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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. (((hugs)) I think this used to happen a lot - before pregnancy tests could tell you that you were pregnant so early on. Please take it easy.
  2. That's the same recipe I use. It costs me about 75 cents for 2 months worth of laundry soap! I did have to buy a pot and spoon and big bucket just for soap making, but I did that at the dollar store and spent about $15 three years ago. Totally worth it!!
  3. So, it should last about, oh, three nights - right? :lol: I hafta' go grocery shopping today. I may pick myself up a case. I'm usually only in a Mike's mood when it's nice and warm outside. It's starting to feel warm here in MI!!!!
  4. We found someone in our area who did it in the yellow pages. He only charged $60 and we ended up with about 15 DVDs. I think we got a deal! I also just got my super 8s from when I was a kid and when dh was a kid. We're going to have this guy put them on dvds for Christmas presents for all the siblings.
  5. So, I think we all need to find out where Alice lives and go to her!! Whadya' say Alice? An all-homeschooled practice??? :lol:
  6. Wow! I don't think I'd know what to talk about!! LOL Have fun! And let us know what you think of the movie!
  7. That's an awesome time!!! Congrats!! I'm hoping to run a 5K in July and I'd love to finish in that time. (In high school I used to be able to do it in under 20 minutes. Now, I'd be happy to finish in 30!!!)
  8. I can't wait to start!! I don't even have most of my stuff yet, but I'm excited about my choices!! Of course, we have to finish out this year first!!!
  9. Oh man!! I hear ya'!!! For us, it's a homeschooling thing. I don't get a chance during the week to get out and do errands. My friends with kids in ps (or private school) do most of those chores during the week, so their weekends are clear. So, on the weekend, I grocery shop, shop for clothes, pay bills, deep clean house, do yard work, run to the post office, return library books, shop for curriculum (my favorite!!), etc, etc, etc. I absolutely cannot imagine being bored on the weekend!!!! We also just bought a new to us house, so we're trying to make it ours and those projects get put off until the weekend too. And, now of course, it's baseball season. So, dh and the kids are gone most nights. That leaves me home with the baby. It's so much easier if there's a child home with me to help!! LOL Don't they understand I need my computer time???!!!
  10. You are taking pictures - right??? I love it when they do that!
  11. Can I play??? Yesterday I: Made 32 tortillas to freeze Made 4 loaves of bread Made another 2 months worth of laundry soap and cleaned up the back yard Today I'm: Grocery shopping Taking out two trees out front (they're really ugly and they hide our front porch!) Attending two baseball games Tomorrow: Attend two more baseball games Buy porch furniture
  12. LOL Apparently I make myself out to sound better than I am!! I ran in HS and college and haven't much since. I've worked out during that intermission from running though. My 4 mile is a walk/run and I finish in about 40 minutes. So, I'm not very fast!! The 1/2 marathon that I'd like to run is in FL - it's the one at Disney! We were there this year and I just loved the atmosphere (I didn't run). I actually met someone from these boards who ran it while we were there! It was so awesome to connect with someone like that! We'll be down there anyway and I figured I should give it a try. Now I just need to figure out exactly how I'm going to train here in MI when the temp dips below freezing. That's just too cold for me to be outside running! Anyway, great job again! And, I LOVE your pictures!
  13. Great job Colleen!!! And, yes, I was wondering where you were! I'm so glad you decided to run. And, I'm impressed that after a weekend like that you were able to get out and run four miles today!! (For now, my long run is four miles and I'm training to run the 1/2 marathon next January!)
  14. Yes! I tell my kids about all the stupid stuff that I hear about others doing. I want them to know how dangerous it is so that if they're ever faced with any of it at a party they'll know about it and how stupid it is!!
  15. What a wonderful gift your friend is giving her child!!! My adopted sister benefitted from a donor for a few months. It was life-changing for her! I donated through a friend of a friend when my 2 yo was a baby. Through talking with her, I heard that there are networks on line where people who need human milk link up with donors. I can contact her again if you'd like. (But your friend may have already tried.) Best of luck to your friend!
  16. Sounds very practical!! I've been wanting a steam cleaner for a while too! Have fun cleaning!!
  17. I'd recommend getting The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears. This book is truly wonderful. It goes through each vaccine and what is in it and what the possible side-effects are. I saw him speak last summer and he definately leans toward pro-vaccine, but he wants each of his patients to make educated decisions.
  18. Has she been tested for reflux? I'm thinking that many of the issues could be because of that. How does she act, besides irritable after sleeping? Is she meeting developmental milestones? How is her breathing? Have they run a cystic fibrosis test? I only ask because they ran a test on my ds when he was younger (he had breathing issues) and in doing my research, I found that most kids are small and have digestive issues. Oh - I hope you get this figured out!! Of course, it all could be nothing! You may just have a little peanut! How big is she? I have a 21 pounds 2 year old who is also off the charts. Edited to add (after your next post) that, yes, allergies can definately present like this!!! It could explain all those issues.
  19. Oh my. I sure hope the new stronger meds have taken effect by now. ((hugs))
  20. I do!! It's really easy and they just dump the money into my bank account at the end of the month. You can sell things other than books too. I've sold stuff we had just lying around the house gathering dust. It's been worth it for us.
  21. My 10 yo woke up this morning saying that he dreamed he was in an earthquake. And, we're in MI! I didn't feel it as I was asleep, but there are reports on our local news that people in our area did feel it.
  22. I know it's probably too late, but I made Green Spaghetti the other night and the kids ALL begged me to add it to our regular dinner rotation: 1 lb spaghetti, cooked and drained 10 oz fresh or frozen spinach 1/4 c. broth 1/2 c parmesal cheese 1/2 c milk 4 T butter Steam the spinach until wilted or the frozen until warm. Put spinach and its liquid into blender. Add warm broth and liquefy. Stir cheese and milk into the puree. Toss spaghetti with butter, then with green sauce. Seriously - my kids loved it even though they HATE cooked spinach!
  23. Try looking in the laundry! My kids' goggles end up there more often than I care to share. And, one of them has the expensive prescription goggles! (He truly cannot see anything without his glasses!)
  24. Heck yea!!! Go right ahead! If I had one in the house, I'd join ya'!! I have a glass of wine almost every night - not just on weekends!!
  25. Okay - I'm sorry - but I'm laughing too!! You really do write well! Please do copy and print this! And, if you ever decide to write a book, I'll be first in line!! Oh - and how is your dog??
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