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Everything posted by Mom2OandE

  1. I've been denied twice. I'm planning to call tomorrow. Of course I already opened mine.
  2. That sometimes you really need to step away, enjoy the sunshine and float down the lazy river.
  3. First, big hug mama! Second, stay in the moment. Do not think so far ahead because things will be different than what you expect. All your doing is working yourself up. I say this one special needs mom to another. DS used to do therapy 5 days per week, 2-3 hours a day. He still had two therapies in ps but they just pushed him out before he was ready. We pulled him and dd to homeschool. Some therapies we've hired out, some I do at home programs. I remember thinking DS wouldn't walk, then he did. I remember how it felt when he started running at nearly four and rode a bike a year later. Things happen in their time and trying to predict them will only make you crazy. Hang in there.
  4. Thank you ladies. I've done some of Barton I so I'm familiar with the videos and hand gestures but I do have a day scheduled to sit, watch the videos, and practice my delivery.
  5. We are starting Barton 3 after coming from other programs (we did take placement tests and consult with Susan). 1. Each lesson is to be completed in entirety in one sitting, correct? How long does it usually take? 2. Do you automatically do a repeat lesson with the alternative words? 3. How do you know when to move on? When they've done a lesson once, twice, fluently? Thank you.
  6. I was flight service manager on duty on 9/11 at LaGuardia. I was responsible for evacuation of my employees. We saw the towers fall from the parking lot. On 9/12 I was helping in NYC at various locations. My job was to conduct counseling and diffuse stress reactions for victims, their families and workers. Unfortunately, there were very few victims. I worked the first international flight out of JFK after the airport reopened. I had a lot of emotions six months later. I ended with pneumonia and scaring on my lungs (many had it in NYC....some said it was due to pollution from site) and the time in bed really made everything sink in.
  7. I agree! I grew up 45 minutes from my dad but he never bothered to see us. He didn't even acknowledge birthdays and holidays. He sent his $200 for my bro and I and that was it. Sadly, I know a few men like that now. Over the years he broke our hearts hundreds of times. By the time I was in my late teens I wanted nothing to do with him. At 15, his oldest son is more than mature enough to have a say in their relationship. I'm concerned about the fact that dad has done nothing to free his kids! doesn't seem like a loving parent to me.
  8. Babysitting an infant and toddler when I was 11 years old. I worked for them M-F from 5:30an-7am. They lived next door. I got both kids up, changed and fed. $20/week. I worked for them for about 6 years. McDonalds at 14 for $2.10 an hour was my first job complete with taxes. Lol
  9. Baked ziti/mostacolli with meat sauce. We made it for a cousins wedding and it was relatively easy to do for large crowd.
  10. I took dd12 a few months ago. It was one of the best times I've had in years. There is a moment at the end that is fun and freeing.
  11. Even our homeschool groups do kindergarten graduation and promotion for the other grades. I don't participate but I oft feel like the mean mom. Lol
  12. We used Beyond the Book Report, Vocab (the one recommended bye AG) and IEW. Next year I'm throwing in Lightning Literature and possibly Bravewriter.
  13. Oh wow! I will say dd did artistic for years and it was more at her level. She's moving to 12 or 14 hours next month and that's $285 or $295. I couldn't imagine $400!
  14. We dropped Piano two months ago. Our lessons were at our house but $30 for 30 minutes. Dd is pursuing her real passion and it's expensive. Rhythmic Gynnastics..... 10 hours a week $275/month, gear and Leo's $500-1000 a year, choreography and private lessons $4-500 a year, meets and coaches fees $200-350 each plus travel expenses for her and us. We had four this year of which two involved flying to other states. We fight like mad to make it happen and sacrifice a fair amount of other things. It keeps her grounded and focused. Edited to add in summers and fall she pet sits and helps neighbors. Last year (11 at the time) she earned enough to pay for choreography and private lessons.
  15. I haven't but your making me consider it. Hopefully, someone will chime in.
  16. Deconstructing Penquins and The Reading Promise we're just delivered to my house yesterday.
  17. Yes Merry. My son has all 3 D's and we believe Dyspraxia. He was originally dx PDD with possible mild cp but as he's grown it didn't seem right. Our new nuero told us about dyspraxia and after educating ourselves it seems right. We are currently working on typing and so far so good. Adding in Dragon Speaking too. I thought we'd do Fix It next year as its one sentence a day which would serve for grammar and handwriting practice. As far as writing he's done unit 1 & 2 of IEW with dictating to me. I think I will continue having him do that next year. Really focus on Barton. In addition to focusing heavily on Barton and math next year I think we will be doing therapy.....Ot/pt. I pray life gets easier for him one day.
  18. We did a book called Hot Fudge Monday's and my kids and I loved it. We would also do close readings at that age. Pick a favorite paragraph and photo copy it. Highlight parts of speech in different colors, note favorite parts, ask questions about inference, etc. My dd was more than ready for Analytical Grammar in 6th.
  19. Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.
  20. I understand why it bothers you and it's understandable. With that said, I'd let them finish and then let it be. If they find another project/ reason to invade your privacy then I'd speak up.
  21. DS is profoundly dyslexic. He is in 5th grade reading at late first/early second grade level. Fluency is stunted but improving. A year ago he read 6 words per minute and now he's at 18-23 wpm. I've done my best to keep all subjects going and modify as needed but I'm changing things up a lot for middle school in order to focus on reading and math. We've used a reading tutor (lips, seeing stars, o-g programs, etc), Barton 1 which was too repetitive for what he'd done (I should of done level tests), Phonics Pathways, high noon books and more. I want to go back to Barton. It looks like from testing he'd need level 3 but might move through it easily. So when they say it's a complete LA program what exactly do they mean? Reading, spelling and latin/Greek roots later on but is grammar and writing included? Also, I sold my level 1 on here and never did 2. Do I need to get those tiles for 3? If I want to resell did I see I should buy second set of tiles? Any advice I'm open to it. Thank you.
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