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Everything posted by RenayofRohan

  1. Calcium & Magnesium is a muscle relaxer, true? I believe you need to be careful with dosage b/c it could cause you to be running to the bathroom :leaving:, if you KWIM, and I suppose you wouldn't get much sleep after that. :ack2: Well, I hope you have a wonderful sleep tonight! Sounds like you more than deserve it. ;)
  2. I want to go back home to SoCal for Christmas and see my family! :grouphug: I haven't seen them for 2.5 years and I am beyond homesick. My husband's teaching contract ends in February, but this semester is his last to teach, then all he has to do is turn in grades, then he's done in time for Christmas vacation. So I'm hoping the seminary will let us go a little early since other professors are gone for vacation. Besides that, though, I'm sure I can think of something that has to do with Mac computers, updated camcorders, coffee, and Bath & Body Works! :tongue_smilie:
  3. I live on a tiny, remote tropical island, and I think I've met 4 homeschoolers in the last 2 1/2 years. There are no homeschool groups here. Back in SoCal I was a part of a wonderful homeschool group with classes (some I taught), field trips, science fairs, workshops, park days, etc. I had a lot of friends, and so did my children. My SIL homeschooled and lived right next door! That's why I am SO thankful for the online community! ;) I think I would go crazy if I didn't have any interaction with homeschool moms. Being in this position has forced me to find resources otherwise I don't think I would have come across. I have learned so much. I do keep in touch with some of my hs friends from CA by email, and that has been a blessing too.
  4. LivingLearningLoving http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50358
  5. I'm glad you brought up this point. One of my sons writes with his left hand, as do I, and we both despise writing in a 3-ring binder, so we take out the paper. We do try to remember to get the paper back in there, but it doesn't always happen.
  6. Have fun. ;) Enjoy the journey. ;) Read lots of cool books. ;) Cuddle (unless he hates it). ;) Have more fun! ;)
  7. Biden ~ a white-haired dude? I wonder if Paris approves. :lol::lol::lol:
  8. Here's a link that'll take you to a variety of articles about choosing the right bike for your child. HTH ;) Here's one guideline from one of the articles: "When the child tests the bike, the balls of both feet should be on the ground while sitting on the bike and holding the handlebars. When straddling the center bar, both feet should be flat on the ground and there should be around one inch between the child and the top bar of a traditionally styled boy's bike." My 2 boys both like the Mongoose brand, but I haven't done any "bike" research for a while.
  9. to buy used curriculum, though not as popular: http://homeschoolchristian.com/forum/category-view.asp You will see the For Sale link a little down the page.
  10. Besides this WTM board and Ebay, you can try Vegsource. Here's the link to the 3rd - 6th grade board: http://vegsource.com/homeschool/fs36/ 7th - 12th board:http://vegsource.com/homeschool/fs712/ Hope this helps! ;)
  11. Ha Ha Ha! :lol: That is so hilarious! I woke up from a dream that I was teaching my son to write with WWE, but it actually wasn't a nightmare. :w00t:
  12. What adorable kids! (((HUGS))) for each of them. ;) Yes, I will be praying for you all!
  13. Are you sure, Dumb Dumb??? OK, sorry. Just kidding! I had to say that. :lol: Can't wait. Our whole family loves that movie. The whole museum thing ~ it works for us. :lurk5:
  14. No, I'm still weighing all my options ~ although I do visit Karenciavo's blog every week and imagine I have one, and sit there in utter amazement at her photos. :tongue_smilie:
  15. You are right ~ it doesn't make you a creep to want some pictures of some little girls who were very special to you at that point in your life. But you made the parents aware of the photos AND you didn't take those photos and put them on the internet without the parent's permission. You were responsible and gave those girls a precious memory. ;) Also, it's one thing to shoot 60 pics. It's another thing to plaster them on the internet and label them without the parent's knowledge and keep them there when your "nanny" relationship was severed.
  16. Umm...ew! If it were me, I would demand right away that she take them off. Those are your children and she definitely should have had your permission first. 60+ pics - and labled? I'd be all over that. :angry:
  17. I am so sorry all of this is happening, and what you and your sister endured as children. I'm writing to tell you that I will pray for you this very moment, that the Lord gives you wisdom, and that you and your husband can be in agreement in this situation. :grouphug:
  18. Nothing helped my oldest son remember his multiplication facts. Nothing. He had a lot of struggles with math. When we started to use Times Tales, it changed his life and gave him confidence. It took longer than an hour for sure! But it worked. HTH ;)
  19. Consider it directed at you as well. ;) Your blog is unique. The layout is different than what I'm used to seeing. LOVE the photos of the children...oh, and the kitty photos. Too cute! Blogs showing artwork and schoolwork of the children, AND a collection of fine books? Gotta score points with me. I like the depressed gnome too - so cool.:(
  20. I realized a long time ago that one of my sons actually didn't have the "gun in his hand" if you KWIM. It just dangled there, so we had to remind him of the fuller meaning of "aim." :confused1: Ditto the cheerios (or targets), and supervising them as they clean their own messes up.
  21. I didn't see this post in time. Well, good for you! You hang in there, and ice cream with some cookie crumbs always helps me to feel better!
  22. :iagree: It doesn't matter how brilliant they are (and my DH is ;)), but sometimes they just don't get it. :blink: Communication is clarification. I've said this in another post. I have been working on this myself in my communication with DH. Maybe your wonderful man just doesn't realize what you are going through. I'm sure a gentle and clear conversation would help. I was thinking too that after being home for just 4 days, he may need a good week to get in the swing of things again. I'm glad you can vent a little. ;)
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