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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. I have a friend like that too. I am astonished at what she posts, knowing that her kids are reading everything, not to mention everyone else on Facebook. Her older daughter is doing a lot of things that are contrary to the way she was brought up, and the mom continually posts way too many details on Facebook.
  2. I'm 16 years in too, and I agree. Here's a link to a thread in which another poster asked the same question the OP asked.
  3. I'd prefer a free download, but will consider paying for a download or ordering a print version, as long as it's not expensive.
  4. :iagree: We don't do AP courses, but pursue high school as high school, but some of our coursework is pretty rigorous. When ER finished his high school career, he opted to take a few CLEP tests just to see how it went. As it turned out, he scored quite high and tested out of 2 math courses and 2 English courses. He also scored quite high in his college's music theory placement test, and was placed into the 2nd or 3rd course rather than the first. As a result, after four years of study, he will be graduating in May with a music degree that normally takes at least five years to complete.
  5. :bigear: I've been wondering the same thing. I adore my BlackBerry Curve, but ER has a Droid that he raves about, and my brother has the iPhone 4S and that one sounds great! I'm due for an upgrade, but I'm just not sure I want to give up my BlackBerry and it's real buttons for a virtual keyboard.
  6. I peel, core, and slice apples, then cook them in a saucepan with a little butter and a touch of cinnamon until they're soft. Sometimes I sprinkle a little sugar over the apples as they cook. We like chunky applesauce, so I don't mash or puree the apples. I've only made applesauce in small quantities--enough to serve as a side dish for supper. I don't measure anything, but for my family of 4, I usually cook 4 apples, and I add maybe a tablespoon or so of butter and just a dash of cinnamon & sugar.
  7. How about the Music Ace CD-ROM programs? I would love to hear from anyone who has used these for music course credit.
  8. Dh told me a few minutes ago that he'd read about it on somebody's Facebook post. So sad. She was younger than I am, although I'd thought she was older. :confused:
  9. Awwww!!! Thank you! And thank you ALL for making me feel better. I was going to take the time to respond individually to every single person who posted in this thread, but that's not going to be possible, so here is my great big THANK YOU to everyone who shared kind words with me.
  10. I've been noticing that a lot (most?) of the time when I comment on someone else's post, I'm the last person to post in the thread, or others post and people respond to their comments while mine just sits there, seemingly unnoticed. To be honest, I begin to feel a little... disheartened?...when I've spent a fair amount of time trying to respond in a way that will really help someone, and no one acknowledges my "words of wisdom". ;) I guess I just want to know that the time I spend responding isn't just wasted time, since it seems that no one reads what I've struggled to say. Ah, don't mind me... I'm just whining because think I'm officially a thread killer. :tongue_smilie:
  11. I really wanted to pick two choices: cost and quality. If I HAD to choose between those two, because of our income cost is the main factor.
  12. frappuccinos (Starbucks and the local coffee shop are just WAY too expensive!) yeast rolls/sandwich rolls stromboli and pizza chicken noodle soup And last night I tried my hand at homemade Thai Red Curry Chicken, and it was a HUGE hit with the family. :)
  13. :iagree: I didn't read your post before I posted my own response, but I could've written much of what you said. I'm bolding the things that describe our situation too. My dh is the same age as yours, but he does have a degree, and he doesn't have health problems (that I know of, although he does need to lose weight, get more exercise, and reduce stress).
  14. Ageeing with the bolded. When my dh is unemployed or underemployed--and it has been one or the other of these for pretty much the entirety of our almost 32-year marriage--I find that my bitterness is one of my biggest enemies. To overcome it, I had to first get to a point that I realized that I even was bitter. Then I had to deal with that bitterness in myself. I did that through prayer. It took a long time, but I distincly remember the day that I had my biggest breakthrough. The breakthrough was the realization that although I was hurting, dh was hurting just as much; it wasn't all about ME. I had to realize that dh & I were "in this together" and instead of being angry with him, I needed to help US fight the problem TOGETHER. Security is a HUGE emotional need for women. In the lean times, our security is threatened, so we panic. We become anxious, and we tend to want to blame someone. For me as a SAHM, the only person I could blame was my dh. But we are a married couple; what affects one of us affects BOTH of us. And just as dh's employment situation affected me, my attitude affected him. The first thing I had to do in overcoming my bitterness and my desire to blame dh was to realize that my provision does not come from my dh--not his job, not the bank account. Instead, it comes from the Lord. And I know that He has plans for me, for my family, "plans to prosper...and not to harm...to give...hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). My job was not to worry or to try to "fix" things, but to do the best I could in my role as wife and mother, and to trust God. I made the most of the very little money available for household expenses (and I still do, although for right now, dh's paychecks aren't nearly as meager as they used to be, and God has blessed me with tutoring jobs), and I loved my dh and children in spite of the lack of money. Love is free, and we had/have plenty of that. :) I kept things at home as "normal" as possible. I cooked good (if cheap) meals, we played together, and we prayed together. Most of all, we prayed for God's peace and provision, and He blessed us with both.
  15. BJU math. It is my very favorite program for K-6.
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