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Everything posted by Cinder

  1. One's a Zygon; we're not sure which one though. (Of course they'd have to be a Doctor Who fan to get this, but if they don't then so what.) I knew brother/sister twins who looked nothing alike--he was about 6' with medium brown skin, she was about 5'4 and fair. OTOH I also knew a brother and sister that I would have sworn were twins--because they looked exactly alike!--but they were 11 months apart.
  2. My sons have been on teams that had no party. Just a little gathering after the game to have juice and cake (and I think the coach paid for the cake) while the coach recognized each child and their contributions to the team. My dc, at least, weren't bothered by the lack of a party.
  3. I think $10 would be plenty. My experience has been that the kids that age would eat one slice of pizza--two at most--and then go play. They're not really interested in sitting to eat when there is free play to be had. Possibly the coach is getting enough pizza for parents/siblings as well? Or buying pricier "special" goodies for the gift bag.
  4. A couple years ago there was a new pumpkin patch in a dirt/gravel area by the road near me. It appeared overnight and magically grew a couple dozen full-sized pumpkins without the benefit of vines. :tongue_smilie:
  5. We ran into a large wire dog crate on the interstate one night. It was pitch black and by the time we saw it, it was too late. Scared the crap out of us all. Fortunately it didn't cause an accident--just a couple scratches to the car. And the crate was empty, so that was good too.
  6. Ds1 got OAS at 20yo from eating macadamia nuts. He was majorly bummed because, he says, of all the nuts in the world macadamias are the best. A few years prior to this, allergy testing showed he was allergic to nearly all pollens--trees, grasses, weeds. So it's not surprising that he would react to tree nuts.
  7. Same here. Radio is annoying because too many commercials make it sound like just noise. So the dc and I stopped listening years ago; dh still listens to radio. I don't watch a lot of youtube videos that have commercials, but when they do I ignore/skip when possible.
  8. My dc see a pediatrician so their well-checks have been pretty much like what's listed in your link.
  9. This recipe is really delicious. I've only made it once, though. Next time I make it I plan to add sauteed onions and garlic, but it was still good without.
  10. Not yet, but ds1 just graduated and will start work next month at which time he will be covered by his company's insurance plan. Ds2 is still in college and under our medical plan.
  11. So these are better than the Keebler version? I'm not a thin mint person myself but my dc love them. My sons think the Keebler version is actually better than the GS version--though perhaps some of that is knowing they cost half of what the GS charge :tongue_smilie:--but dd disagrees. I might get some of these and see what they say.
  12. At least she found something to eat and wasn't whining about the lack of "food" in the fridge. Mine would rather stand there and complain there's nothing to eat. :glare:
  13. And the solid colored short shorts with the rounded legs and white bias tape along the seams. When dh told me the 70's were coming back--because of these shorts--I thought he was joking. But I went to Target that week and saw it all for myself. :svengo:
  14. I guess now I'm glad that all I found in my kitchen today was a pile of fur from our cats fighting. We have 2 and they're indoor only. But we've had indoor/outdoor and some of our "gifts" were quite horrifying. A pile of feathers and a beak in the front yard. A live mouse--brought inside! Half a bunny left at the front door. Honestly, butterfly pieces wouldn't bother me a bit. As long as you let them out, cats are going to do what cats do.
  15. January during winter break of senior year in college.
  16. My dc were in Awana and I hated this part too. We did have a couple friends of the same religious persuasion who were actually interested in visiting, but otherwise we just didn't do the "bring a friend". Thankfully the club we were with didn't require this section to be done in order for the book to be considered completed.
  17. Same here. My fridge stays really cold so I will go up to a week. Dh is much braver and will eat stuff that's been in even longer than a week as long as it still looks and smells ok.
  18. This reminds me of the year we gave dh's parents a microwave. MIL put on a big smile and said that as much as she appreciated the thought she didn't need one nor did she want one. SIL ended up taking it because she didn't have one and did want one. It wasn't a big deal to dh or me--we're not the kind who feel a personal rejection if a gift is turned down. I'm not sure how I'd handle a situation where the gift-giver is one who would be offended, though. I guess I don't have anyone like that in my family/friends circle. OP, I hope you find a good way to navigate this potentially sticky situation. :grouphug:
  19. My boys graduated from a small private school--each class provided a syllabus outlining general requirements, expectations, grading. Ds2 was in drama class and they were told up front what the performance date would be and that there would be a couple weeks of after school rehearsals, but exact dates/times weren't given for the rehearsals until a couple weeks prior. As to specific assignments for other classes: 9th-10th graders received theirs weekly, 11th graders received theirs monthly, 12th graders were given the whole semester's assignments on day one. It's the student's responsibility to hang on to the assignment sheets throughout the appropriate term (week/month/semester) and update them as directed by the teacher. The school also uses google classroom to communicate with the students, which seems to work really well. I've heard teachers even tell the students what times they will/won't check their school email/classroom chat board. Another thing I like about the school is that big assignments--projects, papers--get grading rubrics that are handed out when the assignment is given. I went to high school in the dark ages so no syllabus, no gradebook access, assignments doled out daily (or as appropriate). There were only a couple classes I remember getting told at the beginning what to expect for the term: ceramics--we were told what techniques/projects we'd be doing; and speech--what types of speech presentations, how we could earn extra credit. Oh, and I remember being told our big English paper (senior year) would be weighted 4 times. Back then we didn't really have separate weights on daily homework vs tests/projects/papers so adding weight to specific assignments was how it was handled. My school did a big song festival each year and we were told freshman year that it would affect class schedules and that there would be a big performance that would take up many weekend and some after school hours. But I don't think such info was repeated each year as the festival was part of the school culture and, since it was a private school, only a handful of new students were admitted in 10th-12th grades.
  20. I remember being at a friend's house when her dd looked in the pantry and cried, "Mom, there's nothing to eat! There's only ingredients!" :lol:
  21. I got some decent BH&G towels from Walmart. They were cheap--2 for $5--but are thick and absorbent. Went back the other day to get more, but they don't have that kind any more. Just the terry fabric kind. Bleah. Sorry, I guess I'm no help on this one. :tongue_smilie:
  22. Hey neighbor, your car alarm is not useful for warding off theft. It's only useful for annoying your neighbors who have to hear it going off. Daily. :glare:
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