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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. :lol::lol: I don't have an ignore list. But you're not even on the "People I Will Put On My Ignore List If I Ever Get Around To Making One". But I answered that I was adding you just to skew this poll. ;)
  2. They do bother me. My real name is one that is one that is impossible to intuit the spelling from the pronunciation or the pronunciation from the spelling for speakers of any language other than Vietnamese. But, if you are from one region of Vietnam you will pronounce it profoundly differently than if you are from the region where my mother was born. Of course I now live in an area of California where the large population of Vietnamese immigrants are from the other region so my name gets mispronounced by English and Vietnamese speakers pretty much anytime I leave the house. To "simplify" things, my parents gave me an "American" first name when I was born figuring they would switch to that name once my father (an American soldier) got us over here. That one gets misspelled and mispronounced almost as frequently as my Vietnamese name even though it is not at all unusual. Its a common name similar to "Joanne". But this gets to me. No one ever looks at "Joanne" and says, "Joan". But and this gets to me, they do that to my name all of the time! Just ignore the "-ne" at the end completely. So, I'm in favor of very, very clear names. Ann. No extraneous -e to throw people off. If you need your kid to be different, I beg you, give them a funny haircut instead of a name with a quirky spelling.
  3. :lol::lol: Great story. It reminded me of an old, "Family Ties", episode (for the geniuses here, Family Ties, was a 30-minute situation-comedy from the late 1980s). "Smartitude", is still part of my vocabulary.
  4. I voted to keep it going b/c I don't like to ban things. I posted only on the curriculum board for a full year, came over here to ask a question about puberty and got sucked into the political discussions which were fascinating. Everyday I say, that's it, I'm done with political threads but my impulse control when I see certain words is weak. I don't know what it was like here before the election. Sounds like it was more fun. I need to :chillpill:
  5. You don't know the half of it. That being said, I'd love to be tucking into a lasagna tonight. Hint hint.
  6. I appreciate your position, but as a person who has been accused of being fiery I'd hate to see that personality type eliminated from consideration in high ranking positions. Some of the finest and most effective leaders have had some sauciness as part of their make-up.
  7. I went here today: http://www.icingonthecakebakery.com/index.htm How does life get better?
  8. Whew...so glad that's over. I wish I had any idea.
  9. :party: I knew we'd get another one! Between that and the New York Post we are golden!
  10. I probably wouldn't say facism but I agree with the overall sentiment. Conservatives very often have no problem disagreeing with others of their kind. Conservative publications have raked Bush over the coals in ways that would make the MSM ashamed to call themselves liberals.
  11. I grew up in Ann Arbor (a few years) and mostly in Sterling Heights. I graduated from Wayne and my dad worked in the city for years. My whole family is still there but I moved away for a boy. I used to love Belle Isle!
  12. Oooh...I pick that first one! Sounds delicious! ;)
  13. Whew. I thought this was another Joe the Plumber thread.
  14. Apparently not! I've just read that Drudge endorsed Obama! :w00t:
  15. Wow. Now I'm changing my vote! The MSM supports Obama...who knew?
  16. Opposition said the same thing about GWB both times. And many refused to even refer to him as the president. This isn't something new to this election. And now here's the part where people come on and say, "Yes, but we were right to be scared!" :001_rolleyes:
  17. We have at least one in the San Francisco Bay Area!
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