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Everything posted by MercyA

  1. Just prayed for you, Terabith. Hope all is going well. Know that we are thinking of you and care about you! :grouphug:
  2. Who Is Coming to Our House? (religious, for young children) Peter Spier's Christmas! (includes church scenes, but mostly secular) The Christmas Story (religious) Christmas in the Country (again, includes going to church, but mostly secular) Christmas Day in the Morning (secular, no Santa) Apple Tree Christmas (secular, no Santa)
  3. You and me both, then. I was mightily confused for a minute. ;) To answer your question about biomom and biodad data, we're not getting into that yet. We're just looking at the prevalence of certain inherited traits in our population. She's an only child, so we don't have much data to gather here at home.
  4. I don't think there's an easy way to do that with the poll system we have here.
  5. I had that first reaction, too, but you need to ignore the percentages given and figure them yourself. I couldn't think of another way to sent this up as a poll. 58/68 or 85% of the children are right-handed and 85% are NOT color-blind.
  6. Thanks, Tanaqui! In my defense, I meant that the survey was simple, not the genetics of the inherited traits. :) I'll change the title of the thread. I'm not teaching that these traits are controlled by a single gene or that they are dominant or recessive. I appreciate the info! I love the idea (in your link) of using cat coats to teach genetics.
  7. Thank you for the update, Terabith. More :grouphug: .
  8. Thank you for taking the time to help, Scarlett! I really appreciate everyone's responses. Here's what wiki has to say about hand clasping.
  9. That's what I get for watching the debate and putting this up at the same time. :o It's fixed now--you can pick multiple options. Thanks!
  10. If any of you would be willing to answer these questions as they pertain to your oldest child, we would really appreciate it! Thanks for your help. :) ETA: I'm printing off the data now. Thanks so much for all your responses!
  11. NOOOO. Not so. They can go without their scents for one morning to prevent someone else from feeling ill. If they're not willing to do that, maybe you should look for another church. Seriously. If anyone else is sensitive, you probably wouldn't know.
  12. You have a physical problem you can't help. If they are bothered by accommodating you, that's their problem.
  13. Aww, I'm sorry, TM. That's awful. Now I feel really terrible. My young daughter has recently been into perfume. She wanted to wear some to church, and I told her, "Only a little bit, because Mary at church is allergic." I'm proud of her, because she decided not to wear any at all, which is what I should have told her to do in the first place. (I don't wear perfume myself because my husband doesn't care for it.) Do you find that you react to people wearing other scented products, like deodorant or lotion?
  14. When my daughter was three, she loved her play kitchen and play food and dishes.
  15. Columbus committed genocide. I don't think he deserves balanced treatment. We were talking about this with my daughter today. We conceded that although Columbus did terrible, evil things, he was a brave explorer and that's what some people choose to focus on. My daughter said, "Even if you're brave, you still have to do the right thing. The bravest people do the right thing."
  16. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  17. We are here for you, happi duck. I appreciate your voice here on the forum and your cute little avatar too. Many :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: .
  18. Alas, most people in my area have probably never heard of such a thing. I like this: And this: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/columbus_day
  19. I love this concept. I say go for it.
  20. Thank you all again for praying. Here is an update from her dad: No real new news today. The CT scan showed no real major increase in bleeding or swelling so that is encouraging. When she was getting some treatments as well as re-bandaged, she really started kicking around and pulling at her arm straps so that is kind of encouraging in a way since it means she has strength in those extremities. She is a little fighter. :) and stubborn as always! All the nursing staff loves her and we really have a great team of care providers. No attempt to lower her sedation today, they were keeping her pretty well under so that her brain just has time to rest. I will keep updating you. They may try to decrease the sedation again tonight we will see. ETA: The parents homeschooled all of their children and often speak at homeschooling conferences in Japan.
  21. Curious George is actually very educational and fun. I second Wild Kratts and Dinosaur Train. Dino Dan was also enjoyed here. Your 4-year-old might like Go Diego Go.
  22. I had my little guy cremated, and I've never regretted it. I prefer to keep his ashes in the house so I can take them with me if we move. Thinking of you with sympathy tonight. I know how hard it is. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  23. The rules aren't the only thing that's changed. The "shorts" are ridiculous. (And don't tell me it's for "freedom of movement," when the men and boys wear this.)
  24. Some people are allergic to the adhesive and just changing brands can help. ETA: Posting the same time as you, texasmom! :)
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