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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I would finish the TT sequence and then decide where you want to go next. Changing mid-sequence is more likely to leave gaps (this is especially true for TT, as their scope and sequence is slightly nonstandard). Is this the daughter about to begin dual enrollment at the CC? If so, I'd finish TT precalc and then take the CC placement test and take further mathematics there.
  2. Beginning/Intermediate Algebra at college are basically Algebra I/II at the high school. Introductory Algebra is essentially the same as Beginning Algebra, with some very minor coverage differences. College Algebra and Precalc together cover a precalc class.
  3. :iagree: I see this all. the. time. I'd rather have a student who took *and understood* Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 than one who's gone through calculus and never understood anything but *thinks* he did.
  4. Has she had geometry? Trig will use and apply geometric knowledge ... and you mentioned only Alg 1 and 2.
  5. What I used is far out of print, and it was aimed at mathy students anyway. I agree with skipping the trigonometry sections -- a student who wants to learn trigonometry should do Foerster's precalculus course which covers them far more thoroughly. I haven't looked at Abeka, but I do like Foerster's books a lot, both for exposition and for relevance of word problems. Also, if you need video lessons mathwithoutborders.com has them. I haven't purchased them, but I liked his samples.
  6. Foerster's text is also frequently labelled 'honors', so that shouldn't be your reason for choosing between the two.
  7. A: Find someone who's as smart or smarter than he is in his strength for him to work with if possible. You may need to go online for this. B: Something where he'll struggle and have to work hard at first -- art? martial art? computer programming?
  8. I didn't know you could *do* that! I could've seen what happened after I went to bed :(
  9. Lol :D When my (homeschooled) brother applied to college, they told him they wanted a list of every book read during high school, assigned and recreational. He phoned the admissions office and said "Are you sure? Because I could probably make this list, but since it would have well over a thousand books on it, I really don't want to and I don't think you want to read it either." They told him to include a representative sample.
  10. :D :D I'm glad you didn't eat the pad. I would eat it too, btw.
  11. There are many jokes involving a farmer's daughter, but they usually involve a man coming to visit, the farmer putting up an ineffective barrier to stop them from having intercourse, the barrier being circumvented in some way, and a funny comment about that. That being said, here's one of my favourites: "How did it happen?" the doctor asked the middle-aged farmhand as he set the man's broken leg. "Well, doc, 25 years ago..." "Never mind the past! Tell me how you broke your leg this morning." "Like I was saying... 25 years ago, when I first started working on the farm, that night, right after I'd gone to bed, the farmer's beautiful daughter came into my room. She asked me if there was anything I wanted. I said, "No, everything is fine." "Are you sure?" she asked. "I'm sure," I said. "Isn't there anything I can do for you???" she wanted to know. "I reckon not," I replied. "Excuse me," said the doctor, "What does this story have to do with your broken leg?!?!?" "Well, this morning," the farmhand explained, "when it dawned on me what she meant, I fell off the roof!"
  12. There's some workbooks here:http://tinyurl.com/4373k26 Some of them are secular and all of them are cheapish.
  13. This book/course is on my list for self-education, so if you do go with it I'd love to hear how it works out. I just don't have enough hours in the day at the moment. :D
  14. Here's an MIT OCW course which uses the 5th edition of this text: http://tinyurl.com/3oopzfx They have 3 problem sets with solutions available. The 2003 quizzes/solutions are also up.
  15. I really don't often correct spelling here -- but your paper should probably say he's showing progress commensurate with his ability.
  16. Gosh, when I saw this title I was thinking BooKshelves, and the mental images were beyond belief.
  17. I will say that it definitely worked for me. My mother withdrew me in the middle of second grade. We deschooled for the rest of the grade, did some living math the next year, and then moved directly to Pre-algebra. I had been able to quickly generalize many topics I had learned before (i.e. leap quickly from double-digit addition to arbitrary-digit addition), but I was still shaky on many arithmetic topics and had to add or use arithmetic tricks to find many single-digit multiplication products (for example, 7*9 = 7*3*3 = 21*3 = 20*3+1*3=60+3=63). Going through pre-algebra both challenged my problem-solving abilities while showing me that there were actual reasons to learn all this other math other than torture. YMMV.
  18. Yeah, I'd have had some other words too, and I might not have been as restrained as you. We could start with 'Mind your own ****ing business' and go on from there.
  19. Nice :D I just scored a completely free copy of Liping Ma's book off a 'free books, please take' table from a retiring professor :):)
  20. I don't post in response to atheist posts of my friends. I don't post in response to religious posts by my friends who are far more conservative than I am. If they aren't willing to give me the same respect, they aren't my friends.
  21. Okay, I have to respond with another quote/pic. I posted this on FB and ... got several 'likes' and a few 'I'm afraid to 'like' this. :D
  22. Repost this if bandwagon crusades drive you nuts? :D
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