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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. As a conservative Christian (Southern Baptist), the only things that I think are non-negotiable are: Because God loved the world, He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross as propitiation for the sins of mankind. Through Christ's sacrificial death and His resurrection from the dead, He provides salvation for anyone who will accept it by having faith in Christ. Salvation is a free gift, unearned and undeserved, and is the only way to be reconciled to God and to be accepted into Heaven at the end of one's earthly life.
  2. It looks like I will be adding another student in the fall, a 16yog coming to me from a private school. She has not yet completed her foreign language requirement, and she will need 2 years of either Latin or Spanish. I will have 2 other students, and I will NOT have time to teach it, so I am looking for either a Latin or Spanish course that is 1) available online or on DVD and 2) affordable. My plan is to have her complete the course independently--possibly even at her home instead of during the school day while she is with me--although I would check assignments if necessary. FWIW, I do have a subscription to Discovery Streaming. So... any suggestions for Latin 1 & 2 or Spanish 1 & 2 courses that meet these criteria? THANK YOU!!
  3. Has anyone here ever done this? Would you care to share your schedule?
  4. HV reads below level (probably 6th grade level at best) and does not enjoy reading very much. I want to assign her books to read over the summer, and I know that if they aren't books she can enjoy, there will be excuses and she won't read them. (Remember, she's not my child; she's the dd of a friend.) The only books she likes even a little are fantasy stories (she liked Bruce Coville's Unicorn Chronicles--the first 2, anyway) or teen romance (think Disney movie novelizations). However, I'm not sure these are really quality literature. :glare: So, I need books that are fun, but yet not twaddle, 5th-6th grade reading level & 8th-9th grade interest level. Also, if they're too "thick", she will be intimidated and won't want to read them. What can you suggest?
  5. Your recipe must be a LOT fancier than mine! Here's what I do: Layer in a casserole dish: 1 pound lean ground beef browned with 1 medium chopped onion and seasoned with salt & pepper 1 can sliced carrots 1 can whole kernel corn 4-6 servings of mashed potatoes (I use instant & follow the directions on the package.) Bake at 350 degrees until bubbly. Sprinkle cheddar cheese on top. Bake a few minutes more, until cheese is melted. This is EK's favorite meal!
  6. I am so sorry for your loss! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: We had a cat who looked very much like your Simba, and he also lived to the ripe old age of 17. He died of congestive heart failure in 2009. I'm sure you gave your kitty a happy life. Cherish those memories. ETA: Here's our Kitty
  7. EK and I both have sensitive, oily skin. EK uses Clean & Clear Advantage 3-in-1 Foaming Acne Wash. I use Clinique Liquid Facial Soap, Oily Skin Formula.
  8. EK loves Switched at Birth; she and I watch it together. We also used to watch Joan of Arcadia sometimes, but I found it a little dark for my taste.
  9. And now I'm wondering if there's anybody who just asked, "Typewriter style? What's that?" :lol:
  10. We were just talking about this at church this morning! My answer is: Five, if you include family members (3 of those: dh, my mom, and my sister). The other 2 are women I met through church; one of them I've known for over 20 years and the other for less than 10. Right now, not including family members, I'm probably closest to the person I've known the shortest period of time.
  11. Me too. I keep thinking we should watch the next one, but, to be honest, I didn't find the first two interesting enough to make me want to watch another. The one with the mannequins was definitely better than the one with the "evolved" people (the one who looked like a flesh-toned trampoline really creeped me out.) I've been asking this too. I really, really wanted to like this show because of all the hype here on the boards. I'm willing to give it a few more. But something better happen soon to make it seem more enjoyable, or I'm going back to Star Trek: TNG (which I watch over and over and never grow tired of). Exactly!! I thought the same thing!!! :lol:
  12. Me too. I went through an emotionally traumatic time about 3 years ago, and I could. not. eat. for several months! I managed to eat tiny amounts at a time, but I kept a cup of water or juice around pretty much all the time so I would stay hydrated. I think I subsisted on peanut butter with crackers; I could eat that because it was something I could nibble on. I lost almost 30 pounds, and that was actually a good thing.
  13. I know way too many girls named Abigail, and I also know a few girls named Julia or Bethany. Lydia and Naomi aren't as common--around here, anyway--so I like those. I voted for Lydia just because it has a prettier sound to me.
  14. :iagree: Absolutely. I see a lot of that "educational neglect" among homeschoolers around here. It DOES reflect badly on me (and you) because people who have seen the neglect side of things and later hear us say that we homeschool will then give this look that means, "Oh, one of those people."
  15. I tried DGP last year with my dd. I wanted to love it; I really tried. But we found it a bit tedious. DGP would be great for review, I think, for a kid who just needed to brush up on things, or needed a break from a rigorous program like R&S. That was my plan for my dd when she did DGP last year, and that was also my plan for HV this year when I had her do Easy Grammar/Daily Grams. But it's too open-ended for HV; she needs more direction and instruction.
  16. Thanks, Ellie. :) I did look at the CTGE you mentioned, but there's something about the look of it that bothers me. I guess it doesn't look "crisp" enough. The online samples aren't good resolution, though, so maybe that was the problem. I've heard of Stewart English, but if there's no easy to use answer key, I'm going to strike it off my list. I'll be teaching 3 teenagers next year, all different grade levels, so I will need to streamline my grading as much as possible. It looks like I'm still stuck between CLE & ABeka. :( I think I'll buy both and then decide.
  17. Short version: I had them but did not like them, so I switched to glasses. Long version: I started wearing glasses for extreme nearsightedness when I was 12, and wore glasses until I was 24 (except for the month or so that I tried hard contacts when I was 17). When I was 24, I went to soft contacts and LOVED them. When I was in my early 40s, my eyes began to change, but my doctor prescribed standard monovision contacts. That worked great for a few years, but then I began to need more correction (started having severe eye strain), so the doctor suggested that I move to multifocal ("bifocal") contacts. We tried and tried, but could NOT get the prescription right, so I gave up and switched to glasses.
  18. Sometimes I would correct the work daily, but at other times, I would correct several pages at once. Occasionally I would sit with her and explain the lesson, but mostly, she read the lesson herself and completed the exercises without help. I've already picked out a writing program to use for next year, so I am looking for grammar only--or grammar + penmanship + spelling, if I go with CLE. The penmanship and spelling in CLE might prove to be a real bonus because she really could use a little practice there, but it's not make-or-break. With ABeka, the "bonus" would be the research writing section of the worktext. I like the way ABeka teaches research writing, although it doesn't do a good job of teaching other types of writing unless you buy the curriculum book. But then, if I'm going to teach from the curriculum book, it's going to become time consuming, and I might as well go back to R&S. I've never heard of the CTGE you mentioned, but I'll research it, and maybe I can make a decision soon. Thanks!
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