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Everything posted by MgoBlue

  1. Didn't read all the responses, be when we were moved 3 yrs ago, dh's boss advised us to feed the movers. It puts them in a better mood. We did feed them...moved w/o a hitch. Keep a good list of damaged stuff. We didn't have much damaged, but a few things & they were really good about the insurance/repair/replacement costs. HTH, paula
  2. This is timely for me as well. Dd 7 just finished etc 4 and she's sort of complaining about going on with the series. but there's so much she doesn't know! And I think it's clicking with the combination of sequential spelling combined with etc. I wish there was just a curriculum that I could say was perfect for her, but the poor kid has to be my experimental child. (we're not changing *that* much! don't get me wrong...jsut hate all the second guessing I'm doing!) Paula
  3. I was considering nixing the cards this year. Last year I did the photo cards. I couldn't find any I liked this year...and didn't like the way last year's turned out. The year before that I made stamped cards...very labor intesnsive! I always send out a pic of the kids with the card. So I ordered wallets of the kids and went to Hallmark and bought cards. They had them buy one box, get the second box half off. It was very freeing to just purchase cards! Now I only need to address them, buy a tree, decorate it, decorate the house. I'm SO not in the Christmas mood! But my family is coming from Michigan for our annual party on the 20th! Paula *thanks for letting me vent!
  4. We pay additional on our mortgage every month because we're both close to 50 and have a 30 yr mortgage. Yikes...that's scary. With every extra payment, we're cutting months off the other end of our mortgage. I don't see how that can hurt us. We have a lot of equity so even if we had to sell this house at a substantial loss from what we paid...we'd still be ahead. I hate the thought of having to sell...but we're dependent on General Motors and times are scary! Paula
  5. One thing to consider is to do the two needle method for socks rather than the double pointed needle thing. It's sooo much easier. I got a pattern from Kalamazoo knits which gives directions. My dd (16) makes socks all the time and just started a pair on a 40" needle doing two socks at a time. Paula
  6. I used to paint, but need to hire someone as this house has a loft where it's too high for me to consider. I'd have to rent one of those things...the platform thing...can't think of it. This time dh was gone, I almost finished a quilt 16 yr old dd started in July. It's been in a box under her bed. Now I just need to bind it...have to figure out which fabric to use for that, but she's got to be involved or else :0 We don't have regular dinners, etc. ...don't pick up everyday...do massive cleanup before he comes home :) PAula
  7. During a quick snack break, 7 yr old dd said, "Should I have a banana or an orange?". I said...whichever you want, but a banana sounds better. She replied, "That's what I was thinking. Everytime I eat an orange, I get it all over my face. Do you get orange on your face when you eat them?" I replied with a chuckle, "Not in a while, but yes I have." Golly I love this kid.
  8. I finally broke down and went to the dr and said...maybe I should just tough it out. He said...when you're ready to say "uncle"...here's a presciption for biaxin(?)..think that's it. Anyway...it took a few days--but I can smell again! And I feel tons better! Paula
  9. My oldest sister had a dual major in Fine Arts and Education. She's currently a high school teacher who just finished her masters. She primarily teaches pottery, but she's taught just about any art thing they've wanted her to teach. She was always talented in art...won the AAA poster contests in grade school...it was a shoe in for her. Sometimes you just know... Paula
  10. My 16 yr old is making socks and fingerless mittens for gifts this year. She used bulky yarn and had one pair done in less than a day. Socks aren't so quick, but she'll get a few pair done. Paula
  11. I've heard only good things about gwg as well. We purchased it or my 2nd grader this year and i've had her go thru the first grade year doing 6 lessons at a time so we can complete the second grade year. Most of it was easy, but there were things that weren't covered in catholic school last year..such as "an" before a vowel...etc. I just don't want to miss anything and doing 6 lessons for her wasn't a problem. We're doing fll as well, but I think I'm not doing fll thoroughly enough or something...maybe I just have a workbook happy kid? Anyway...that's one of the things i'm happy with in this, our first year of home schooling. fwiw, Paula
