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Everything posted by mellifera33

  1. It depends on what exactly you mean by counseling. There are specific talk therapies for depression that are very effective for treating depression, especially if it is of mild to moderate severity.
  2. I unfollow people who push MLM too. I don't follow many people anymore. :lol:
  3. That is a good point. I learned next to nothing about geometry in elementary and middle school, then was bombarded with nothing but theorems for a year. It would have been nice to have information introduced slowly over the years, giving time to internalize the ideas and develop some intuition.
  4. I'm sorry this happened to you. Some doctors offer "lose some weight" as the cure for everything. Back hurts? Lose some weight! Heartburn? Lose some weight! Multiple broken bones after a car accident? Lose some weight! It starts to get ridiculous after a while.
  5. Thank you! Geometry is definitely an area I need to review learn. I studied geo in 9th grade, and even got good grades, but I was constantly confused by what I saw as the arbitrary lists of theorems, corollaries, laws, etc. that comprised proofs. If I can somehow tie everything together I will be a much more effective teacher when my kids are studying geometry. :thumbup1:
  6. Vitamin D because we are in a northern state, omega 3 supplements because we don't eat enough fish, a multi for the kids because they're picky. We supplement iron if we have a deficiency, then stop once levels improve.
  7. There is too much room for talking past each other when communication is strictly written. Somehow when I'm talking politics with people in-person we tend to talk about what we have in common, but when we talk online we just inadvertently insult each other. :laugh: I'd rather talk over coffee and ooh and aah over their kids online.
  8. I actually had to do the opposite as the OP--take the pills back and get the syringe full of goo. Which smelled like banana. Seriously, banana flavor for a cat? Who had that brilliant idea?
  9. I've unfollowed the people who post only political stuff. FB is for cute pictures of kids, funny stories about what your kids are doing, and cat memes. That's what I post, and that's what I like to see. :lol:
  10. Good luck with the hot dog method. My cat would eat around the pill and spit them out. :lol:
  11. Maybe you could buy him a set of bagpipes. It's hard to sing when you have to keep the bag inflated.
  12. I knew a gal who had a double room to herself every year because she had screaming fits and threw stuff all over the room. Every September for four years her assigned roommate would be horrified and move out. Maybe Ashly is trying the same thing preemptively? A triple all to herself? Nice.
  13. I'm in the US, and I understand it the same way you do. I'm giggling at the idea of retaliatory sex on lawns with political signs, though. My area is light on signs too. Our neighbor across the street put up a Trump sign, and then our next door neighbor put up a Clinton sign. Those are the only presidential race signs I've seen, and I've been looking for them. There are tons of Bernie bumper stickers, though.
  14. I received my offer when I was admitted to the department. My support the first year came from the general departmental fund, the second year from a grant my advisor had received.
  15. Insurance coverage wasn't an issue, since DD's milk and egg allergies were not anaphylactic, and we used regular milk and egg from the grocery store in tiny amounts for the protocol. We had a few extra office visits, but those would have been covered anyway. The peanut protocol seems to be harder to find. I don't think that there are any local practices that offer it. My daughter outgrew her coconut allergy without any interventions. After a couple of years of avoiding it, we did an in-office challenge, and she was able to eat quite a bit of shredded coconut meat without any reaction. She loves coconut now. :) I don't know if she would have outgrown the milk and egg allergies, but desensitization was the right choice for her. Her diet was so limited when we were avoiding milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, and coconut!
  16. A local producer labels potentially fertilized eggs as "happy eggs." I give those a pass.
  17. I had a teacher in high school who used to draw the outlines of states in salt at bars to start conversations. I'm not suggesting taking the kids to a tavern, but maybe a tray with salt, or shaving cream, or pudding (eat the results!) would be fun.
  18. It's been a while, but I was fully supported for my MS degree--full tuition plus stipend. I had a research assistantship. What will he be studying? It's my impression that support for master's programs varies between departments, and even between advisors within departments--some professors receive lots of grants and have the funds available to offset their students' expenses.
  19. We did a desensitization protocol with my daughter about two years ago. She is now able to have milk and egg products without restriction. Our local children's hospital does not do peanut OIT yet--but we hope to do that in the future also. I don't think that there are good studies of long-term outcomes, but our allergist has has good results in his patients doing milk and egg desensitization. He did mention that he sees better results with very young patients.
  20. He was acting suspicious. Seriously--peeking in car windows with a shirt wrapped around his hand? I would have assumed he was going to smash-and-grab. You did the right thing.
  21. I can relate to this kind of conversation. DS9: Washington is in North America? Me: Right. DS9: And Texas is in South America? Me: No, Texas is in the southern part of the United States of America, but it's still in North America. DS9: Okay--so Brazil is in South America? Me: Right. DS9: And Mexico is in South America? Me: No, Mexico is south of the United States of America, but it's still in North America. DS9: Whatever. My kind of girl! I hate reading introductions. Especially if there's a preface, then an introduction to the first edition, introduction to the second edition, introduction to the revised second edition, etc.
  22. My 3 y/o is fascinated by the glittery putty in the toy section at Michael's. She has been having a blast making all of her little toys get stuck in the "goo."
  23. Our family started formal lessons yesterday, and while it mostly went pretty well, there were a couple of moments that left me scratching my head. My third grader's math lesson was a simple review of addition facts, followed by reading written-out numbers with a blank to write the numeral. No problem, except he left a blank after the word "eleven." I handed the paper back to him, mentioning that he forgot an item. "I know. I forgot. What's eleven?" I didn't know what to say. I prompted him by asking him to think about where eleven comes on the number line, how many tens, how many ones.....and he suggested that eleven has one ten and twelve ones. I finally wrote 11 and he said, oh, yeah, I know that number. I just forgot what it's called. :confused1: Our other strange moment came during Latin. We're using I Speak Latin, which my boys think is lots of fun--like playing Simon Says in another language. However, as soon as I started using Latin words, my 3 y/o got upset and ran upstairs to play. No problem, I thought--she's three, she can tag along or not. Near the end of the lesson I saw her sitting on the stairs, peering through the balusters, looking apprehensive. I tried to talk with her, but she just said she didn't like the words. It wasn't until my husband got home that I understood better why she was upset. I told him about our day, including the strange moments, and he said, "Well, yeah, you sound possessed when you speak Latin." :confused1: Maybe I over-enunciate? Maybe Latin is inherently spooky-sounding? I don't know. I'll try to use a more sing-song voice today. Maybe that will help. Has your family had any funny or odd moments since starting lessons again? Have any other children forgotten eleven? :laugh: Does anyone else need an exorcist for learning Latin? I'd love to feel less alone.... :lol:
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