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Everything posted by Seasider

  1. For casual, I've actually noticed that Walmart carries the Danskin line that is now getting the message that women want longer tops. I have bought some cute fitted long enough casual tops there recently, they go over yoga pants or even over leggings and still make me feel like I am adequately covered.
  2. Those girls are reliving the 80s, I remember doing that with my clothes back in the day!
  3. Well he can't help himself, seems every year a week before Christmas, he goes and buys something he's been wanting and price shopping for months. He never tells me what it is, so I could buy it and wrap it for him as a Christmas morning gift. It's like he can't stand missing the rush of endorphins he gets from making the actual purchase, kwim?😆 I end up getting him a few things for his stocking, A shirt or sweater or some article of clothing, but he's already brought home and started using this year's gift, a new lawnmower.
  4. That book definitely covers the "pushback" created by your boundary setting - a heads up to expect it, what it looks like and how to deal with it. Reactions like your mother's are common.
  5. I have scaled waaaay back. But I also have kids old enough to help pick up the slack. In a few years, I expect there will be grandkids to delight and I will be caught up enough in other areas of life that I will be ready to put on more of a show. Seriously, though, all the responsibility for Christmas "magic" shouldn't be heaped on mom alone. That's a sure way to have no one happy for the season.
  6. I did not inquire about the science behind it, I just know my kid had good, immediate relief. I'm not sure about the effectiveness or safety of regular, repeated use. But in an emergency, if you have to go MacGuyver style...such things are good to know!
  7. Have you told your injection clinic folks about this? It's possible they would consider it a delayed reaction and may want to adjust the dose. Our clinic has a topical spray they offer and which can be purchased and used at home. Can't remember the name of it. Once, after allergy testing, the nurse used an albuterol inhaler and just sprayed the itchiest of spots. Not something I'd do on a regular basis, but it may help if you reach the point of desperation.
  8. Oh I'd say you definitely have to be honest about what you don't know. You can't intentionally misrepresent yourself and hope it'll turn out ok.
  9. I have been recruited for a job or two that I didn't have all the necessary skills for, but I believe the people who recruited me considered me interested and trainable. I think with a good introduction or cover letter, it's possible to express that you are interested and willing to stretch and learn new things. That may cause them to consider you a reasonable candidate. I'd hire a smart, reasonable, teachable person any day over a smug know it all. As long as you're not trying to pass yourself as a neurosurgeon or, you know, someone who has unique, developed-over-the-intense-long-term skills, as others have pointed out.
  10. â¤ï¸ Such good news, Lizzie. So happy for you.
  11. My guess is that if Lauer has the gall to her publicly go after the $30M, odds are HE knows that they knew all along and they will likely quietly settle, with a nondisclosure clause involved. I do hope some criminal charges can be filed against him and others that have been recently outed.
  12. I'm glad he's ok, you were right to check up. I hope that he discovers you checked on him, though, and realized his lack of courtesy in notifying you was neither cool nor professional. IOW I hope he learns from the mistake.
  13. 😂😂😂😂😂 That's great!
  14. Thanks for the beanie tip. Did you place an order with that tshirt company you posted about a while back? I was wondering if your order with them came through okay.
  15. I heard this interview this afternoon. I could not imagine the video. Was Lauer smirking all the way through?
  16. I will go! You are the expedition leader! Personally, I'll be looking for Reepicheep.
  17. Like Jim Carey in The Truman Show, creekland is going to sail to the edge and tear a hole in it. Or maybe we're all just tributes.
  18. Please just be careful not to let the demigorgon through to the right side up.
  19. Guess you lose them or get labeled part of the Vast Science Conspiracy when you ask them what they think of air density and light refraction changes and the like?
  20. Um, when you are on one end of that bridge, you cannot see the end of it. Sure, you see a slim tree line in the distance. When you are in the middle of the lake, there are times when you cannot see any shoreline aside from the top tips of the city's skyscrapers. And personally, I'm not sure why God would test us with outlandish scientific challenges when "love thy neighbor as thyself" and "forgive those who trespass against you" are already about as hard as it gets.
  21. This is what I've always heard. I'd give that in addition to homemade treats.
  22. This is a good point. Anyone know how a FEer would rebut this?
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