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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. Here are a couple of my older TRISMS posts: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=32348#poststop http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=37083#poststop I have used TRISMS with 2 dc; I have been using it almost continuously since 2004. I used Discovering the Ancient World, Expansion of Civilization, and Rise of Nations with each of my children in turn. I found Age of Revolution to be cost-prohibitive, so when ER was in 12th grade, I wrote my own program and made it as TRISMS-like as I could. Since then, I have been able to find both semesters of TRISMS AoR used at good prices, so I am eager to use them with EK next year when she's in 12th grade. I really love TRISMS, and I recommend it very highly.
  2. Our pediatrician said to give acetaminophen every 3-4 hours for temperature of 101-103, and ibuprofen every 6-8 hours for temperature 103+. For a persistent fever, he instructed us to overlap the acetominophen and ibuprofen.
  3. Most of the time salt & ketchup. Sometimes ketchup & mustard, sometimes barbecue sauce or hot sauce.
  4. What???? That is unbelievably audacious! He actually thought he could keep staying rent-free??? The nerve of some people!
  5. http://www.soulcare.org/images/Jesus_Lamb_Brown_darker.jpg
  6. The only thing I can think of is Wild Adventures Theme Park.
  7. We marinate in Kikkoman's Garlic Teriyaki Sauce and put them on the grill. Tastes just like the grilled salmon at Longhorn steak house.
  8. I have to shop Thursday & Friday, and the party is Saturday. I created an event on Facebook and invited people, and I've also e-mailed invitations to some people who don't have Facebook. We've invited 50 people, and I expect that about 25 will actually come. So, help me plan this event! It will not be fancy, but I do plan to have color-coordinating napkins, cups, bowls, spoons--from the dollar store if I can find them there, but if not, I'll get them at Walmart. I plan to pick up several tubs of Mayfield ice cream (chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry) at Walmart--the only place in town that carries the tubs of Mayfield. I will also buy lots of toppings: chocolate syrup butterscotch syrup caramel syrup peanut butter topping strawberry syrup pineapple topping maraschino cherries sliced strawberries bananas candy sprinkles crumbled Oreos crumbled Butterfingers toffee bits (or crumbled Heath bars) marshmallows marshmallow fluff whipped cream M&M's gummy bears peanuts chopped pecans coconut ETA a few more: mini chocolate chips mini Reese's cups cereal (Cocoa Krispies, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Golden Grahams...) cake cones & sugar cones I will set the syrup-type toppings, whipped cream cans, and candy sprinkles out on the table for people to use, but what can I use (that's cheap but heavy/sturdy--not styrofoam because they tip over easily) as serving dishes for all those other toppings--crumbled items, fruit, candies, etc. Would glass/ceramic cereal bowls be okay? I have lots of those in bright colors. How much ice cream should I buy? How many tubs of each flavor? What other toppings do I need? Thanks!
  9. We use the ITBS for a variety of reasons: It doesn't really matter to me whether the test is rigorous. I use it simply because we are required by our state to test every 3 years using a nationally normed standardized test, and the ITBS qualifies. The ITBD is easily accessible for me. I meet the administrator criteria and was approved a number of years ago by BJUP Testing & Evalutation, so I corder from them with no problems. I am comfortably familiar with the ITBS because I administered it in my classroom when I taught in PS. I understand the test and what it does and does not do. (I also took the ITBS each year when I was a kid in PS in the 1960s & 1970s. :tongue_smilie:)
  10. ER had this when he was 12-13 and growing FAST. The doctor did x-rays and told us it was O-S. It was worse in one knee than the other, but it was present in both. ER had to give up gymnastics because it was just too hard on his knees. Skateboarding also made his legs hurt. When the pain was bad, he applied ice, took ibuprofen, and rested. He did outgrow it, but as the doctor had predicted, it took a couple of years.
  11. :iagree: And here is another good source: http://christianity.about.com/od/faqhelpdesk/i/blasphemyagains.htm
  12. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/8d/Where_The_Wild_Things_Are_(book)_cover.jpg/300px-Where_The_Wild_Things_Are_(book)_cover.jpg
  13. I just noticed a tiny dark spot on a lower molar, and upon closer inspection, I determined that it's a cavity. :( I already have a to have a root canal in the same tooth on the opposite side ($$$$) and I am terrified of the dentist in the first place because of bad, bad experiences as a child. Someo ne please reassure me!!!
  14. Another vote for Real ACT. We also like the Princeton Review Cracking the ACT book.
  15. We use lapbook-style notebooking materials from Live & Learn Press. Here is a sample from the 2nd edition Physical Science.
  16. I voted "yes & I went to public school" because I know of ONE incident that happened when I was in about 10th grade (so, 1976-ish) in which a girl was groped by another student during an educational film that what shown in a darkened classroom. At least, that was the rumor. I never knew what really happened, but the gossip was that this happened, and the girl's parents came to the school to talk to the administrators about it. I can't remember any similar incidents during my time as a student.
  17. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music with a minor in Christian Studies. His GPA was high enough to qualify for graduation with honors. :hurray: :hurray:
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