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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Oh my. He's adorable!!! I wanted to know how long you can keep him too?
  2. We never really considered bamboo, but I have a question - I thought I read that they can't be sanded and refinished. Is it true that the entire floor has to be replaced?
  3. We're just considering getting a third cell phone for the kids. They are starting to go places without me and I'd feel safer if they had one. We won't enable texting (yet!) though!!
  4. Seriously - what do you have??? I have a new dd who will be needing (of course!) the girly sets. I have three older boys and they have most of the boy sets already. But, we could always add to them!! LOL
  5. Oh - I'm so sorry. My ds went through these types of tests before he got his asthma diagnosis. Perhaps the new doc just has a different take on things, KWIM? Some docs are so quick to diagnose asthma and he's ruling out other things. How old is your ds? :grouphug:
  6. I had thought I'd want mine there for my last (home) birth. But, in the end, I didn't want to be with ANYONE!!!! I wanted to be alone, thank you very much!! And, after Meg was born, I hemmoraged pretty badly. I'm thankful they weren't there. My kids were in the house and they came in as soon as everything was cleaned up. But, complications are rare. So, if your kids are aware of what goes on and you are comfortable with it, then go for it! I would recommend bringing along another adult so that if your kids want to leave the room for any reason, they have someone to go with.
  7. They did not do a CT scan. The doc told me that if they did and it came back negative, that that didn't mean she was in the clear. Apparently brain bleeds often happen sometime within the first 24 hours. And, if they did do it, the sedation they used would make it difficult for me to watch her for the next day for other signs of head trauma. He also thought that since her neuro exam was normal, that there wasn't bleeding (yet). Thank you so much!!! I need to sit down and talk with my ds. He has a particularly close relationship with my dd, so I know he felt absolutely terrible. I also find your dh's story reassuring. Thank you!! We really appreciate your prayers. Oh man! I'd be afraid to go back to the pool too. My ds did that once. We were on vacation and he lost consciousness for about 10 seconds. We were visiting with my BIL who is a paramedic. We just kept a close eye on him. It took me a long time to go to another pool! Oh man!!!! I'd have felt awful too!!! I'm so glad she was okay. I'll tell my ds your story tonight. I know it'll make him feel better. Dh just called!!! He's on his way home!! I know I'll feel better having his feedback.
  8. My ds (11) was walking with her in his arms and he tripped over the sidewalk and dropped dd on her head. I ran over, picked up dd and she was wimpering, but limp. Her little body just melted into mine. We walked into the store to get some ice and she just kept wimpering - not screaming like I would've thought she would after a fall like that. I decided to take her to the ER. On the way there she kept trying to fall asleep (still wimpering). My 11 yo was crying in the back seat trying to keep her awake. He felt SOOOOO bad. Anyway, she is fine for now. She perked up after about an hour when we were waiting for the doctor. The doc said to keep a close eye on her for the next 48 hours. So, now I'm really scared. Dh isn't home to reassure me. She's acting normal, but every time she falls down or starts acting funny, I assume it's a brain bleed!!! So I need you all to reassure me that the chance of a brain bleed are minimal and that if she's acting okay and keeping food down, she's probably going to be okay. Please?
  9. The last two months I've been going to bed at 10:30 and getting up between 6 and 6:30 to work out. Have you had blood work done to check for thyroid issues? I'm going next week because I've been tired too!
  10. We just bought a house well under its assessed value (like by $150,000!!). Dh went to a meeting where a tax lawyer came in and explained in detail the tax laws here in MI. Now, he came home and tried to explain it to me and it was SOOOO confusing! But, here in MI, they did change our assessed value and the taxable value with the sale of the house. We thought it should be MUCH lower. (Assessed value should be 1/2 the price it should go for on the market.) We had to gather comparables of other houses sold in our neighborhood over the last year and present them to a tax board. (In every case but one, it helped prove our point! We used the price per square foot comparison.) They allow people to challenge their assessment only once per year. So, we were stuck at the higher assessment for the first tax payment. We haven't yet heard if we won, but we should hear in the next week. So, in our case, it wasn't a done deal. I wouldn't buy the house unless you can afford it at the higher tax rate. But, ask your realtor! They should have some idea! Good luck!
