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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. I mean heavy german-style (well at least my mom's german-style) bread. No fluffy stuff at our house. We thought it such a treat to get white, spongy bread. Well now I'm the mom and it's freshly ground ww bread at our house! lol!
  2. lol! My son would pray that whatever they brought would have lots of preservatives and be highly processed! I can't figure him out given that he lives in a home where fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods (everything cooked from scratch) are and always have been the norm. Enjoy your meal (actually don't forget to post and tell us what she brings).
  3. Obviously this neighbour has a huge desire to help you. I find it hard to accept help from people too because there's always someone way worse off than us but it's okay to accept the generosity of this family. (Personally I always hate accepting meals because I prefer my own cooking to others lol! But my kids find it an adventure so let them enjoy it.)
  4. I usually run with my dogs and haven't ever had a serious other dog problem. Once or twice I recall taking a detour when I've seen a dog up ahead that I'm learey of (and unbelievably the incidents I can recall were dogs WITH their owners who had no control over their dogs that were of lead). I also live in an area with a large bear population and have had to detour because of bears. And finally I run with a partner who is VERY LOUD and can intimidate anyone and anything! lol! (I love her though . . . she's a loyal exercise partner and friend.)
  5. Horror is not a genre that I would watch so if that's what this show is then it's not coming in the front door.
  6. I've had some success with pet enzyme cleaners you can buy from the vet or the pet store but sometimes the only thing left is to ditch the carpet. Isn't it amazing how those hounds can consume what is supposedly dangerous amounts of chocolate and live. We had one basset that chowed down on a box of brandy beans one Christmas . . . I mean the entire box that she took off the dining room table. Absolutely no ill effects if you don't count the slight wooziness in her demeanor that day. In fact she lived to be the oldest hound we had - 12.
  7. This works well for me. I have dinner all prepared which allows us to eat about fifteen, twenty minutes after I get home. This schedule began because I run with a working woman . . .her day ends at 4 so we head out at 4:30. But it really works well. In the heat of the summer (and I say heat with a grain of salt because it rarely gets hot, hot here) I do head out in the mornings to run and usually just walk in the evenings.
  8. My selection didn't match my mood this week but I decided to make it an exercise of perseverance. This coming week's selection will be A Man Called Thursday, Chesterton.
  9. I will be sure to relay these comments ('cause they're mostly in favour of our initial gut instinct :)) to my son.
  10. My son asked me to ask the WTM crew. It's not something we would agree to based on what I know but I haven't seen it. He's looking for back up . . .and so am I ? :001_smile:
  11. More snow today (my running partner and I noted that the snowbanks along the walkway were taller than us) which means more snow on top of ice. On a plus note, I'm getting used to falling :lol:. It didn't upset me as much as yesterday and I didn't hurt myself. I guess the three inches of snow on top of the ice provides a nice cushion. I am desperate for Spring . . . only three more months!
  12. http://www.the-perfect-present.com/Pages_Yaktrax/Yaktrax_Larger_Image.html They are worth purchasing. I am so not sure footed (ever) and am a huge chicken on snow and ice (I'm scared of falling lol!) Honestly this is the first mishap I've had since I've owned them and I've used them for 2.5 winters. And I live in an area where snow typically starts flying end of October, beginning of November and ends sometime in April. I think I'm okay. Actually I'm pleasantly pleased that I faired as well as I did (given my rickety old bones :001_smile:)
  13. And just yesterday I said that I hadn't fallen since using Yak Traks on my runners. Fell. Hard. But I got up and walked the final 1.5 kms. Lucky it was dark (vanity). When I got home I saw the problem . . . my yak snapped (lol!). So I guess I need a new pair. Well they lasted 2.5 seasons. I guess that's a good investment considering I use them virtually every day in the winter months.
  14. But they are preferred. The American agent gave a long soliloquy about the delays we were causing at the border by not having passports. (BTW I'm not against getting passports . . . it's just such a process for us not living near a passport office. And it's expensive . . here in Canada anyways.)
  15. I don't have access to the hard white kernels so I do use hard red. A while back I had an occasion where I used white flour to make cookies. My kids asked me what was wrong with them. I have to admit they seemed pasty. I don't think this would work with ww flour bought from the grocery store.
  16. Nothing outside today. We had a major dump of snow yesterday and today everything is covered in ice.
  17. The snow banks are closing in around my house . . . it's all too much!! (I live in area that routinely gets this much and I've lived here all my life but as I age I like it less.) My children on the other hand love it. I am trying to appreciate it but Spring can't come soon enough.
  18. Wall-E did absolutely nothing for me or most of the people we were watching with. We watched it at Halloween with a mixed age group of kids and adults. I will say the two year old was enthralled. I guess it's just not my style . . . I think I like words . . . Mama Mia . . . oh my. I loved remembering the ABBA songs but at times I wondered if my t.v. sound was going, the singing was so bad. I'm happy you posted this because I was beginning to feel funny hearing all the praises about these two movies and not enjoying them myself. (Okay I admit to singing along with some of the ABBA songs . . . my son kept coming out of his room asking me why I was singing.)
  19. It really interferes with my exercise plan. I like running outside . . on dry pavement! But it's the reality of where I live so I make the best of it.
  20. I just couldn't run because it had just snowed, the plows had just cleared and didn't sand so it was SLIPPERY. Tonight my legs kind of hurt and I'm guessing it's from trying to keep my balance.
  21. My legs are bit sore from yesterday's 5 km running in 3 inches of snow which felt like running in sand. I guess I should be thankful that some muscles not usually used in running made their debut during that run (and hopefully will be toned). I'm not sure what conditions the sidewalks are in today. I hope not too icy. It's cold today with arctic outflow winds.
  22. Having just experienced a runaway dog earlier this year (well I guess last year) I know the agony. Our returned after 30+ hours being absent. It was agony. :party:
  23. Not my usual reading but recommended by a friend so I will read the three books in this series.
  24. Yesterday was beautiful and I was able to run, albeit on snow and icy sidewalks, 5 km's. Slow but steady and I never fell on my butt. Today it is snowing and blowing so I stayed in and plugged in an exercise dvd . . . one I reserve for these extreme days. I definitely prefer exercising outdoors rather than in front of my t.v. but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  25. We are experiencing blizzard like conditions and I just didn't want to face the snow (literally) blowing in my face!
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