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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. I know when I scratched my cornea, the pain was unbelievable. So, if he's not in any pain, I wouldn't suspect that. Is there something in his eye?
  2. Poor guy! This is what my son's face looked like after he ate peanuts. Does it itch?
  3. We have stayed at Windsor Hills numerous times. We just get a condo and not a house because we don't spend a ton of time there. I can tell you that Windsor Hills itself is a wonderful complex. The pictures of the club house and pool really are exactly as they are pictured! The pool is especially nice. This is the place we rent: http://www.bestcondostay.com/ It's nice and comfortable. Close to the pool. We have to drive to go to the parks in WH though. Gary is the owner and he's been very good to us! As far as it saving money? Yes. Staying off site always saves us money. We spend around $450 for the week at the condo. Add Disney tickets and parking ($1500 or so) and we're up to nearly $2000. When we stay in a condo, we always make all of our own food. We eat a big breakfast in the condo, bring lunch in to the park, and eat dinner at the condo. We usually combine an off-site stay with an on-site one. So, we'll stay off-site for the first few days and then move on-site. We combine it with free dining, so once we stay on property, our food is free. We'll stay 4 or 5 nights on property and get 7 or 8 day passes to the parks. That way we get the best of both!!!
  4. Oh no. I'll be praying for you. Please let me know if there's anything I can do. I'm practically on the way to see your dad. I'd be happy to meet you and drop dinner or dessert or something!!!
  5. Um. Don't go? :) I'm just kidding, kinda'! We flew with my dd last year. 6 am flight. Detroit to LA. My dd's first comment (very loudly), "What if we crash!? What if we DIE!?" It went downhill from there. She gets motion sick and was absolutely miserable. Her ears hurt like crazy. She was SCREAMING abuot it all. Ugh. I promised her that if she stopped, we'd take her to the American Girl store in LA and get her a doll (her first). We were going to get her one for Christmas anyway. But, I needed something, anything to stop the screaming!!!! It worked. So, bribery. That's all I got.
  6. We keep ours chilly and we're fine. I guess we don't mind the chilly weather! We all wear a sweatshirt or sweater. If I'm just sitting, I'll put a blanket on my lap. But, if I'm moving around, I'm very warm! Daytime 60, nighttime 55. We do increase it when we have company.
  7. LOL!!! Mine too! She also wants a vault and a beam! But, the back of our couch will do for a beam for now. I have a few great pictures of her in a handstand on the back of the couch! She's always asking me to spot her on her back walkover on the "beam!!!"
  8. I would agree, but all of Meg's best friends are on this team! And, next year, the coach is going to be more consistent. I'm really mixed.
  9. Ugh.. This is SOO frustrating. I often feel like I have to pay extra to get the skills my dd needs. That doesn't seem right. And, I hear you on a limit to the team girls!!!! They just kept adding to our team. Very frustrating. Seems like THEY should be able to teach your dd her back handspring by competition or they have failed!!!! You are paying them!!! Ugh. ((hugs)) I think we need to move to your area. This is a HUGE frustration for us.
  10. My almost-7 yo is asking for anything American Girl, a Baby Alive, a video camera, and the Barbie that can take pictures. Oh - and a pillow pet.
  11. Two questions: 1. What is your coach to girl ratio at level 3/4? 2. Is it common for one of the coaches to be pulled from team practice in order to help out around the gym in some other capacity? (In other words, decreasing the coach to girl ratio.) I ask because I've just had a HUGE misunderstanding with my dd's coach. It's been awful and I'm in tears! The coach threatened to quit and we LOVE her! Long story. But, in our conversation, she said that it is common to have a ratio of 15:1 in other gyms. And, she said it is common for one of the two coaches to be pulled IF they are needed somewhere else. Long story: Our gym had a rec level coach quit a month ago. They have been struggling to find someone to replace her and one of my dd's team coaches is nearly always pulled to help with the rec level girls. That leaves my dd with a 15:1 ratio. She might as well not even go. It's crazy. I'm watching her skills decrease as she is practicing things with bent legs and rushing through things because one coach cannot watch 15 girls. I wrote an email stating that fact because we wanted Meg's coach MORE often and her coach ended up being offended and threatened to leave. I am heartbroken. That wasn't my intention at all. Anyway, this is our first gym and I wondered if the things above are true? Anyone?
  12. This is so weird!!!! This is my house! Seriously! We have that rug. Our entryway is this color and our stairs look exactly alike. That's not where we put our tree though! Anyway, VERY cute picture. It looks like it's an ad!
  13. I just did a quick search on Etsy and found a bunch of cute ones! Check it out! We love Etsy here!
  14. We do. I don't really limit it either. My kids are all very involved in sports and love to run around outside, so I've never felt the need.
  15. This year, we are giving our boys FOOD!!!! They already have everything. They all work doing odd jobs for neighbors and make really good money. So, they have the latest and greatest gadgets. Even they can't think of things they want! So, we are getting them bacon, ramen noodles, Kraft Mac n' Cheese, etc. All the foods I don't buy often, but are fun for them to have. I bet this will be their favorite Christmas ever!!!
  16. This. I felt that way for a little while. Then I got all achey and feverish. It wasn't pleasant! I hope it isn't what you have.
  17. Holy cow!!! Really? My William walked at 8 months and I thought that was early!!!!
  18. Any reason why not food? My sister is on a very low budget and my suggestion to her this year was food for my boys!
  19. Top of the cabinets is ceiling. So, never. Under the fridge and stove? Once every month or so? But, I can see under my stove, so I know when it's bad!!! As long as we're pulling out the stove, we might as well pull the fridge out - right? Inside kitchen cabinets - twice a year or so? That's as often as I get the purging urge and go through EVERYTHING!!!!
  20. No. I would not do this. I spent years doing much of Christmas Eve and Christmas by myself. My dh is an Episcopal Priest. I hated it. Growing up, we spent Christmas with extended family and I LOVED it! I missed that SO much. Now, my family comes to me and I'm not alone. But, every year, I get scared that they won't come and I'll be alone again. (Well, not alone - but when I had three kids three and under and dh had to work so much? It was all me!)
  21. We always stay at POR!! You will love it. They just updated all their rooms and they are amazing!!! When we go to Disney, we always have a car and we rarely use it. I would definitely use it for Boma that first night. It is a long way away (20 minute drive or so). I can only imagine how long it would be on the busses! The only other time I wish we'd had a car was the night we ate at the Contemporary. I figured that we'd just take the monorail to Magic Kingdom and catch a bus back. Well, Magic Kingdom closed before we'd finished dinner. We ended up having to take a bus to Downtown Disney and transferring to another bus. It took forever. So, be sure to check on that before you eat out at a resort!!!
  22. I was thinking the same thing! Holy cow you people are thin! I'm 5'10" and I weigh 155 - 160. I work out nearly every day (P90X right now) and I think most of that weight is muscle as I'm quite thin. (Size 8 - 10) I tend to eat 300 calories at a sitting - around five times/day. Works for me for keeping my weight steady. If I go over that, I gain.
  23. We sort of are! I scheduled a make-up week this week for the high schoolers. They don't need it, so my oldest is using it to finish his pre-calc course. My 12 yo will be doing two days. I'm not sure what I'll do with Meg (6 yo) yet. We'll see!
  24. :001_huh: I've never spanked a child. My kids are wonderful!! (Most of the time.) We have teens who respect us and I have a wonderful relationship with. It can happen.
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