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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Yes, I tend to think "equal" is not necessarily "equitable", or "fair". What any of my children need at any given time is different. We try to meet needs on an individual basis. Now... If the basic expectations of the children are different - child A is expected to provide for themselves in all circumstances, without assistance, while child B is not expected to contribute in any way to their own upkeep (assuming that both are mentally/physically capable of doing so, generally speaking, in their own ways) - then that is favoritism, though it really rather stunts the "favorite", I would suppose.
  2. Other than names of certain sports equipment (ie, I think Nike makes a shoe called "Reax"), I've never seen it. I'll take a journalist's word that it's journalistic shorthand, but I'm pretty sure "shorthand" isn't intended for publication. If you were writing a case study, would you use sx, hx, etc?
  3. For face wash & moisturizer, I really like the Kiss My Face Potent & Pure line. They have a starter kit with sample sizes so you can try their basics. You may have to sample a LOT of different ones to find your ideal, though. I've tried many great products recommended and loved by friends that don't work for my skin / water / whatever factor. Nothing against the products; they're just not a good match for me.
  4. Yeah, that. I play pretty fast and loose with the "food rules", but I couldn't bring myself to eat that.
  5. Our cat hated the new puppy. For ten years. The dog gets along with everyone and never gave up on making friends with the cat. Alas, it never came to be. They carved out a truce until the cat was about 18, then he ran out of nice and would just randomly jump on her. He passed away at 19.5 about 18months ago. She still sometimes stops and looks around for him lurking at the top of the steps, ready to pounce. So, they may never be friendly, but they'll learn to coexist.
  6. When I could eat gluten, I either used KAF all-purpose or their "special", which has a protein content between their AP and bread flours. I really saw no difference in AP/special/bread as far as end product, in any type of bread (plain old white, French, artisan loaves, no-knead, sourdough). (I should mention Special is only available in 50lb bags, though.)
  7. Yeah, I don't know why he chose to watch those with a stomach bug. He's mental. Ok, Negin in Grenada's comments sent us to eyeball cheaper juicers yesterday... We split the difference amongst the offerings at Target, Kohl's and Walmart, and got the GE 800 watt model ($49 at Walmart). Last night I read some reviews that were helpful (ie the top needs to be solidly locked down to engage the safety switch), and this morning we have juiced nearly every bit of produce in the house. :D So far, I can say it does kale, spinach, cucumbers, peppers, grapes, apples, strawberries, tomatoes and carrots. The pulp is drier than I expected (based on reviews - I'm sure you could extract more with a press, but it's not at all "wet"). Reviews also mentioned how crazy loud it is; it's no louder than my food processor or blender, so I'm not sure what people are comparing it to in the noise department. Eta: several people also complained about not being able to find a glass to fit under the spout... I have no idea what sort of glasses they have in their kitchens but our regular drinking glasses (which seem to me are generally "standard" in size and circumference, as compared with those of friends and family) sit under it and right up against the side so there's no leaking. It has a 2 year warranty, add we added the Walmart protection plan for $3. The kids are just mad about it, and are now parked in front of Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, drinking apple-grape-kale-carrot juice. Woohoo!
  8. Me, too. My last were born when I was 33. I was a mother of young children in my mid-30s, but not a young mother.
  9. One of our cars does that. I can have 2 gallons on the gauge, drive 12 miles, park, and the light comes on when I get back in. Or, the light is on when I get in, but goes off when I get to work (a mile away). I'm betting on your gas gauge being wonky.
  10. I was listening to an interesting segment on All Things Considered a few weeks ago. Audie Cornish was talk to Susan Cain, the author of "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking". One of the things Ms. Cain mentioned - aside from the obvious (to us) part where "introvert" does not equal "anti-social" - is that the "culture of personality" we're currently living in is fairly recent; previously we lived in a "culture of character", when introvert was the more accepted personality type. But, no, my social skills are fine. I am not at all shy; I'll strike up a conversation with anyone. "One" being the operative there. I just find it completely exhausting to socialize in a large group. Too much input. I'm perfectly happy chatting for hours with a friend, and I absolutely adore my circle. I even work in an atmosphere where I'm talking with people pretty much the whole time, but it's one or two at a time if I'm at the desk, and group exercise classes aren't really interactive on the same level, so I have no trouble teaching.
