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Country Mouse

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Everything posted by Country Mouse

  1. I just got some this weekend and so far so good! He likes it! Thanks to all for the book suggestions, I will be spending some time on amazon this evening!
  2. This would work if all the fun stuff that he'd rather be doing wasn't in his room. :001_smile: I guess the point is a "time out" until a better attitude surfaces? I can handle that.
  3. I have a 7yo ds and I am met with the same resistance and attitude sometimes, too. I am really interested in what others will offer for advice.
  4. My SPD kid is a picky eater. He's got issues with textures and a very well honed ability to detect unusual tastes. The only veg I can seem to get him to eat with vigor is cooked carrots. He will sometimes eat peas, but he has to peel the skins off. We have a problem with a kid sitting at the table peeling every pea before he eats it. I need suggestions for creative ways to get the nutrients this boy needs into his body without having a big struggle. He regularly eats pb/honey sandwiches, grilled cheese, waffles, pancakes, smoothies, cheese pizza, canned fruit (in fruit juice), cheese quesadillas, cooked carrots, spaghetti with tomato sauce (sometimes). I would be so grateful for any suggestions of ways to stealthily add veggies to any of the foods he already eats.
  5. Lat year's season finale will be on this week - Thursday at 9e - in case you want to refresh on where we left off!
  6. Neat! We did the same thing just a couple of weeks ago and hatched and released a total of 10 butterflies. They are so beautiful. It's really cool to be able to have several and compare their markings/colors.
  7. I agree with dropping the timed drills if it is making her so upset. If you want her to continue practicing her facts you could try a little electronic flashcard device such as Math Shark, Math Whiz or Flashmaster. It makes it more like a game.
  8. Everything I've read about collecting fresh eggs says not to wash them because they have a protective outer layer than is important. Still, I run them under lukewarm water if they have anything caked on. Most of the time the eggs I collect are clean and I put them straight in the fridge. As far as how long they can be left out, I don't know, I put mine up as soon as they have been collected. HTH. I'm sure more seasoned chicken owners will give much more thorough advice!
  9. Thanks to everyone who has replied. I like the idea of using the audiobooks as review after doing the read-aloud - this is what I was leaning toward and I appreciate hearing it's not overkill. We will definitely keep these in the car and listen to them over and over and over... :001_smile: (did I mention ds is a history addict?) Thanks again!
  10. How do you use them? My generous mom purchased the entire collection of SOTW on CD. I am trying to figure out how to work them in with what we already do - I read SOTW aloud to ds, we do questions/map work/activities from the AG plus all the additional resources such as our history encyclopedias, library books, etc. I am wondering if you recommend replacing the read-aloud with the audiobook or if you do it in addition to using the text... Please advise me on how YOU use them in your homeschool. Thanks!
  11. Ds7 is a huge Star Wars fan and of course he loved The Clone Wars. I saw it with him and I enjoyed the animation. It had kind of an "old school" look.
  12. This is a neat thread. My name comes from the Aesop's Fable Country Mouse, City Mouse. I live in the country and enjoy the fresh air and slow-pace. I also enjoy visiting big cities - my bf lives in LA. I love the hustle and bustle, the food, the culture, but I am always so happy to return to my quiet life in the country.
  13. Brandy, you handled this perfectly and I'm so glad that you and your dd were given the respect and appropriate response from the authorities you deserved.
  14. I think he should pick Sen. Clinton but he won't. I think it will probably be Biden.
  15. (((Brandy))) Tell us what zoo and we'll ALL go! The Hive is behind you!
  16. It is very simple! Ds has the Solar System wallies in his room - I did them all by myself. That means, it's very simple. :D If I recall the details, like you said, you get them wet, position them on the wall, smooth them out and use a towel to wipe off extra moisture. They stay put until you decide to take them down. I think it is equally simple to remove them but I haven't tried that yet.
  17. ITA. The way the zoo staff has handled this is incredibly cavalier and irresponsible. There should be ZERO tolerance for this type of behavior and they should be bending over backwards to protect your dd and all the other kids in the class. Honestly, if this were my dd, I would be throwing the biggest fit - contacting the director, as others mentioned, and the police and other parents of kids in the program and whoever else I thought should be involved.
  18. Is your dd a picky eater or does she have any other issues with eating or things in her mouth? My first thought was sensory issues, but it could be something as simple as getting a softer toothbrush, singing a song while brushing (we liked Raffi's toothbrushing song) or maybe trying a different toothpaste as others have suggested.
  19. I just read part of your blog. :crying: You are a strong and courageous woman! You are doing amazing things for yourself and your kids. You are succeeding and you will continue to succeed. :grouphug:
  20. To me it sounds like you are really on the right track with this - I wish our church would offer something similar. I do not have a special needs child but I have close friends that do. I would expect/hope the caregivers to be knowledgeable about special needs and be willing to receive "training" from parents as to what care a child needs. I think all parents are concerned about safety so obviously that would be a priority. I think it is so awesome that you are doing this! You deserve :grouphug:!
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