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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I would actually prefer NOT to have the water conserving shower head. I was forced to get one by the landlord -- and it takes about 4x as long to wash my hair. So I'm using half the water but for four times as long -- it doesn't make sense. Oh, and I leave the water on, but I get really cold otherwise. :P
  2. For your peace of mind in future, you may want to get a cheap meat thermometer. Mine was about 5 bucks at Walmart and has the 'done' zone for beef/poultry/pork already marked.
  3. Yep, it's something along the lines of 'Have him do 20 years or so in jail, visit him while he's there and then when he gets out your children will be grown and you can welcome him back home with open arms. God hates divorce.' God might hate divorce, but any God who doesn't hate child molestation more than divorce isn't one I wish to worship.
  4. Pretty sure that a) the person who asked the question was trolling and b) the person who answered it recognized it and countertrolled.
  5. Can you delete the first account? If not, what about creating a gmail account specifically for this purpose, using it, forwarding it to the account you used for first son, and then forgetting about it?
  6. 5.5 classes per semester instead of 4 classes per semester is nearly 40% more. Doing 11 (even if they're lighter) high school courses per year would be a hefty load even for an older kid. I would recommend strongly against it. Why not just plan to dual enroll? For example, he takes human geography at the university instead of a high school geography class, and you count it as a high school credit for geography. He takes Freshman Comp 1, and you count it as a high school credit for English.
  7. Different color paper and crayons? Fine, good idea. They're relatively cheap and will improve children's ability to create anyway. Instructing teachers to LIE and say their favorite color is black or brown? ... gah. My favourite color is yellow and they can bite me.
  8. Close enough. It's because they can't rule out that it could have happened by chance. For more information, check here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance The first paragraph in the article and the first paragraph in "use in practice" have some further explanations.
  9. This is a reference to statistical significance, rather than the common usage of significance which would be rather different. What their sentence means is "We think we saw a 30% higher risk. Due to the low numbers in our study, though, we can't be sure whether this is just caused by random variations or not." For a (hopefully non-controversial) example of statistical significance: Let us say that we are considering whether a coin is biased or not. Suppose we flip it two times and get two heads. Assuming the coin is fair, this has a 25% chance of happening. We cannot use this to say that the coin is biased. Now suppose that we flip it 200 times and it comes up heads 70% of the time. The odds of this happening by chance are pretty small, and we would likely then conclude that the coin is biased. Similarly, medical studies with low numbers of participants require far higher risk increases in order to show statistical significance.
  10. I agree -- don't like Emma Elise because of the double-sound in the middle. After you say it a few times you're going to be saying Emmelise.
  11. A friend of mine got 'If I haven't learned it after lecture, that means you aren't doing your job. It isn't fair of you to penalize us on the exams because you don't want to do your job.' Yep, student thought that all the learning activities for the semester should be carried out in class.
  12. A W is for sure better than a D or F. I would also say that a 3.0+ with one W is better than a lower GPA without the W -- especially in the first semester at college trying a new format.
  13. I have a pair of clogs where the heel moves freely up and down. If you wear them for a long walk the first day you have them, you'll probably end up with blisters. You do have to break them in. After they get broken in I really don't notice.
  14. This is really great for her. She discovered now, there's time to change, and she's not stuck with a degree and job she hates feeling that she has to work there because she can't drop out now. I hope the next choice works out better for her :)
  15. Honestly -- hothousing isn't teaching your kid what they're ready to learn. It's trying to teach them *before* they're ready and spending an inordinate amount of time on it. Someone who's hothousing wouldn't be backing off when the kid was frustrated and not learning, but jumping curriculum, hiring a tutor or lengthening the time. JMO.
  16. Awesome :D For me what got me over the hump of 'I will run if a lunatic is chasing me with a knife' to 'I like exercise and it makes me feel better' was joining Aikido :D
  17. Did they pay her to write that? I mean seriously. Not everything works for everyone.
  18. Stats. Not necessarily AP, just intro stats. :P Some statistical literacy is a good thing anyway -- and it's math. And it's not algebra. She might even like it better. And if she ends up in a major where she needs stats (some surprising ones do now) some exposure would be good. And it looks more impressive than consumer math :P
  19. Jeri, If she's doing well and is simply concerned about the future, remind her of how much her brain will mature in 4 years -- and ask her how well her 5th grade self would have handled even one biology course. The extra age will make a lot of difference.
  20. I actually don't believe it's true for 'most adults' -- but I do think that educational achievement has stayed pretty similar while qualifications and grades have increased.
  21. Doc did something similar to my mother. She was in seeing him for something completely unrelated and he told her that she obviously didn't care if she lived or died since she hadn't quit smoking yet so why was she wasting his time? It's been 20 years since then and she's still smoking. And it took her 5 more years to actually get her broken back diagnosed because she said 'to heck with doctors, I'll just hurt'
  22. I do not have direct experience with IMP. However, the people at mathematicallycorrect.com dislike it a lot. http://mathematicallycorrect.com/programs.htm and scroll to the bottom.
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