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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Hey now!!! See. We Tiger fans can rise above this kind of nonsense. :lol:
  2. She's eating again. I see nothing! I'm going back to the puppies!!!
  3. How long will it take for her to have a second baby? We're waiting!!!
  4. NOPE! This is where you're wrong. It would be a replay of 2006 and it won't happen again!!!
  5. I'm freaking out!! I just want to sleep, but I can't! My blood pressure is through the roof!!! Eta!!!! Yippee!!
  6. No. I think you should stay home and give the tickets to me!!! Actually, dh and I went to game one of the world series in Detroit in 2006. We took our infant daughter with us. It was a blast! The crowd was incredible. No issues with safety at all. If the Tigers get in we are going again!! This time without the kids!
  7. We are members of a group that does this. There are regular meetings. I have them on my calendar. Every week, we get an updated list of the week's meetings. Usually, they are just a reminder of meetings I listed on my calendar at the beginning of the semester. BUT, occasionally, they will add another meeting. So, I have to slog my way through all the emails and make sure I have everything on my calendar, just in case they've added something new. It is very frustrating. (I must say that I don't email back every time double checking! But, maybe that's her issue - she already has it on her calendar?) Maybe if each email was started with what it was: REMINDER. Or UPCOMING MEETING! ADDITION TO CALENDAR! Or something like that. Or, you could come right out and ask her what confuses her?!
  8. Oh man!!! We're going in January to FL. I may have to do this!!! Later. I must get dd to bed first. thanks!
  9. My kids have a wooden playset and they ALL still play on it. Really. My oldest and his girlfriend were out swinging on the swings. My 14 and 12 yo climb on the top. Then, there was the time, they set the slide on fire (I posted about that previously!). I don't ever see us getting rid of it! My kids also have a trampoline and they LOVE it!!! We have trees that they have hung ropes from and created swings with baseball bats/hockey sticks/pieces of wood. They dig. They LOVE to dig. In the dirt. In the sand. Anywhere. Do you have a place for riding toys? Bikes. Scooters. Flying Turtles. Sidewalk chalk. Hula Hoops. Baseballs and mitts. Bases. Basketball (we have a hoop). Bubbles. (They are amazingly popular with the older kids too.) Cones. My kids like to create obstacle courses - so things that they could use for those. Things to jump over and under. Kites?
  10. We just sent our two oldest off on the bus! Both are rowing in the varsity 8 and the novice 8 and any other boat their coach asks them to do last minute!
  11. When I have to make these decisions about my car I think of it in terms of how long it would have to last after it is fixed for me to feel I got my money's worth. My last car payment was $400/month. So, for a $3000 repair, I'd want it to last $3000/$400, or at least seven months. This doesn't include the cost of the additional insurance you'd need if you bought a new car. (Does this make sense? I'm not describing it well . . . ) Does your mechanic think you could get another seven months out of the car after the repair?
  12. I buy seven dozen each week! We eat them scrambled, hard boiled, in egg salad, in baked goods, etc, etc, etc. We love our eggs!!!
  13. Oh, I hear you!!! Detroit has certainly had its losing seasons!!! I'll root for you until we get to the World Series!!! Shush!!! This is MI year!!!! The Tigers have such potential. I had hope for the Lions. Until the season started. . . . I knew I liked you!!! :001_smile: Isn't it amazing????? My dh took my ds in 2006 to the Tiger game when they beat the YANKEES to advance to the World Series. My ds will never forget. I'm so glad he had that experience. And, I got to go to game ONE of the WS that year. AMAZING!!! The excitement was incredible!!! I've given up on the Lions. I wish I could say otherwise. Every year I have hope. . . . . . . Yankees??? Really Mariann?????? Ugh. I'm so disappointed. :001_smile: Boooooooo!!! Go home!!!! :001_smile: :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree:
  14. Nope. Not too cold. This from the mom of rowers who are out on the lake in Michigan at 4:45 am when there is frost on the ground!!!! Heehee. That pool seems WARM!!!
  15. We got my ds a compound bow for his birthday. He just got it out. It's a Mission By Matthews. That's the name on it. I don't recognize it, but I hope it helps you! Take him to the range and let him try some out before you decide. We took ds for his birthday and had him try them all out. Ds is saying to get a scope with a peek hole (he says he might have that name wrong!!!). The one ds ended up with is one he got after trying out all the bows and decided this one was the best.
  16. I dunno. I was hoping to find some ideas in this thread. Thanks for that . . . :glare: :) Our family gift is a vacation in January. We thought of adding a couple of things to our trip as gifts. But, there is the threat of a pay cut at dh's work. (After YEARS (don't ask how many) of no increase.) So, we're holding off on that until we know for sure.
  17. Bring a quarter for the cart. Once inside, enjoy the cheap prices!!! I usually go there for our "snack" items. Chips, salsa, cheese, crackers, watermelon. I tried their fish once and found it, well, yucky!!! But, my sister likes it. Maybe it's changed. I dunno. But, I'm willing to skip it and pay more for something better. Let me know if you find something has changed. Oh yeah - bring your own bags. If you forget, you can pay 10 cents each.
  18. We get "school" pictures taken every year. I buy an 8x10 of each of them and their most recent picture goes on shelves at the top of my steps. Previous years' pictures are in an album. I also buy enough wallets for aunts/uncles/Godparents. That's it. I usually end up spending about $100 on photos each year.
  19. Another thing to consider - a baby born via c-section is born with a higher weight than he/she would have been if he/she had been born vaginally. During a vaginal birth many of the extra fluids are pushed out when descending through the birth canal. It is extra important to get that low weight on a c-section baby when figuring out weight issues. Definitely get in to an LC - if for nothing else - to reassure her. She needs to be told now more than ever that her body IS working right and she can work this out.
  20. Ohmy. My sister was hit by lightning when she was little. Her hit was after it hit a basketball hoop and then hit her. It was HORRIBLY scary. She is fine, but still has entrance and exit wounds!! I'll pray.
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