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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I presume faith's son has already made a decision, but for future reference, I really don't think a personal visit is necessary unless the college requires it. A "I think I'm going to take the earlier course instead" email is nice to have and totally sufficient.
  2. q: Are tectonic plates dishwasher-safe? a: I don't know, but they're good for a continental breakfast.
  3. Mostly stuff that makes me laugh. I try to focus on upbeat stuff.
  4. Amazing supplement but really not worth a credit alone imo. I don't think it would be good preparation for Spanish 2, either, so unless you need precisely one credit of FL ...
  5. He's also changed recently. His talker vs. doer may have changed as well.
  6. I don't know how far away he is, but I'd be seriously concerned about a couple of things: 1) Deciding to take out the "ISIS training camp" 2) Deciding to show up and "rescue you from yourself and your delusions" by taking you to a "place of safety". I would be watchful.
  7. Stop trying to defend your friend. Seriously. He is completely unhinged. Honestly I'd stop replying. Contact authorities. Contact his doctor. Call the mental health hotline for your area and his area. This seriously sounds like it could be a tragedy in the making. Edit: You are trying to reason with him. You cannot reason with someone who is at that level of mental illness. I am not saying he's a bad person. I'm saying that he's really seriously ill at the moment.
  8. Ruhlman's Twenty and another of his books Ratio might be along the lines of what you're looking for as far as self-education goes. Many of his other books are more specialized.
  9. If you can possibly do that, that would be the best solution imo. See if there's any way around it if the student is enrolled in a substantially equivalent class elsewhere. Chatting with the math department may help if necessary. I'd definitely tell any incoming student who was able to keep up with AOPS to finish their courses before they even thought about taking any of ours.
  10. The one you're most likely to use. Treadmill's hard on my knees. Bike's hard on my rear. I like elliptical best if I have to do cardio on a machine but I have other ways to get it now.
  11. Appointment with psychologist, yes. Possibly a nutritionist who can explain about needing fuel for your body. Look up female athlete triad. The lying about her intake is a huge red flag.
  12. Really liked it for the above reasons. Certainly not a feel-good movie but a very good and thought-provoking movie.
  13. Math is just about the last subject where I would try and slow a kid down or make him repeat material to make sure I could combine him with a younger (other than phonics). Since your older already knows a lot of the 1a material, I don't think it would be very good for your little to see his brother always getting it right faster. It'd be different if your older were struggling and genuinely on a 1a level rather than being expected to breeze through it.
  14. These -- http://www.food.com/recipe/ginger-crinkles-243951 -- they're great and so easy.
  15. Looking at your second update, I'd get her the hell out of that preschool no matter how much she loves it. It's clear that they have absolutely no idea of the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" or privacy.
  16. Yep. Actually I still have one of my wisdom teeth because the tooth next to it needed to be pulled (I was about 20 at that time). The wisdom tooth has migrated over sufficiently that the dentist has to observe very closely to see that it's a wisdom tooth (I've changed dentists a few times since then).
  17. I guess I had solved it by identifying the sidelengths. I got h = 3 sqrt 6, w = 4 sqrt 6, l = 40/sqrt 6, then V = 480 sqrt 6 which agrees with your answer after use of a calculator at the last step. My guess is that the question writer wanted to force them to use simultaneous equations and square roots as well???
  18. You know it didn't occur to me that that might have been a typo in the original problem and not in how it was typed into the forum. I can totally see how that would be super confusing as well.
  19. The volume will be l*w*h. The area of one face will be l*h, the area of one face will be w*h, and the area of the top will be l*w. Is this enough?
  20. A bacon and cheddar yorkshire pudding, spinach with cheese sauce, and mincemeat pie.
  21. It'll degrade the quality of the meat but it won't be dangerous. http://food.unl.edu/it-safe-refreeze-raw-meat-and-poultry-has-thawed
  22. One issue I see is: "Participants consumed a diet for 9 days to deliver comparable percentages of protein, fat, and carbohydrate as their self-reported diet; however, dietary sugar was reduced from 28% to 10% and substituted with starch" I would be really interested to see what would happen with participants consuming a diet to deliver exactly what their self-reported diet consisted of. There are studies showing that even dietitians underreport their own calories. It strikes me that this ought to have been done prior to his 10-day study -- i.e. 10 days of consuming a diet made up to deliver their self-reported diet and then 10 days of the low-sugar diet. Reference on the reporting: http://weightology.net/weightologyweekly/index.php/free-content/free-content/volume-1-issue-8-do-dietitians-accurately-report-their-food-intake-and-confirmation-bias/do-dietitians-accurately-report-their-food-intake/
  23. Purple, because aliens don't wear hats. (but seriously, the question is either testing whether the student has the guts to write "no answer", or badly written. I'm going with the latter).
  24. What she said. I recently lost a friend to this as well, and the passage from diagnosis to dead was not that long. He was in a high-risk category but didn't like doctors and so was never checked.
  25. Right. Like when the doctor wanted my mother to take a certain medication which gave her horrible side effects (constant pain and severe depression) because it would reduce her risk of a second heart attack by (literally) 5%, she said "I'll take that 5% extra chance in exchange for my life being worth living over the next year." His idea was that she should take some pain medicine and antidepressants to deal with the side effects.
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