowth. They put me on 4 months of diflucan. That took care of it. Fast forward to now.... I've had a couple sinus infections that had to be treated with antibiotics, I am in my mid-40s, so I've been getting more yeast infections right before AF, but they've all been treatable with OTC stuff. 3 weeks ago, I got another yeast infection, treated it as usual it didn't go away. Kept working on it, but it still didn't go away. Finally went to my GP (not the one who was giving me Cipro) and she said the systemic yeast infection is back, so yes, another 4 months of diflucan. I'd gotten away from taking my probiotics for some reason, but for me the kicker is antibiotics + stress = Candida overgrowth.
  3. Oh yeah! I'm 46. I shop at Target and Old Navy on line and also at The Loft occasionally. I hate clothes shopping.hate it hate it hate it!
  4. First day of Easter Vacation! Woohoo! ** kids spent night with my parents, so I had the morning off. Went shopping and then to the doctor. Looks like I have a systemic yeast infection, so it's 4 months of diflucan . ** ** laundry ** clean up house for the cleaners ** last bell choir rehearsal of the season!
  5. While many people have taken offense at the term "trash", the origins of this phrase are interesting. I wish I knew how to cut and paste on my iPad, but here's what Wikipedia says...."the term suggests outcasts from respectable society living on the fringes of the social order who are seen as dangerous because they may be criminal, unpredictable, and without respect for authority whether it be political, legal or moral." "The term white trash came into common use in the 1830s as a pejorative used by house slaves against poor whites."
  6. Thanks for this link. Lots of good stuff here!
  7. Well.... I do not say the "l" in almonds I hate the words "moist" and "discharge" I pronounce "Regina" as "re-jee-na" The dialect map pinpointed exactly where I live And as for Uranus.... If you've ever taught jr. high astronomy (as I did for years),I'm sure you can figure out how I pronounce it ;)
  8. Good Morning, Ladies! This is the day that The Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Lizzie, great news on the medical front! For us.... ** church. Will be very busy at church this morning. We have brunch at 9:00. Bell choir is playing several songs, kids are marching in waving Palm branches and I'm leading that, plus I teach children's church today. ** nothing else planned for the day. ** kids are going to Grandma's for a sleep over tonight.
  9. Visit their website. That would be a good place to start. It's a good website and there are a lot of resources.
  10. My roses are in full bloom. I have bouquets all over the house. They are incredible. My dogwood is blooming, too. Love that!
  11. When my allergies are bad I take... Allegra in the morning, along with both Nasonex and Astelin. I also have a spray for post-nasal drip. At night I'll take a Zyrtec and in between times, I'll take a swig of Benadryl elixir if I feel an acute attack coming on. And I've been taking allergy shots for the past 10 years.
  12. No! We lived in a mobile home for a while, while our house was being built. I think "white trash" is more of a lifestyle and values, rather than where one lives.
  13. Good Morning, Girlies! It's a beautiful morning. Dh is off at the wrecking yard looking for a part for his Accord. $800+labor to do it at the shop on Tuesday; or $550 (non-Honda part)+labor and 2 week wait; or scouring the junkyard for a $50 part off an old Honda and put it in yourself today. So, since he already dropped $600+ at the shop for other repairs this week, he's scouring the junkyard. You know, when it rains, it pours. In the past 2 months we've has to replace all 4 tires on the minivan, buy a new dryer and replace the computer control panel on our stove ($300 part). Fortunately, we have the money. Living frugally has it's benefits! And having a dh who is very mechanically minded and can repair a bunch of this stuff himself. And YouTube. He figured out the stove thing from videos on YouTube, so we didn't have to call a repairman for that. So.... Today.... ** yardwork ** it's dd2's 5th birthday, so I have to frost her cake and make dinner for the grandparents today ** laundry Have a good day, everyone!
  14. Back from my date with hubby. It was good to be sans children for a while and reconnect.
  15. Dh has been working on them for a while. He uses Turbo Tax, though, so that works out well. Good luck!
  16. Ok, I'm feeling better now. It's amazing what procuring a last minute babysitter and anticipating a date with dh tonight can do to one's morale. Even though said date will consist of dinner at the hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant we like, a walk down our towns Rails-to-Trails walking/bike path and grocery shopping at Walmart so I don't have to go tomorrow. I have accomplished today... ** school is done (what little we had to do) ** cleaned up my herb garden a bit. The oregano had taken over and so had the parsley. I unearthed the thyme, killed some snails and transplanted a bit of allysum to make it pretty. Now I need to get some more herbs in there. ** birthday cake for dd2 is in the oven. Plans for the afternoon.... ** fold laundry ** experiment with a recipe for rye bread. I have never made rye bread.
  17. Good morning! It's still morning here on the Left Coast. We had a minimum day here for school and the kids are already bored and driving me crazy. All DS1 wants to do is make a mess and I'm not letting him, so now he's mad. I wouldn't mind the mess so much, but when I do get after him enough to clean it up he does a lousy job and then I either have to stand there and point out every little thing, or do it myself. Either way I am in for a pain the neck. But of course if I explain this to him on the outset he swears up and down that he will clean everything up.... Blah, blah, blah, bah, blah! So now, I just say "no!" I have had it with these children. I am about ready to sell them to the next band of traveling gypsies! It doesn't help that I feel lousy. Still dealing with this yeast infection and I don't have a car this week, so I can't go to the doctor. And I don't really want to go to the doctor. But, I think I may end up doing so next week if I can't shake this. Geez, am I throwing a pity party, or what?
  18. I am really only good at canning jam and tomatoes. I am hit or miss with peaches. Although I did can several jars of pickled jalapeños and they were very pretty (the peppers were red and green), but I never ate them because I hate pickled jalapeños.
  19. I'm not too familiar with the particulars, but the problem I have with your #1 is that I don't think most people who take the Providential view of history believe that the things that were done against the Native Americans, etc. were right and ok. I think most people acknowledge that these were black spots in our history. From what I have gathered is that some who take a Providential view of history believe that America was founded as a Christian nation and that the Founding Fathers were all Christians and that God has blessed our country because we are a Christian nation. I know that A Beka has this view.
  20. School is done! Took a while, since our morning was shot due to the tree guy coming unexpectedly. How can you do school when they're cutting down and chopping up your tree? It was rather fascinating! But, we are now done and I need to get my house cleaned up!
  21. I hate being out. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Part of it is the age of my kids and car seats and all that. I try to consolidate as much as possible, send dh to the store to pick up milk on his way home from work, buy stuff on-line, etc. This has been a great week for me. DH's car has been in the shop, he's taken my car to work and I can't go anywhere. Love it!
  22. Morning ladies! Well, I'm up. Had breakfast. Kids are now eating. On the docket for the day.... ** school ** make appt. with the doctor. My second round of diflucan has not seemed to do anything for the yeast infection. ** dinner at my parents' house Have a good day, all!
  23. Oh, I do! I think I'm at 75. Honestly, it's just magnification, so I'm not sure how much it matters. I used to have several pairs laying around the house but now I've graduated to wearing a pair around my neck. My mom says it makes me look more intelligent. ;)
  24. Melissa, that is so cool! Well, I got all my stuff done, didn't have a long list to begin with. And I even got bonus things done! Bonus - hula hoed my garden bonus - picked flowers
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