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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. One thing I noticed reading the other thread, while the man clearly didn't like the boy because he was black, a similar situation could happen to anyone. That boy must've been scared being followed like that. My mom always said that if we were being followed, we should go to the police or someplace safe. not that he could have done that on foot, but he could have called. Perhaps then the operator could have helped diffuse the situation. Told the guy that he was scaring the poor kid. Perhaps not, since he didn't back off when told. Anyway, racial issues aside, it's good for all of us to teach our kids how to handle situations that might come up.
  2. I hopped around a lot trying to find our fit. MM is exactly what I was looking for. I love it.
  3. Mother's milk may not give full immunity, but it does help tremendously. We all got pert last winter, when dd was only a few weeks old. It wasn't anything I'd dvrr want to repeat, and she was a sick baby, but she did well and stayed out if the hospital. She was not nearly as sick as the older kids. I really think nursing played a big part in her still being here today.
  4. We've got the tax return back and I'd like to have yr 2 in hand before buyig books. Is there a good time to buy or does it matter?
  5. One thing i don't understand, you said that swiss homes at 1mil+, but that you could afford a Cali home. Aren't Cali homes pretty $$, too? Perhaps if you lived frugally, as you would have to in CA, you can continue to save and get a swiss home? Perhaps not as fast, but is it doable?
  6. I was :( Baby #4 did me in and I now have my first filling (at 34). Boo. I didn't really want to admit that was true, but the tooth started bothering me.
  7. Well, shoot, I clicked that I wouldn't thinking I was clicking that I would. I wouldn't with my child. But in your case, I would. Both DH and I wear glasses. But we both got them at older ages and are somewhat ok without them. If my child was destined to see only a foot in front of his face, it'd be a bigger deal and I'd try it.
  8. Money isn't everything. It is important and needed to live. But not everything. If you can live on what you make here, you are making a lifestyle choice, not a neccessity choice. Looking back on your life, 30 years from now, which will you wish you had done? Is it more important to you to be close to family, or to have the finantial benefits of Switzerland? What about the other cultural factors? These are things only you can answer.
  9. Yes, it's downriver. :) And I'll wave across the river back at you. Don't need a passport to do that!
  10. Some give discounts or packages and you have free shipping, butyou do have to pay tax.
  11. I make sure we do reading and math every day. Everything else gets done as we/I can. I plan to continue through the summer this year. We'll be more relaxed, but we'll get it done. Also, look at next year's stuff and compare it to this year's stuff. Some lessons you should be able to skip, which will make finishing the year easier. Make this year about preparing for next year and do what is neccessary for that.
  12. I would think that the stability of being with daddy would be more important than stability of location.
  13. I had to look up Pinconning. :) but, yeah, that's up north for us SEerners. If you have to cross the Zilwakee bridge, you're not close to home anymore. Usually up north is closer to the top, though. A funny story: I grew up in a farming community, turning suburbs. My cousins lived Just outside of Det. They would say they were going up north when they visited us, even though we were only 40 min. away and actually to the south of them.
  14. My sister lives up north and she has pics two weeks ago of the kids playing in a couple feet of snow and then this weekend, hiking in shorts and visiting the beach. (but not swimming since the water's still cold.)
  15. Who wants a new house? Give me an older house with character any day. That's one thing we fell in love eith in this house. New homes are usually so cookie cutter.
  16. I killed one last night; in my house! And my daffodils are blooming. Spring had really sprung this year!
  17. I voted yes snd loved it, but I've only been to a small, local one. Being able to see things, though, was wonderful and really helps the decision making process. (some things sound perfect, but just aren't once you get your hands on them. That advantage is lost though, if you have to pay for an international plane ticket! You could buy all the curriculum you wanted to see and still be ahead. As for the speakers, last year a wonderful WTM member bought the speaker cds for me since i couldn't go. It was great to be able to hear the speaker in the comfort of my own home. Perhaps someone could do that for you? At a cost of a couple hundred instead of a plane and hotel. I do like going, but i don't think I'd pay thousands to do it.
  18. As a young adult I really struggled eith many things in thr OT. The agod in the OT isn't always nice. I told God this, and asked Him to show me His truth. It disn't happen overnight, but over time I learned more about the OT and relly devolped a love for it. God's faithfulness and love really do shine through, along with his sovergeinty and holiness. Anyeay, I think in Christianity, We tend to deny our doubts and questions and insecurities. However, I don't think God has an issue with us being honest with Him. When ee are honest eith him, we allow communication between us and our creator. It's a starting point.
  19. I wouldn't take it personally. I wouldn't wait til the car, either. You're right there looking at the house, what better time is there to discuss what you like and don't like about it? And he couldn't have known that you were right there watching the whole thing. But, wow, what a pain selling is.
  20. I don't see it as a big deal on a quiet street, but my dh would agree with yours.
  21. It's true that she'll probably go back to it and hate that her things were bothered. But at this point, doesn't she need a safe place to come home to? Perhaps you could just do (or have done) the main living area? Throw away the obvious trash and stack the rest in another area of the house. (if there's a place it can go) that way you can tell her that her things are still there for her when she wants them. Both my mom and mil have tendancies. Both have made strides, to different degrees. And yeah, it doesn't really chsnge until they are on board with change. But the crisis cleanings may have helped pervent it from becoming show worthy.
  22. Yeah, this SA somethimes does that, too. I found a pair of pants once that still had the tags on it. They wanted $10 for it. The tag from the store had a $6 clearance sticker on it. :lol: I don't go to the thrift shop to pay more than I would at the store!
  23. I had a similar experience when dd7 was young. She needed a toddler bed and i found one at the SA. It was wooden, but missing slats and had been horribly painted. (they had painted it red and dripped all over) It had nO price, so I asked and was told $16. That sounded good to me. I could buy some wood for the slats and fix it up cheaply. But the line was long and they were closing the road soon for a parade. So I decided to leave and come back the next day. When I came back I got to the check out and he lady wanted to charge me $50. I told her that I had been there the day befoe and was told $16. She basically called me a liar, saying that only her and one other person priced things and she *knows* the other lady wouldn't price it so low. After all, it's a whole *bed*! So I left and found one on CL for $25 that was in good condition and came with a mattress. And, at the time, Walmart had nice wooden ones, that were new, not ugly and didn't need repair, for $50. I still go to that SA sometimes. They really are the best place to find good stuff. But many times I find things and know who priced them.
  24. :grouphug: get people to help you. Do you have some *really* good friends? If not, hire someone (s). While she's in the hospital is a perfect time to do it, though she'll likely be gery upset with you. Or move her in To a home, if she's that bad off physically. We helped a horder move lsst year. Yes, it's overehelming and disgusting and sad and frustrating. I wrote more, but it's probably TMI for a public site. But yeah, it's been over a year and I still can't watch the show.
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