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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Awwww! I turned in before you did. I hope this morning is better. This is PMS week for me too!!
  2. Thanks everyone!! It was nice to get to know some of you better!!! It's amazing what my open sites tell about me and my family. Anyone else?
  3. Oh please update!!! I'll pray for your missing family member. Is this the dog that you found? Or is that someone else?
  4. Please, do try!!! LOL Come on woman!!! Open up more pages!!! (Or, am I the weird one?) Yeah!! I'm up to 1050 now. My kids can't wait to play tomorrow!
  5. Oh - and here I thought we had so much in common. I'm SOOOO disappointed!! I will also confess, however, that I do close out everything but MY websites when I get on (usually!!). I'm still waiting for that site of Jenn's to open! Okay - it just opened. I think I'm addicted. My high score is 360. Pathetic, I know!!!
  6. Right now I have: This one A Rocketry site for my ds Disney vacation site (planning our vacation for next year) The Disney Store (Hey - there's a sale and dd LOVE princesses!) Grosse POinte Public Library Amazon Amazon (not sure why it's twice!!!) I also have open my kids' baseball schedules in Excel. (God help us!! Three boys playing on four different teams!!! Ack!) And, a Silent Auction file in Excel. I'm running a Slient Auction for a non-profit next week! So, what about you!?
  7. :hurray::thumbup: Okay - so I was looking for that "bowing down" smilie that I see so many other people use. I can't find it, so you 'll have to make due with the two I gave you above!!!:lol:
  8. This sounds exactly like my dh. I'm so tempted to send him with my oldest ds just to see how many times I'd be called!! LOL Actually, I LOVE going grocery shopping!! I love the time alone and I LOVE looking over all the new things at Trader Joe's (have I mentioned enough that a new one opened 2 miles from my house!?). So, I try to be able to wait so that I can go BY MYSELF, thank you very much!!!!
  9. Okay - I tried to sling you some rep, but it wouldn't let me!! This made me LOL (and snort some merlot through my nose!!! LOL)!!
  10. (plugging my ears!!!)) La, la, la!! I can't hear your mom!!!!! I gotta' admit. I LOVE tilapia. It's such an easy fish to cook and make yummy! So, I'll have to ignore the rest of this message, if you don't mind!!!:lol:
  11. Oh, oh, oh, Can I be first!!!??? I'm already two glasses in to a bottle of merlot. Celebrating the finish of a stressful week!!!! Here's to us!!! (imagine here a nice smilie of two champagne glasses clinking together!! I don't know how to do it!)
  12. Oh man. Sounds like a rough week. ((((hugs)))) Oh - and can I join you in a MIkes? (Actually, I'm already two glasses into a nice bottle of merlot, so the Mike's may be overkill!! LL)
  13. Yea - I would still tip. Is the delivery fee new? Ask what it's for. Is it a charge because the cost of gas is going up? Either way, I'd still tip.
  14. Oh I HATE silverfish!!! They move so darn fast! It has nothing to do with how you keep house. Really!! I SOOOO share the bug phobia when they're inside (unless it's a cicada - then I really don't like them even outside).
  15. Oh man!! Don't ya' just love suggestions like that? Just stop stressing!! Right! Just stop thinking about pink elephants! Right!!! I bet that a good chiropractor will be able to help you a lot with your TMJ as well as the ribcage issue. I have a rib that keeps popping out of place and a chiropractor is always able to make it better! Good luck - and just stop stressing!!!:lol:
  16. When my ds was younger and allergic to more things, we usually brought his food along with us. He never complained and the restaurants were wonderful about heating things up for us. Since then, we've found two or three places he can eat out safely and I don't worry. We stick with them when we're out. When we travel (we usually drive), I bring our own food. We just don't eat out much. (I budgeted $20/month for it if that tells you anthing! We can't even pay for one meal/month out on that!!) ITA!!!!! I kept tearing up the entire time we were at Disney because everything was so awesome. But, when the chef would come out and talk to my ds (not always us!), he felt SOOOO proud and good that he could actually eat out somewhere. We NEVER had a problem in Disney. We're going to stick with them for a while for our family vacations!!
  17. My dd is 2 yo and barely 20 pounds. We still have her rear facing and will continue until she hits the limit (is it 35 pounds?). Anyway, we have the Decathalon.
  18. I've started looking at homeschooling like a job. I mean, if I were a teacher, I wouldn't call off! We also homeschool 4 days/week, so I do feel the need to get those four days in every week. I protect my homeschooling hours VERY well!!! I don't make appointments, I don't let people into my house (repairmen, friends, etc). The few exceptions I do make to this is: church, sick children, and out of town guests (very occasionally!). Good luck finding your balance.
  19. I went to a professional car seat person (I'm unsure of her official title!). They've been specifically trained to tell if your seats are installed correctly and if your older kids still need seats. Our local police have them as does our local Children's Hospital. My 7 yo 55 pound child is still in one. I agree with Abbey - he's in one if he's in my car. I don't necessarily insist that he use one if he's getting a ride with a friend though. We use one of the Britax boosters that has the wings (and goes to 80 pounds!! My 11 yo still doesn't weigh that much! LOL). He likes it when we're on long trips especially because he has a place to rest his head when he goes to sleep.
  20. I had that white coat phobia too. My midwives always let me lie down for a couple minutes before getting a reading. It always worked in bringing my bp down to an acceptable level. But, I did buy a cuff to have at home. What a wonderful piece of technology!!! I always came in armed with my readings just in case I was high at the midwives! I think PariSarah's advice about asking the midwife why she is ordering the test is a really good one. Ask if it would be possible to wait. Let her know that you are uncomfortable with it unless it's absolutely necessary. She may believe that you are like most women in her office that WANT an u/s!! I was always leery of an u/s simply because I was afraid that they'd find something that ended up being nothing. But, I'd spend the entire pregnancy worrying. I didn't have u/s with my first two pregnancies. I did with my third because I was measuring big and they wanted to make sure it wasn't twins. I had a LOT of u/s with my fourth because I kept bleeding. I needed the reassurance that her heart was still beating in there!! Good luck with your decision!!
  21. It's for all those reasons that we switched. I was also turned off by the cost for a year or so, but then I bit the bullet. Boy am I glad we did!!! I only buy a core. I use other resources for math, grammar, writing, etc. That helps to keep the cost down. I re-sell my core at the end of the year for more than 1/2 what I bought it for, so that helps with the cost of the next core. If you are serious about wanting to give it a try, look on the for sale boards. A number of people sell theirs at the end of the year. (((hugs))) I get this way whenever I see a new program listed here with glowing reviews. My current temptation is Rainbow Science.
  22. I have a Zo. I use it daily and sometimes twice/day. I LOVE it!!! I have a great daily bread recipe that meets your requirements if you'd like it!
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