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Everything posted by MercyA

  1. A cottontail rabbit has a nest right outside our kitchen window. She's been such a good mother, nursing her babies every night and then tucking them back in their nest so carefully. Sadly, a predator found the nest last night. :( All the babies are gone except one, who was left lying in the yard a few feet from the nest. That one died from exposure, internal injuries, or shock. My question is this--should I temporarily place the deceased bunny back in the nest, so the mother knows what happened to him? Or would that be *more* disturbing to her than finding an empty nest? I've read that mother rabbits will call for their babies for up to a week if they are missing. I just want to do whatever would be best for the momma. Should I remove him, or leave him? :( Update: I saw a feral cat outside this morning, eating remains from the nest. I had guessed a cat was the culprit, based on the bite marks on the kit. Then, after my husband mowed the lawn (mowing carefully around the nest), we found that there were actually *three* babies in the yard, two dead, one still living and apparently unharmed. The live baby is mostly hidden in unmowed grass, several feet from the nest. I am reluctant to put the baby back in the nest, for fear the cat will come right back to it. My plan, for now, is to leave all the babies on the lawn, and hope that the mother will find and move the living baby tonight. Prayers for the kit are appreciated.
  2. Not enough, in my opinion. ;) I had a curfew. I was expected to let my parents know where I was at all times, but they didn't object to us being alone. We didn't live in the same town, so I generally just saw him on Fridays and Saturdays and talked on the phone with him several times a week. We were both committed to abstinence until marriage, so that area wasn't a problem for us.
  3. I'm not sure I understand the concern. I started dating my husband as a teenager, and we've been happily married for a *long* time now. We didn't have any trouble continuing to attend to our studies through the remainder of high school and college. I would set a curfew for phone calls and dates, and I wouldn't allow them to be alone together in your home or her home. I second all the recommendations for doing things together as a family.
  4. We can't drink it either, due to the dyes and flavorings. Another vote for lemonade!
  5. I *despise* people who hurt and neglect animals. Grrrr....... Thank God that this dog is with you now!!! Hearing about his happy new life made my day. :hurray:
  6. I believe and do my best to practice 1 Peter 3:1-6 and Ephesians 5:22-24. My husband values and considers my thoughts and feelings, but the final decision is his. I find peace and rest in that. Big :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: . (I don't wish to start a debate; just offering my personal input. Peace to all.)
  7. AnIslandGirl, I am also related to Hannah Duston. She scalped the Native Americans after they killed her 6-day-old baby girl by dashing her against a tree. :( Hell hath no fury like a vengeful mother...
  8. I know people from Illinois and Indiana who say it all the time.
  9. You can read a detailed description of the violence here: http://www.pluggedin...iron-man-3.aspx ETA: I'm not a fan of the parent organization that runs this site, but I still find it useful for movie info. :001_smile:
  10. Still praying here, too! :grouphug:
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: and prayers.
  13. MercyA


    I would have a calm, gentle, frank discussion with him about it, one time. And then I would do my best not to say anything more about it. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  14. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: and prayers.
  15. If you are a Christian, you and your kids might enjoy this dinosaur book: http://www.amazon.com/Dinosaurs-Exploring-Michael-Caroline-Carroll/dp/0781433665/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=FKVQ55ZPV40Z&coliid=I1L0T6PYY3L5G6 It leans towards an old-earth creationist view, but also mentions the young earth perspective. I'm a theologically conservative Christian, but I'm not a die-hard young-earther. I've found it difficult to find many well-balanced books like this.
  16. My neutered male dog marks continually outside. He's a little guy, so he'll even mark dandelions. ;) He has had accidents in the house, but has never marked in the house. If this gets to be a major problem (not solved by thorough cleaning and re-training), you can buy him belly wraps like this: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=24773
  17. I gave away a large set of expensive dishes (most were wedding gifts) to a relative who loves them and uses them every day. I've never experienced a moment of regret. I don't think I'd feel the same way if I had just taken them to Goodwill. Emotionally, I like knowing that they went to someone who really appreciates them. I love my Corelle. I never worry about them, and if I need to replace a piece, it's cheap and easy.
  18. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: and prayers.
  19. Big hugs, Elise. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: What a difficult decision, and I *so* admire your commitment to and love for your pet. If only everyone had such care and concern for their animals. I don't think there is necessarily a "right" or "wrong" answer for your situation, and that is what makes it so hard! I have a senior dog as well, and this article from the wonderful animal rescue group Pets Alive has really helped me in thinking through this issue. http://petsalive.com/blog/2010/11/16/how-do-you-know-when-it-is-time-for-euthanasia/ The author also makes some clarifications in the comments following the article. I don't agree with *everything* he says...but maybe it will help you a little.
  20. Thanks for the update! :) :) :)
  21. As the owner of a dog with aggression issues, I'm telling you--take the dog back. When our dog began growling and snapping at a family member, we hired a behaviorist and a private trainer. We tried all kinds of medications and read all kinds of books. Nothing worked. In the end, after years of trying every other option, we took him to a veterinary dentist for disarming surgery. (No flames, please. It saved his life, and he's perfectly happy.) Our dog has been a member of our family for almost 13 years now, and he is *still* aggressive. We love him, but it does add quite a bit of stress to life, even though he is no longer physically capable of injuring anyone. These things are often not quickly solved. You can *never* fully trust a dog who has shown unprovoked aggression around children (unless perhaps there is some type of underlying physical problem). She needs to go to a home without little children. I *very* much appreciate the fact that you are taking your responsibility to the dog so seriously, but they called it a "trial" for a reason! As another poster said, you are not doing anything wrong. I'm so sorry it didn't work out. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  22. Yes! My friends found their lost cat after several months as well. They spotted him hiding under a car not far from their home. He acted like a skittish stray and wouldn't come to them, but they managed to catch him! Still praying, here, too! If Stripes was formerly a street cat, you may have to use a humane trap, baited with his favorite foods, to recover him. Definitely try setting out food and sprinkling used cat litter and catnip around. :grouphug:
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