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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. I used Reading Works as a guide to Spalding. It made the program much more user-friendly, and it really did work! But I think you would have to do the penmanship too, because that's a necessary component of the program: kids learn automaticity by not only hearing and seeing the phonograms, but writing them as well.
  2. My niece once swallowed a nickel, and it showed up on an x-ray. The doctor told my SIL to check every poopy diaper until it passed, and it if went a week without passing, he would have to schedule surgery (endoscopy, I guess). I think it passed on about the 6th day.
  3. I think it's a great idea! Although I am pretty handy in the kitchen already, I would enjoy the class just for the fellowship. :) I would have no idea what to charge your participants, though.
  4. I just saw this thread, but EK too the SAT today. She took the ACT last month, and much to my surprise, she has decided that she really, really likes the SAT better.
  5. HV is almost 13, and her handwriting is AWFUL, spelling is hit or miss (for example, she can spell tremendously & perpendicular, but she consistently misses tomorrow & thought). She often forgets to put periods at the end of sentences, and she NEVER remembers to use apostrophes for possessives. :confused: Would copywork be a good idea? If so, where would I find useful copywork, and how should I implement it?
  6. HELP! Can someone walk me through what I'm supposed to do to take advantage of this offer? I can't figure out what to do. :(
  7. I've seen "learnt" many, many times in British literature. I just took it as the British way of saying/spelling "learned".
  8. Me too. For the past year or so, we've actually been doing a bit better financially, but now it's cycled back to being financially tight for us again. The respite had me hoping we had finally made it through the years and years of tough times. :( Dh's business was up last year, but this year, so far, it's way, way down. And of course, expenses are way, way UP. Not only are groceries and gas outrageous now, but we need a new roof (not just shingles, but decking too), ER needs to have his wisdom teeth out, I need at least one root canal, ER's car broke down this morning and is now in the shop, where it was discovered that not only is his car in need of repairs, he also MUST have new tires before he returns to college this weekend. The roof will be close to $10,000, wisdom teeth extraction will be close to $2,000, my root canal & crown will be about $2,000, and tires for ER's truck are $650; we don't know what the cost of the repairs will be. We have no savings at all, and we do not have dental insurance (we have no health insurance, for that matter). That's about $15,000 worth of need, and no idea where it's going to come from. But I am trying to trust God to meet our needs.
  9. I used the Pill for about a year and a half (1980-1981) when dh & I were first married. Since then (1981-now), we have used spermicide only--and used it faithfully--except for the two segmnents of time when I was trying to conceive. We have two (and only two) children.
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