  12. If you're looking at Dell, check out gotapex.com. I ordered my laptop via them. You can call and they can talk you through ordering. You may need more ddr ram to runs vista, but I"m not sure. Good luck. Paula
  13. I won't paint with anything except Benjamin Moore Paint...pricey, but one coat coverage & so worth it! I've been thru so many different paints at the old house...it's just not worth it to skimp for me. Paula
  14. The priest in my sister's neighborhood used to dress up as Santa and hand candy out. He did that for several years in a row! Very fun stuff! Paula
  15. I actually took some photos today...but I had to make sure the kid remembered the costume that she bugged and bugged me to finish. http://mgobluepea.blogspot.com/ Paula
  16. I have a ton of buttons to either hot glue or sew onto dd's pirate coat. Think Elizabeth Swan dressed as a boy pirate... Grrr...why do I procrastinate? Paula
  17. I guess I'm not sure why you wouldn't want your parents to help with your homeschooling. An old co-worker had her parents watch her kids and they helped her all the time. I would just give them casual lesson plans...not anything set in stone. I'd want everything to be as normal as possible for my kids...and school work would be a constant. fwiw...Paula
  18. I've knitted mittens but not socks. My 16 yr old dd taught herself (basically) how to knit and she's made socks for everyone in the family of 5, she really enjoys it. I'd say start with a worsted weight yarn though as she's got some fingering weight yarn socks on the needles that have frustrated her as they're taking her too long to finish. Paula
  19. I so want that Artisan Bread book; http://www.amazon.com/Artisan-Bread-Five-Minutes-Revolutionizes/dp/0312362919/ref=wl_it_dp?ie=UTF8&coliid=I2TM64XMB074PZ&colid=48AHQRN9FFUW Other books...don't really know. Consider yourself lucky that your Mom gets you presents!
  20. I'd have to answer yes ...haven't read all responses...but as I told my pilot friend...I could spend your money so fast! It's all relative...the more you make the more you spend...unfortunately.
  21. I was going to post the to die for punch with the orange sherbert. When my older dc were in kindergarten, they had that for all the parties. I looked forward to it!
  22. If you're using this noeo science...are you purchasing the entire package or just the instructor's guide. It seems you'd need things for the children to read. We purchased the usborne books recommended in wtm, but dd cruised thru the earth book very quickly. We haven't attempted the sky books yet, but I'll need something fairly quickly. Opinions?
  23. Thanks Mandamom...This is all new...and math can be frustrating!
  24. We're doing singapore here with my 7 yr old 2nd grade dd as well. She "gets" every concept...well- we're only to adding and subtracting 3 & 4 digits w/borrowing (wrong word!)...but I'm wondering if I'm giving her too many problems per day. I'm trying to keep up with the mental math in the lessons and that's 30 problems in addition to the regular exercise and the couple of textbook pages which she prefers to do herself. She's bored if I go through it with her! She's making silly mistakes in adding instead of subtracting for a few of the problems and I'm thinking this is because perhaps I'm giving her too much? I don't mean to hijack your thread...just we love singapore here as well...and I'm hoping that we're not missing important stuff that may be on standardized tests at some point. Guess I shouldn't really worry too much about that, eh? Paula
  25. My experience is that cholesterol is hereditary for a large part. My mom had terribly high cholesterol even when she was in a nursing home on their restricted diet. She had to take cholesterol lowering drugs to maintain a "healthy" level. There are two types of cholesterol...ldl and hdl...and you should know both numbers. As long as your good cholesterol is good, then the bad stuff doesn't necessarily mean the world is going to end. Back to my Mom, she had a heart cath where they put the scope thing thru her thigh and her heart was fine! No blockages, etc. Even when she died...her heart was fine. (well basically...she didn't die of a heart related problem). So it's all relative. Our medical society is so gung ho on selling more drugs. They keep lowering the "safe" levels for labs, etc. Have your husband find out what his good cholesterol is...and go from there...educate yourselves on it. Just beware of the drug companies wanting to make more $$. Paula
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