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Everything posted by anissarobert

  1. I see Shannon beat me to the response, and did a better job explaining it. Thanks!
  2. The US views ratified treaties differently than other countries. If we ratify it becomes law and that law supercedes our other laws, such as state homeschooling regulations. Other countries do not have this obligation when it comes to treaties. They can ratify them and ignore them. Our courts are already using this treaty to justify decsions, even though it is not law as of yet. In the interests of staying out of politics, I won't say much more, but all the information you need to understand just how scary this is can be found at www.Parentalrights.org. Sign the petition and use their materials to educate others. As homeschoolers we are in a unique positon to influence the outcome of the parental rights movement.
  3. Alicia :grouphug: Your parents may come around. When I started homeschooling when my oldest was 5, my mom thought I was crazy. Now after 10 years she is behind us all the way. She even wrote an article for the newsletter we publish, advocating homeschooling from a grandparent's point of view. It will take time, but when your parents see how well your kids are doing they may change their minds too. I still have several negative types in my extended family, but they are mostly public school teachers, so they are not looking at the situation objectively. We just don't discuss it much. Good Luck!
  4. I had to check other. My dh is out of work, so it is not in the budget right now, but I will buy it when I can.
  5. Sorry Barb. I watched it a couple of weeks ago and didn't remember that it started playing right away.
  6. I have to admit that I have never thought it was a conspiracy, but more something like careless stupidity during the pursuit of profit. However my cousin sent me this link a couple of weeks ago. It is interesting. Maybe I need to buy a foil hat. http://www.wimp.com/sadtruth/
  7. If I buy anything at a fabric store, I use coupons and watch the sales as others have said. However, most of my fabric stash has come from yard sales, thrift stores and freecycle. When I want to make something, I look first to the bins of fabric I have stored.
  8. Tara, Can you get copies of everything and just go to a different Dr.? It really sounds like this one does not know what is going on, and is not motivated to find out. When my oldest was born she showed weird symptoms and her ped. spent 3 months researching to find out her diagnosis. A good Dr. is going to listen to the mother. I have had Dr.'s say that a mom's instinct is usually right. Good Luck.:grouphug: Keep us updated.
  9. Laura-Thanks for asking this question. We are approaching this time period in the Great Books class I'm teaching. I was thinking about skipping Thucydides, but now I'm thinking we may have time for the excerpts that Janie recommended. I'll second the cheer for this forum. What a great resource!
  10. I agree with Beth these tapes are terrrific. I used both The Odyssey and The Iliad to prepare for the literature class I teach. Right now I am listening to her tapes on Greek Tragedy. Dr V. is entertaining and very informative. I'm so blessed that our library has these available. Beth-I have 7 high schoolers in my class, and they all agreed that The Odyssey is much easier to read, so although you are going backwards chronologically, it might be a good way to approach Homer.
  11. I'm so glad you are home! I hope his recovery continues to go well.
  12. Prices have gone up so much recently. A year ago I could feed my family of 5 for $50 a week if I was careful, but now that is impossible. I can still make it for around $70 per week though. I use many of the same strategies that people have mentioned above. -Soups-are always a good bet. -We are vegetarian, so that helps. (Cheese is still pricey though.) -I make homemade pizzas for under $5 for two large thick crust pizzas. -I always buy store brands. -I avoid convience foods and snack foods. (mostly) -I bulk buy when things are on sale. (At one point recently I had 3 cases of cold cereal in my bedroom closet. They were on sale for under $1 per box. My kids were thrilled, as I will rarely buy cereal.) -I combine sales and coupons. -I buy what is on sale and we eat that. -I try to cook from scratch as much as possible. -We try not to waste any food. (We still have issues here.) My dh has been out of work for 3 months. I'm hoping this thread will have some new ideas for me too.
  13. I have yet to see the movie, but dd15 came home from it the other day complaining that Dustfinger was all wrong. She said it was his hair. She has read all the books for years, so she must have pictured him differently. I'm usually disappointed when books get adapted for movies because they don't look right, so she must come by it naturally.
  14. I posted that I would continue through high school with R & S, because that is what I plan to do. DD is just about finished with R & S 7. We started it in 8th grade, and it was a tough place to start this series. I plan to have her complete the remaining 3 books over the next 3 1/2 years, if she can. Still, I agree that this is more grammar than I ever learned in school! That is one of the reasons she has not moved more quickly. It takes me a while to figure out the answers when she has a question.
  15. Maybe it makes teeny tiny-bite size brownies for fairies to eat.:D I have noticed that the serving size on brownie recipes is much smaller than I would cut, but not that small! It must be a misprint.
  16. I asked my dd15, why she didn't mention these parts to me when her brother asked to read the book. She said she skimmed them, because she doesn't like violence! I'm not sure ds has that ability, or being male the desire to skim the bad parts, so I think he might wait a bit to read them. (BTW I noticed this tactic was used by all the girls in my great books class when we read The Iliad!)
  17. My 9 year-old just checked out the 3rd book from the library. He was fine with the first two, which I have read, but I have not had time to read the third. It sounds like he should not read it at this point. Thanks for asking the question. DD has read it, I will have to ask her about it.
  18. I hope it is out earlier than 2010 as we are doing the Middle Ages next year!
  19. Glad you are home now. :grouphug::grouphug: I hope you feel better soon.
  20. I follow TWTM almost exclusively. (I even use many of the recommendations from the 1st edition, because I have been using it for a while.) So many of the other things look good, but I always end up back with TWTM. I have always wanted my kids to have a classical education and TWTM seems the best way for me. BTW a new edition is out soon.
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