  11. Yup. We've de-junked boxes and bags of the outgrown clothes to Goodwill (and recorded the stuff in It's Deductible! Yippee!). Today, I funked up two (!!) HEPA filters to the point my Dyson actually lost suction. :ack2: They are now drying for more vacuuming on Sunday. (and then my unfortunate husband called from work and I yelled at him about how disgusting we are. If the disgusting swill doesn't inspire him, the crazy wife does. :D)
  12. I watched a duck land 30 feet up on a tree limb (it's a big, horizontal limb). It was very peculiar, but the duck seemed happy. :) I found my children picnicking in their play structure, happily filthy from playing in the yard all morning. Yay, spring!
  13. That. And, if you'd posted last year, it would have been "not in a million!" ... But then my Blackberry died and, um, :blushing: yeah, I love my iPhone. I'm typing on it right now!
  14. I tend to view things like this as meaning "these people are too juvenile to be married". I'm not particularly tolerant of childish relationship drama played out on FB (or in any other public venue), though.
  15. So, you just dump the greens into the blender with other stuff and it's not, er, stringy? FOK is in my queue as well. I think my husband watched that, too. (such a lovely lineup when you're barfing) I know... What if I just google "green smoothie" and leave the juicer thread alone? :lol:
  16. Yup. I can actually sell my personal trainer textbook back for more than I paid (well, we had a credit because we ordered a Roku box and, literally, the day it shipped, they had a $20 off special, so my husband called and they honored it) You can see what they'll pay for your books here. And, honestly, I've found selling on Marketplace to be painless. The $3.99 for packaging/shipping normally covers my supplies, plus first-class postage, even though it's for Media Mail.
  17. http://www.berninausa.com/3series/en-us/video.html (Chrome thinks this page is in German. If that's the case, I can suddenly read German...) Anyway, there are a bazillion Bernina videos.
  18. Please explain this to me. My husband watched it while he was down with the stomach plague, and then I watched... but I don't want a juicer, quite frankly.
  19. That has been my experience, as well, and we've also been Prime members since it's been around.
  20. Mmmmmmmm. We might be having that for supper tonight!
  21. (as an aside to the "dead language" comment because, yes, Latin is now static and, thus no longer a "living" language) The general public at large that I run into haven't mastered even 1% of English (the only language they use). They have no use for Latin (or any other language, dead or modern). Interestingly, I keep seeing Wheelock at Barnes and Noble, prominently displayed, so maybe the tide is turning.
  22. Me, too. And it's an incredibly frustrating position, having a machine that you have no idea how to use. I imagine, if you'd bought it new, and were in the same place, you would still be frustrated. (My mother had that experience with a Bernina and a Pfaff) That's not ungrateful. It's frustrated with something having to do with the machine, not the gift. ;)
  23. Ok, here's a confession: I work for the Y. I am a personal trainer, teach group exercise classes, lift with the big boys... you get the idea. So, I'm subbing a Pilates class for a colleague next week. She is, maybe just 30, 4'10" and so tiny I actually wonder where she keeps her organs. Seriously, seriously little. (I don't say this critically at all) I, on the other hand, have the body of a 41 year old woman with four kids, including a set of full-sized twins. There are extra rolls of skin around my middle. And, yes, I am feeling a little out of sorts about it. On the other hand, we have our own "Biggest Loser" type program and I offer my program clients who are hesitant to join Zumba or step or any of the other cardio classes my very own presence in the class, right next to them. Because they absolutely cannot be less coordinated than I am. You will be fine. Plug into some great music and do your thing. After a while, you really won't even notice there are other people around, especially if you go during the slow time (it's harder to pretend when you're waiting or trying to find an opening for equipment).
  24. Indeed. How rude it would be to burden the family I bring a meal to with cataloging, storing and returning my containers! (My circle brings meals for a month after a new baby is born... Can you imagine the horror of the Pyrex stack??) No, you are not responsible for this crazy woman's Pyrex. It would probably be a kindness for you to go fetch them, just so the grieving family doesn't have to deal with a doorstep full of crazy, but you are not responsible.
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