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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. We have Kindles, so maybe that's a good option for us. I just need author bios and discussion/analysis questions (and I'm far, far too busy to write my own).
  2. I have two copies of that one (paid 39c each at the thrift store! :thumbup:) but I'm looking for something that has 1) brief author biographies written on a high school student's level, and 2) discussion/analysis questions a high school student can relate to.
  3. Mine is similar to the 2nd one, but it's a different brand. It's a Price Pfister, and it was probably around $150. I really like it. I love the pullout sprayer.
  4. :iagree: I was thinking the exact same thing. I've been married for almost 32 years, and it's not been a problem this long, so I'm not changing a thing. :D
  5. :iagree: CBD has some great devotionals for kids, some just for girls. Here's an example: Faithgirlz! Real Girls of the Bible. And here's another: God and Me! Devotions for Girls, Ages 10-12. We used to buy devotionals like that for EK, and she used them some, but what really got her interested in having a quiet time was when she began to incorporate journaling into it. When EK was about 11 or 12, she began to write out her prayers in a journal. We have always read the Bible together as a family each night before the kids go to bed, and she would go to her room and write for a few minutes each night after family devotions. This is not something we suggested, but something she thought of on her own. She started off writing in a spiral notebook, I think. Now, she likes to get nice ones from the office supply store or a stationery shop. We just buy her blank journal books, and she fills them up. When one gets full, she starts a new one. She has completed several because she has written in her God Journal (that's what she calls it) every.single.night for the past 5-6 years. She even takes her journal when she goes to camp or to sleepovers or on vacation. Dh & I have never read any of her journals; we figure that what she writes is between her and God. We have seen SO MUCH spiritual growth in her since she started journaling her prayers.
  6. OT: I can do the big ones, but I don't know how to do the little ones. Perhaps we should swap skills. :D Seriously. BTW: The way I attach big pictures is 1) copy the URL of the pic you want to post from an online album, 2) click on the little yellow square icon at the top of the text box--the one that looks kind of like a photo of a mountain & the sun, and 3) paste the URL you copied in step 1 & click "OK". That's it.
  7. Thank you all so much! I have added your suggestions to my wish list. There are so many books out there that look really good, and I just can't stop buying them! I have a tendency to collect literature books--I buy them at thrift stores, used book sales, eBay, and anywhere else I find them. :D
  8. Not watching here. I told my family that if I become famous before I die, and my family decides to televise my funeral, I will do my best to come back to haunt them. I feel that the loved ones should be allowed to mourn in private.
  9. I am a long-time TRISMS user. I will link you to a couple of my old posts that should answer most, if not all, of your questions. Feel free to post most questions or PM me if you need more. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=32348#poststop http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=37083#poststop
  10. Help! I need a World Literature anthology, high school level, that includes English translation excerpts of the most important/best known European (non-British) works from the 17th-19th centuries. Discussion/analysis questions would be a HUGE bonus! Does such a book exist? I own Norton's Anthology of World Literature, but, as I said, I want high school level. ETA: Author bios are a must as as well.
  11. Sounds like croup. When my kids had it, the pediatrician told us to take them into a steamy bathroom (start a hot shower & close the bathroom door) and to run a warm mist humidifier at night.
  12. I peeked at your blog, and I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. My niece has severe food and environmental allergies, and I am quite familiar with having to be careful about everything with which she comes in contact. The poor child is allergic to grass, many types of trees/pollen, animal dander (they had to give away their puppy :(), and most synthetic fibers--meaning that her clothes have to be 100% cotton. SIL & BIL even had to remove all of the carpet from their home and use cotton slipcovers for most of their furniture and even the seats in the car. It has gotten a little better since she has grown older (she's 11 now), but when she was a preschooler, everywhere they went--church, homes of family & friends, they had to take a cotton blanket for her to sit on. My niece is also allergic to many, many types of foods, including chicken, beef, pork, shellfish, potatoes, carrots, peanuts, legumes, tea, and that is all I can remember off the top of my head. Fortunately, she is able to eat wheat and dairy. It was a nightmare when she started school because teachers and administrators simply did not understand how detrimental it would be if she even touches some of these items. Again, the allergies have become less severe in recent years. She takes allergy shots once or twice each week, but even then, there are certain substances--peanuts, for example--that mean an automatic trip to the ER if she even touches them.
  13. Many, many thanks to all who responded. I think I want to try the Progeny Press study guide.
  14. :confused: I guess I'm going to have to delete my account. I don't like people I don't know "following" me. This makes me very uncomfortable.
  15. I don't follow anyone, and I don't want anyone to follow me. :confused:
  16. When I set up my Pinterest a few months ago, I set the privacy settings so that my account is NOT linked to Facebook or Twitter. My profile is hidden from search engines. My intention was to set up a Pinterest profile for ME only. I wanted to upload pictures of recipes so that I could use Pinterest as a type of visual recipe book. The only things I've pinned are two recipes; one has been repinned by 3 other people, none of whom I have ever heard of. And I have a follower, a woman who happens to be an acquaintance and FB friend. I don't understand repinning. These people who have repinned my recipe--does that mean that they saw my pin and "shared" it on their own Pinterest board? Or does it mean that they just happened to pin the same recipe I pinned, but didn't see mine? This is freaking me out because I did not join Pinterest so that I could "follow" and anyone or have anyone "follow" me. I just wanted to use it as a visual "favorites" list for myself. :confused:
  17. I don't have one either. I've been here a long, long time, though, so maybe people already know I'm not a troll.
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