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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. :iagree: I voted 40. I think it's "iffy" after 35, but definitely risky after 40. I had my last baby 2 weeks before I turned 34.
  2. I bought this one about the same time you got yours. I just LOVE it. I'm not sure Acer makes them anymore, but there's probably a newer version of it now.
  3. Awhile back, I posted a question asking how TT PreCalculus compares to College Algebra. You said: I just bought TT PreCalculus, and while looking through the book today, I noticed that there are only 95 lessons in the entire book. Did you mean that the first 10 lessons are actually Algebra 2? ETA: Here is a link to the TT PreCalculus table of contents. Which lessons do you feel are actually Algebra 2 lessons?
  4. ABeka history (elementary grades) I can't believe I made my poor ds sit through that when there was so much else out there--or maybe there wasn't so much out there back in the 1990s when we first started homeschooling.
  5. We used BJU Math (2nd edition) and I cannot say enough good things about it. I would do it all over again. I haven't seen the new 3rd edition books, but I hear that they are even better!
  6. It depends on the job. If the person is unskilled--such as factory, maintenance, construction--probably not. For skilled labor--such as auto mechanic, plumber, appliance repair--probably so.
  7. The same thing happened to me in a crowded mall when ER was about that age. Panic doesn't even begin to describe what I felt when I couldn't find him. And suddenly, there he was, in the middle of one of those big circular racks of clothes, looking up at me and smiling because he thought I was playing hide-and-seek with him. :001_huh: I'm so glad both our stories had happy endings! :grouphug:
  8. ER worked part-time at the county prosecutor's office during 11th & 12th grades. He worked closely with the local domestic violence advocate, sat in on victims' interviews, administered drug tests to defendants, went to court with the prosecutor as an assistant, and entered case notes into the computer. He didn't make a lot of money--he only made a little more than minimum wage and only worked about 8-10 hours a week, but it was a great educational experience for him! He got to see the consequences of getting into trouble with the law without actually breaking the law himself. He still works there sometimes when he's on break from college, and will likely work there this summer after college graduation until he secures a full-time job elsewhere. EK has volunteered as the director's assistant with the local community children's theater, and she works for pay as the director's assistant at children's theater camps for a few weeks each summer.
  9. This is what I'm planning on doing next year with an 8th grader & an 11th grader for a Health credit. I also like the idea of the drug rehab or drug counselor and visiting a doctor's office and/or blood bank. I
  10. Nan, I found this packet online. Does it look anything like the Jane Schaffer packet you bought?
  11. Well, for about 2 seconds, ER considered attending BJU. Then he read on their website that students are not allowed to have musical instruments, including guitars, in their dorm rooms. ER is a guitartist and has played in praise & worship bands since he was 13 or 14, and his guitar goes everywhere he goes, so that was the clincher for him.
  12. Me too. That's the way it was when I was growing up and it's the same now. Pretty much every adult is Mr./Ms. First Name to ALL the kids, mine included. Even the pastors we know are Mr. First Name, or sometimes--to other kids, but not mine--Brother First Name.
  13. I am! My youngest will be a senior next year. Ack! How did THAT happen?!? So...what are you going to be doing after your youngest graduates? I've started teaching other people's children! ;) I plan to continue that, and maybe do a cottage school in my home.
  14. IMO, they're adult level reading, and maybe for some late rhetoric stage students. SOTW is great for grammar stage and maybe for some (early) logic stage students. The trouble I have is in finding a similar resource that would fit well with logic stage.
  15. Thank you, Nan. I feel exactly the same way you do about writing. About history, reading, math, etc.--I'm fine there. But with writing, I get bogged down. So, thanks for your insights. I am happy to get your perspective. :)
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