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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. How much was it? We've always been covered 100%, this time we're going to have to pay 10%. I have no idea how much that is. I was able to servh and find one local hospital give an averagr cost of 10,000. But that doesn't include the doc or pediatrician or anyone else, just hospital fees. I'd like to have some idea of what to expect.
  2. We fed our dog chicken quarters for about a year. He also got carrots, apples, ect because he loved them. We just switched him to grain free kibble. I'm sure raw is great for many dogs. Ours just wasn't getting everything he needed. He was always scrounging and a bit on the skinny side. We were feeding him enough, I think he needed more organ meat or aomething. I don't know. We decided that we didn't know enough about what he was lacking to feed him raw properly. After a month and a half on kibble, he's thicker, more content and satisfied, not driving us crazy digging in the trash, ect.
  3. And open your eyes and look before you ask me where it is.
  4. I don't know about self employed, or how things have changed recently, but I know when we bought, they were willing to lend us much more than we were comfortable borrowing. Even our morgage broker said to stay on the low side as they will offer you much more than you really can afford.
  5. I have had friends who were korean or filippino who treated you like family even if co-workers or classmates.
  6. You won't be able to be real with her. And I don't mean baring your soul. She insulted how you do your hair, for goodness sake. You can't even fully be yourself ina casual way without keeping your guard up. You'll be getting dressed and doing your hair wondering what she's going to think. I couldn't live like that. Too much on your guard. If I can't be myself, what's the point? So, really, as sad as it is, that call you uP to go shopping relayionship is gone. It just is. :grouphug: i'm sorry.
  7. Yup. We took field trips there in school. And not many made it to 21 without a few trips over the border first.
  8. I have very little counter space. 5 ft total with a sink dividing it. The only things that (should) live on the counter are 3 cookbooks that I use often and the utensil bucket. (no drawr for these) the other side has the dish drainer, since the dishwasher was broken. The microwave and toster oven are on a small metal rack that I got at Ikea. It's just big enough for one on each shelf. The crockpot, blender, and mixer are on a bakers rack in the dining room. Do you have room someplace for a seperate rack, even a small one? That'll help get things off our counter. (and the shelves are far enough apart that they can be used where they sit, so I don't have to move them.)
  9. I think I wasted my $. Looking through the lus we have, it's all stuff she's already done in mm3A. Or stuff she hasn't done at all yet, but is covered in the rest of 3B. The s&Ss are just too different to make switching now simple. I'm going to just keep her in MM through the end of the year. Maybe we'll use these books when she needs a break. Then I'll look at the 400 level (or maybe a placement test!) for next year. Thanks for your help.
  10. No. I just bought her the first 3 of level 300 since she was halfway through MM3. Sigh. Probably should have done that.
  11. I voted for the bigger, but you didn't mention strict hoa and the highway! After living next to trains that the previous owners insisted you get used to, stay away from the noise! You don't get used to it! You can, at times, block it out, but it is never peaceful. Especially on days when you have a migraine and want to close out the world.
  12. I'd check him closely for puncture marks and if he has been bit, take him in. Cat bites are terrible. My cat bit me a few months ago. (he's a sweetheart, but *hates* the dog. I was holding him trying to take him out of the room. Not doing that again!) I had iv antibiotics at the er and oral for awhile after that. It took a lot to get the swelling down from the infection. The way cats bite, it bleeds very little and traps germs from thier filthy mouths inside, making infections pretty bad. If you don't find any punctures, he's probably fine. And lesson learned, don't try to make friends with a cat when you have a dog close by!
  13. I'm thinking of switching my middle dd. She's doing well with MM in that the things she knows, she *knows*. But she struggles a lot to get there and sometimes her brain needs a rest from the topic. I think she might do better with something more spiral. (we've tried a lot of math curriculum over the years, and I love MM. But we've never tried spiral. Ugh! why is this so hard! I think it'll be better for her, but what if I need to just keep plugging away at mM? She's already behind and we'd be wasting valuable time! Anyway.) I bought the first 3 lightunits of grade 3. She's been working through the first one and likes it, but it's all pretests. Some of this stuff she hasn't had before, since we've always used mastery stuff. I didn't get a TM. What are these pretests for? Are they review of stuff learned before, or to see if you already know things they're going to teach? What should I be doing with the information once she's taken a test? Thanks.
  14. I'd go for 2. I want land, but after living in a small house, you need a certain amount of space. (how small is small?) small bedrooms are fine, but the small kitchen, with no schoolroom, doesn't sound cozy to me. Where are you going to put your books? That said, if you have time, I'd just wait. Spring is coming. More people should be listing soon.
  15. Wine doesn't really go bad, though, does it? What's the problem with keeping an opened bottle for years? We have several bottles that are a few years old. We don't drink very often. (though I found one that I really like just before getting pregnant.)
  16. That works. Thanks! I thought I was doing something wrong just taking stuff off the rack.
  17. Both my parents grew up in alcoholic homes. So they went to the other extreme of no alcohol ever. And I don't really know what I'm doing with cooking much of the time, anyway. So, probably a dumb question, but what do you use when a recipe calls for wine? I've just been using the cheap stuff. But I see some recipes say "cooking wine". Is this something different? Should i be looking for anythin in paricular when buying a wine for the purpose of cooking?
  18. Have to agree with your dh. Pretty! But, you're a he family. A schoolroom is a non-negotiable.
  19. Other people probably know more about cooking than I, but I believe you brown it to lock in the juices and keep it from drying out.
  20. That doesn't make sense at all. There is still a demand and swimmers are still produced. The v just disrupts the path and they have no where to go. They are them absorbed by the body. Thats why there is some question about autoimmune and prostate csncer being higher with than without.
  21. :iagree: I also tell my child quite plainly that his character was more important to me than him having friends and that if he wasn't strong enough to handle going against the mean friend than he wouldn't be playing with him. We had a similar situation with dd and her younger sister. She did well later.
  22. I voted no, 'cause I don't like bangs in general. Than I looked at your pics. I think you look cute with them. So I change my answer.
  23. Trial and error? I'm probably not the best person to answer since my mom cut my hair my whole life. (she'd had a few cosmo classes in high school) I didn't go to a real stylist until after i was married. We found a local place here that I'm really happy with. Cheap, too.
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