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Everything posted by Seasider

  1. Right now the laptop is lying on the floor in my home office. You are dead to me, I told it! I had to run out and then had dinner guests. Tomorrow I will see how it boots up. I have, however, lodged a formal request with dh for an upgrade. This little laptop has always been a bit flaky. Guess I should not have been surprised it failed me today.
  2. Well I got my laptop opened just long enough to grab the doc and email it to myself, then Office crashed. I pulled it up on the desktop and went from there. Made it to the important meeting with the important document with 1 minute to spare. ONE MINUTE. Pretty sure I have thirty new gray hairs tonight. Patty Joanna, you are right, the updates are for my benefit, but the timing is always just the worst. I admit that I am spoiled, though. So much tech at our fingertips, and I get frazzled when it's not perfectly available right when I need it. I have to think back to the days when I used a Radio Shack computer that used cassette tapes... I really am going to email all the important stuff to myself, though, so it's accessible from anywhere.
  3. Oh wow that is terrific news! Thanks for relieving our suspense. So happy for you!
  4. No and I have not seen Aimee around either (though I don't click on every post). Kinda worried about them.
  5. And then the ^#*<£}!#!~~¥** battery gives out in the middle of said stupid updates....<groan>
  6. Why oh why when I turn my computer on to grab an immediately needed document - which I have come home for on a quick lunch break - does it pick NOW to tell me that there are a gazillion updates. And that "this will take a while." I am going to put everything on a flash drive once I get this stupid thing opened. Sadly now I must wait because this laptop is the only place holding that particular word document. I can feel my blood pressure rising.
  7. I'm sure my dh would give some description, but I wonder if it would be me, what I look like today, or the decades younger me that he first met and fell in love with? That would be a fun party game!
  8. LOL! They would miss so much without me telling where the gear for it is! My dh really tries. But when one is asked numerous times what she wants for Christmas/whatever, it takes some of the magic out of it. Pay attention, fella! I shouldn't have to carve it across your forehead. (Love my dh, tho. He makes up for the gift-giving stress in many other ways. Such a brick.)
  9. Similar here with party activities involving decorating food. It makes me sad when people aren't willing to be a little more creative than sticking with the old standbys. DH and I were talking about the whole Christmas treat thing yesterday. Years ago, sweet treats this time of year were special BECAUSE we didn't get them all the time. Nowadays, sugar is everywhere, everyday. No year-long wait for holidays. It makes me kind of sad. And I don't bake holiday cookies anymore, there's just too much already in circulation.
  10. I have done some years where the tree gets just lights and a star on top. No ornaments. All those pesky little objects and wire hooks are the things that make the task seem too big. A simple lighted tree is lovely.
  11. I think it would be fascinating. I'm a big Amelia Peabody fan, and would have loved to live in what I think of as the "golden age" of archaeology.
  12. I would love a little fruit basket or even a couple of beautiful oranges. I know that's not cookies, but to me it's a treat and definitely gluten free.
  13. xoxo right back atcha. Thanks for taking the time to update, good to hear from you. Heal well.
  14. What did you replace it with? I need to be able to make phone calls and send & receive texts. The rest is a...distraction. Please tell me what alternative is working well for you.
  15. Oh, I must have missed an earlier discussion about this. What exactly does the author advocate (besides basic yoga practice)?
  16. I have been watching and reading this thread, feeling bereft of the right words. Just want to say I am thinking of you today and looking forward to an excellent update.
  17. Pretty sure the real story is in the subtitle. 😂
  18. It's fun IF everyone on board knows the spirit of the game is just what I've heard some call it - Dirty Santa. Folks purposefully bring gag items that may be fought over and laughed at by everyone. The stories already shared though, they describe why I do not like these events with folks I don't know well - some people bring nice, thoughtful things that go unappreciated or become the butt of jokes. Others bring nice things and end up with trash in exchange. I once saw someone open a gift bag to find a disposable baby diaper and some small unwrapped Baby Ruth candy bars. So classy. Also, it's not really any fun when you draw number 2, pick something that turns out to be meh, and have to sit through twenty more people having fun making swaps while not at all interested in the item you are holding.
  19. Honestly I wake from the propofal nap feeling like I've had the most relaxing night of sleep, and the hydration from IV always refreshingly hydrates my complexion. So there's that. I think I'm up to six or seven now, with a family history of intestinal cancer. The peace of mind is worth the discomfort.
  20. That makes sense, since TJ and Aldi stores have the same roots. Putting this on the grocery list, it sounds delicious!
  21. Yes, if they are also full at the bottom I wear them as dresses. Short (just above the knee) for summer is ok and then in cool season with stockings and boots.
  22. Yes, and different fits. I'm in Katie's position as a shortie, and I appreciate this. But I have been known to just take scissors to a pair of yoga pants. Like tshirts, they don't really fray. Usually. 😆
  23. I just read a novel by a popular author who used a fake campus shooting spree as a diversion for a robbery. I know it's the characters who did a despicable thing, but on a day like today, that plot point hurts.
  24. Meeting and learning about people who are experiencing with the exact opposite of my own opinion has been what has changed how I think about certain issues in life. Very little is as cut and dry as it appears on the surface. ETA editing to change "health" to "own." Meeting others in the opposite boat has definitely changed my thoughts about health care, but it's not limited to that issue. Dang voice text & autocorrect.
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