  11. I've noticed that we get a lot more stuffed animals with girls than with the boys!!! Meg already has SOOOO many, I'm overwhelmed! I went through hers recently and pared it down to her favorites. They fit nicely into a nice "hamper" that matches her room. The others I put up. I figured if she asked for them, I could get them back down. If not, they were going to be given away. She remembered about one of them and it's now back out, but the rest are going away!!!
  12. For us, it wasn't the way we had planned it! We had hoped to have many more children. But, we lost a few babies in the middle and then had some fertility issues. It has been wonderful!! My three older boys are absolutely wonderful with the baby. Homeschooling has been fairly easy because there's always someone willing to take a break and play with Meg so I can work one on one with another child without interruption.
  13. I just read this thread and I'm SOOOOO glad to see that you cancelled the check. It is SOOOO worth it. And, you're right - you do have a spine of steel and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!!
  14. David is starting to win me over. I really just can't stand his hair!!!! It really turned me off of him at the beginning. But, he's been so consistent and I really am starting to like him! I like Carly. I also like the girl who is always happy. I can't remember her name. I also like David A - because he's the young cute one! I don't think he really has a shot though.
  15. I have a friend whose ds has this same problem. He's now 3 and you'd never know his head was so misshapen when he was a babe.
  16. I use them. But, I don't use many of the things for which there are coupons available, so I don't use many! I do try to look at the circular every week and pick out coupons to use with the things that are already on clearance. Mostly though, I stock up when things go on amazing sales.
  17. I think I remember reading somewhere that SIDS may be caused by the offgassing of the mattress. So, if babes are on their backs, they aren't as close to the offgassing. I don't know if it's true or not! I also remember reading that SIDS may be caused by vaccines. Apparently, in countries where they wait to vaccinate until the babe is over 6 months of age, they don't have SIDS. Whatever the cause, it's just so sad. Abbeyej - I'm so sorry your family went through that. I cannot even begin to imagine . . .
  18. I think that the back to sleep has something to do with it, but I also think that those car seats do too. I see people carrying the babies around IN the car seat through the store. That cannot be more comfortable than just taking the baby out of the seat! Babies now go from the car in the seat to the stroller in the seat and then back to the car, still in the seat. They get home and the seat comes inside with the babe still lying in it with his skull getting misshapen! My kids slept with us from the time they were born. They slept on their sides mostly.
  19. We did this to dh last year! He thought it was hilarious!!! (We all did!)
  20. Very good!! Does this require travel on your part? This is really early!!! My boys regular Little League teams are starting practice tonight. But, one of my kids has been practicing for months now on a tournament team. Enjoy the ride!! What position does your ds play?
  21. Was this just last season? Dh and the kids were at that game. The bugs were these awful moths, which brought the seagulls. If it was that game, it was the Verlander no-hitter!! What an awesome memory for my kids!! Yea. We were pretty bummed. But, the kids saw dh on tv!! We're watching the new players with interest too. We were SO disappointed in Cabrera when he threw the ball off to first and got an error on his first play!! Oops! We watch other sports when the playoffs start.
  22. We spent 10 days there in January. I SO understand the tired part - oh, and the bathroom part too!! Soarin' was my kids' favorite ride there. I cannot wait to go back!!! Glad you had a good time! Did you see the fireworks? They were amazing!!!
  23. I used the Pre K core a while ago (before they split them into ages). And, I agree - the IG really isn't needed in the earlier Cores. I felt like I was just getting into one book and the IG was telling me I needed to go to another. Those didn't work for us. I just set those IGs aside and read the book! The upper level cores though really do coordinate the reading to correspond with the history and geography and, for us, they work well!
  24. Okay - I'm LOL!!! Seriously!! It may be the bottle, . . . er, um, I mean the glass (yea, that's it!), of wine I had, but that was funny!!! Really - I do try to limit myself to one. But, on the weekends it does slip into a couple (sometimes three!).
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