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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Yes, love it! We have actually moved to the online version, though, for the sake of electronic portability. What, in particular, are you having trouble with? That might help to direct some guidance. ;)
  2. 1. Yes 2. Um... Not sure if it's culturally "important", but it doesn't seem as if you should need to have seen the movies to know pods or gaslighting. They're common references. 3. US 4. 41 5. No idea. It's not a movie I've seen more than once, and possibly not even in its entirety.
  3. We had Dish when we first moved here and it stunk. So we go DirecTv and it was ok. We eventually moved to cable because our internet was cable and we were already paying for it. That was the worst of all, and the most expensive. We ended up putting up a new antenna during the digital change, and we get lots of channels and have streaming Netflix. It's been the perfect solution for us, and remarkably better "service" than satellite or cable. Go figure.
  4. The three youngers all co-slept until they were over 3, all breastfed. With the boys, we took one side off the crib we had and pushed it against my side of the bed. The mattresses were the same height, and it gave us more room.
  5. We lay in bed, watch something on Netflix, and play Words With Friends with each other when he's home. Come to think of it, when he's at work (every 4th day), we do the same, but we're not watching the same thing and the dog gets to sprawl out on his side. Lol.
  6. 1. Yes, I ride my bike. 2. I don't know. I am required to ride on the road (children are not), cars required to acknowledge and share the road with cyclists. I am required to abide by traffic laws on my bike as well as in my car. 3. There are a fair amount of adults who ride bikes in town (25 mph) and outside of town on neighborhood roads (30-35 mph). We do not have bike lanes except on the main 2-lane, 50 mph rural route between us and the closest larger town. On that, the shoulders are marked as bike lanes. It's also my (and most others I know) favorite running route. 4. I think cyclists need to use common sense and ride where it is safe. In my area, there is farm equipment, old farmer dudes on Vespas, etc, as well. Everything is mostly straight and flat, with a long sight line once you get out of town. When I lived in Annapolis, there were areas with blind curves, no shoulder, hill straight up on one side, drop off on the other; that was a favorite for cyclists in packs* and is dangerous for everyone involved. 5. It is illegal to ride your bike on a divided highway without a bike lane here. 6. * yes. See above packs of cyclists. These are generally the people also weaving through traffic stopped at a sign or light, so they can go through when they do not have the right of way. (And our town cops will ticket for that, as well as lock you up for DWI on a bike. :D)
  7. I woke up to thick fog this morning. The humidity's down, but I had a crazy busy morning and now I'm.just.done. I think the pollen is blowing about, too, and that's making me feel all squinty. I'm taking a nap. :-P
  8. I just spray and wipe out with my regular all-purpose cleaner. I think bleach is probably overkill in this area. (bonus: I like Mrs Meyers lavender, so that might deter them from flying back into the cabinets... Or not. ) They like ANY pantry goods, just about. They annoy me to the point that all bulk grains, nuts, seeds and dried fruit get detailed to the freezer and we just keep "working quantities" in the cupboard, sealed in quart or half gallon mason jars. If one of the little @!$&"?&! comes through the deep freeze, they're sealed in pne jar and out of the others.
  9. We have a Samsung laser printer and a Brother 4-in-1. We bought the laser as a floor model <$100 and the inkjet as a clearance <$50. The laser is at least 5 years old, the inkjet is 2 or 3. The only issue I've had was that it was difficult to find the drivers for the laser when we got a new computer, since it's so old. I buy our ink and toner from Supermediastore.com. The toner is ~$30 (compared with over $80) and the ink is ~$15 for a full complement of cartridges. I have never had a problem with either.
  10. I know... Is that a "good for you" sticking with the same baby-daddy, or admiration for your, uh, "efforts"? :lol:
  11. Antibiotics don't help with allergies. They only work for bacterial infections (and are working less and less well because so many jacka$$es are giving people antibiotics for things like allergies and viruses). So, yeah, I'd treat the symptoms - ibuprofen, decongestants, antihistamines - and get a second opinion.
  12. They're probably looking for a new home. I honestly don't know it'll the adults even eat, or if they're like luna moths and just live to lay eggs. Vacuum and spray/wipe out the cabinets, then get the moth traps from the hardware store, and freeze any dry goods when you bring them in. I hate those things. :glare:
  13. If you lighten it with white, dump both tinted gallons into a big bucket, then add the white to your satisfaction. Otherwise you'll never match the two gallons to each other. ;)
  14. Those guys could probably eat the smallest crickets from PetSmart. They are very cute. What kind are they? We raised bullfrogs from a friend's pond. My tadpoles were bigger than that!
  15. A tapestry? Paint the backs and hang pictures, as if it's wall? More bookcases, positioned back to back?
  16. Exactly my thought. If you say nothing and pay for a fake order so she can get a bonus, you are complicit. You are aiding her in defrauding the company. There is a much bigger cost to you than the financial here. You are adding your ethics - as a spouse as well as an employee - to the pot by allowing her to use you as a tool taking from your family and the company for her gain.
  17. Chocolate! I believe neither in magic nor demons. I think evil is more mundane than that. I think "magic" is, too.
  18. I am laughing so hard right now. It wouldn't be nearly as funny if we didn't have rules we never saw coming. And then the subsections of those rules where we found unforeseen loopholes.
  19. That's entirely true! Weird, isn't it? I think traveling in a pack of homeschoolers has skwewed my view. I hear myself saying things like I "only" have 4. :lol: Rosie, I had the same thing (after the insane questions/comments about fertility, etc) after the boys were born. My rings didn't fit. People are stupid, but sometimes they're so stupid it's comical.
  20. If it makes you feel better, Cailtlin, I have to explain to adults fairly often why the check-in times seem wrong on our front desk computer. The server is in CO or somewhere. I get a blank stare. I tell them it's MT. Still blank. I tell them MT is 2 hours behind us. They sort of get it. My kids, on the other hand, get GMT and time zones. Go figure. I'm always glad when my children choose home to be the place where they say things that make you go :001_huh:.
  21. I'm totaly supportive of people following different paths, based on their goals. Our goal is for the children to have as much choice as possible. Krissi's thoughts below describe the path we are following to reach the goal we have made.
  22. I can tell you what I actually did do: I sought a second, then a third opinion, until I found someone who understood that "within normal limits" does not mean optimal function, and would treat me with my symptoms being the primary guidepost. And I got my life back.
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