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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. OhLinda. I'm so sorry. HOw are your kids taking it?
  2. We live in a fairly urban area - outside Detroit. We have them here in Grosse Pointe!! I never would've suspected it! They are eating small animals here too.
  3. I second (or third?) this. I had this done when dd was breech at 36 weeks. I needed to go in twice/week for two weeks, but she did eventually turn and I had a successful homebirth at 38 weeks!! It is such a gentle technique and felt really good! If you go this route, be sure to find a chiro who has actually been trained to do it. Not all are.
  4. Isn't it wonderful!? We're going through the same thing here in SE MI. The last time it snowed, it was 74 the day before (two weeks ago!). Since then, it's been nearly 70 every day and hardly any rain. We're lovin' it!
  5. There are just so many. But, Elaine's Christian "Boob" Store tops the list for me!! Honestly, I still giggle every time I think about that conversation!!
  6. Enjoy!!! We used to live about 35 minutes from our TJs and we'd make it about once/month too. Totally worth it! I'd spend about $250 - $300 each time too. Enjoy your food!!!
  7. I use mine a couple times a day too. I make fruit smoothies, grind wheat, make tomato sauces, soups, etc. Certain things are VERY loud in it. I usually have the kids go into another room and I have to plug my ears. But, it was worth it for us!
  8. It's so easy!! Buy some vodka and some vanilla beans. Cut the beans open and put them in the vodka bottle. Let it sit for a couple months in a dark place. Viola! Vanilla! Warning!! I made this for relatives for Christmas one year. Now every time they visit, they bring their empty vanilla bottles for refills!! So, if you make it, make extras!
  9. Oh my. I am so sorry. I was really hoping and praying that this one was okay. :grouphug:
  10. I wrote to a music store in town to ask if they'd do group lessons in my home. And, they will! They are even going to give us a group rate. I don't remember what it was, but I remember it being cheap enough that we could swing it!
  11. This looks like an awesome program. I can't wait to show dh when he comes home! My only concern is that it's so new. I wish they had a history!
  12. Thanks!!! I really think it'll be a big hit with all their friends too! Oh yes! That was a thought we had too! We aren't fond of critters in our sandbox!!!
  13. :iagree: Really, you do deserve this and your dh can handle the kids while you are away!!! Please go and enjoy yourself!!! (And, can I hide in your suitcase????)
  14. Okay - what do you like about this mattress? Is it hard/soft? I've been waking up with back pain that gets better after I've been awake for about 20 minutes. So, I think it's the mattress (ours is 12 years old). I'm currently researching this too!!
  15. Heehee!! Good for you!! We've got certain channels and certain shows locked with a password. The kids keep trying to figure it out, but they haven't yet!! (Actually they're really good kids - and if they ever figured it out, I think they'd tell me about it.) We do still have cable. Dh needs his sports. I need my HGTV and Discovery Health!
  16. Thanks!!! The kids have been out there all weekend! (Well, unless they're playing baseball, that is!) LOL!!! Wasn't it beautiful!? It was also nice to watch baseball games!! (All three of mine play - on three different teams!) Where are you in MI? Oh - a garden!!! I hadn't even thought of that! I am going to be planting some veggies this year. Drat. I lost the opportunity!
  17. I'm watching this thread carefully. Our computer is 6 1/2 years old, so I'm assuming we'll need a new one pretty soon. We have a Dell and have never had a problem with it. But, I've never had to deal with their customer service either. Good luck! Let us know what you choose!
  18. We got a king when we had kids. I still have at least one child in bed with me and sometimes two, depending upon who's sick or had a bad dream. So, we stick with our king. I also need my space at night. I'm NOT a cuddler. I think we'll stick with our king even after our dd moves out and into her own room!!
  19. We moved into this house last October. The house had a hot tub that we were told worked. But, it didn't. :angry: The spa people wanted $300 to remove the stupid thing. It would have left a terrible HOLE in our deck. So, my ds7 had the great idea: http://www1.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=221081049/PictureID=4850596114/a=14614715_14614715/t_=14614715 So, whaddya' think????? It works for us! :lol::lol:
  20. We have a lot of toys. Most of them are kept down in our finished basement. We have storage bins and each bin has one toy set in it. So, we have: Legos, Knex, Playmobil (we have 6 bins of these!), Kapla, cars, Darda race tracks, etc, etc, etc. Games are on the top shelf so that the kids need help getting them!! I hate losing pieces. I do keep some toys upstairs for the baby - a toybox of baby type toys, a doll dresser and her tea set. Good luck getting organized!!
  21. Right now I have 32 messages in my in box. About 1/2 of them are dh's. The rest are mine and are mostly messages about used curriculum I'm buying and selling.
  22. No contact info, but I just wanted to say that I think it's awesome that you two hooked up and worked it out!!! Enjoy your new dog!!
  23. My mom waited WAY too long!! I was SO self-conscious and wasn't comfortable asking her to buy them for me. So we waited. Friends were starting to tease me and it was AWFUL!!! I'll probably buy my dd a trainer one when she's about 10 (unless she needs one earlier!) and graduate to another type when she needs it.
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