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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. Really? That would explain what others said about not tipping the owner. I always thought the stylist rented her booth
  2. I get this, but I also think they shot themselves in the foot. When I was first looking for curriculum, I loved the idea of Sonlight, but we just didn't have the $. So, yes, I used the booklist. But I also bought things from them that weren't available elsewhere. And now we have the funds to purchase more. If I hadn't moved away from Sonlight, i could now buy a full core (or 2). They're cutting out this market by deleting the descriptions. People who can't afford it aren't going to automatically buy cores. No, now they'll just look elsewhere and will settle on something else.
  3. With my 2 girls, i just guess sort and give them their basket to fold. They then resort it by giving thier sister the things that aren't theirs. Makes things a bit easier.
  4. It does raise the floors slightly, but you wouldn't really notice, would you? We have wood that needs to be refinished. But our house is 70 years old. It's pine, but it's old pine. There's a bit of a gap now between the doors and he floor, since the previous owners put down carpet and trimmed the doors. Oh well. If I cared enough, we'd get new doors. But I like the character of the old doors, so we live with it. Probably more than you wanted to know, :D .
  5. Don't rip them up! Cover them that way when you sell, the new owners can rip up the carpet and have wood again. :) and yes, get some area rugs. I love wood floors, but you have to have area rugs.
  6. :lol: oh wait, you weren't talking about my dd7? Oops, my mistake. When you figure it out, let me know.
  7. My books are little and I couldn't find any either. Tried on every single one at Sears and none of them would work. So even the petite among us are benefiting from this thread.
  8. We're thinking alike. Perhaps it won't be a hard decision after all.
  9. Option c is much too far, even if it is perfect. If you can live with the rooms in A, do that. If it'd be too uncomfy and crowded, even for a year, go with B until you can fond something else.
  10. If they contact you, give a brief, but honest account of what happened. (they don't need the gory details, but might benefit from knowing your issues were with friend, not them.) perhaps your friendship will develop outside of friend. Perhaps not. If they don't contact you, don't worry about it.
  11. Ya know, nj's not dead yet. If what she says is true, that the pics suck, she has time to hire someone else and get new ones taken. Perhaps it'd be better to just put the cd in a drawer where it's safe, but you can forget about it. If she pays you, give it to her. If you find it a year from now, you can chose the. To trash it or give it to her. But she doesn't need this charity. The woman is still here to get her pics taken.
  12. I think I would just mail her the cd and delete the pics just to be done with it. Seeing it there would be a reminder and make me sad. But I think you should do whatever you feel is right and gives you peace. Perhaps she's having an off-the-deep-end moment. You can reconcile when she comes to her senses and apoligizes, if you choose. But I wouldn't count on it. Praying for you all.
  13. It kinda reminds me of a situation we were in a few years ago. Does she have a string of broken relationships or a tendancy yo charity case others? Sometimes hindsight shows a pattern. It seems like she's personally attacking you now that she's not getting what she wants monetarily. I may be puuting too much personal experience on that, though. :grouphug: I'm sorry you're going through this. If it's any consolation, the truth came out and we were vindicated a year after the fact. Although it was very hurtful and confusing at the time.
  14. Something else to think about. You teach people how to treat your group by your expectations. We used to belong to a group. Nothing ever started ontime. They were always waiting to see if someone else would show up. It got incredibly frustrating. When we joined a co-op last year, that was one of the things i watched for: are we actually going to do things when we're supposed to? I don't want to be finishing up at 3, instead of 1, because they couldn't start on time. Now, I say that as someone who has struggled with getting places on time. Especially with littles. But I much prefer a group that starts when it should, even if it means i often miss the first 10 minutes. If i do, it's my fault. And i will usually adjust and figure it out and eventually get there when I should, if I know things are starting without me. If I know it's not going to really start until 10 min. later, i may have things come up(cause they always do) and accidently not get there until 15 min late. Anyway, that got rambly. My point is, if you want people to respect your deadlines, you need to stop making concessions. I'm not saying you have to be completely inflexible, like for the woman with a legitamate hardship. But stop beding to every whim. Start things on time. Keep deadlines firm, even if things get cancelled at first.
  15. Given this hostory, I'd send her a firm, polite email that dues are due by the first or her membership will be cancelled. She needs firm boundries. Someone who was usually reliable, but had a lot going on or whatever, I'd let it slide.
  16. The 5th seems close enough, since you'll be seeing each other at that tome anyway. Why make a special trip 4 days earlier? I do understand how frustrrating it is to be a leader and getting people to do what needs to be done. In the future, you should establish a late fee or something to discourage this behavior and solidify your deadlines in peoples' minds.
  17. I buy Melaluca shampoo and Burt's Bees conditioner. The Mel comes in a huge bottle that lasts forever.
  18. I ultimately chose the 17" because it had a number pad and the smaller ones don't. I <3 a number pad.
  19. Society uses the word "train" in a lot of situations involving humans. Driver's training, job training, training for a marathon... It's kinda nitpicky to say we don't "train" but educate. Semantics.
  20. In hindsight, I wish I had been more confident in my parenting and been less willing to listen to "experts". I had some pretty good ideas and don't think i did a half bad job of it. Not perfect. But our children don't need perfect to turn out well. All the other debates aside, the problem i have with the Pearl's is that they present it as doom and gloom if you don't follow their methods exactly. One comes away thinking their children are destined for hell if they don't parent the Pearl way. Or that following thier methods guarantee perfect results. I don't think parenting is meant to be that hard. Yes, it is *hard*. but I am a person, who was raised up from a child. My parents did some things right and somethings very wrong. But I'm smart enough to know what was effective and what left me wounded. I can figure out from that how to train up and treat my child. And sure it won't be perfect. But no one is. We do our best and leave the rest up to God. What I've said could apply to anyone who presents themselves as an all-knowing expert.
  21. Since this is just a visit, go to the local thrift shop and see what you can find. Pick ip a couple sweaters, long sleave shirts and jeans. Then get the long johns/silk leggings everyone's talking about and layer. If you like skirts, I find that I'm warmest layering leggings and a thick skirt. You can hide a lot of layrrs under a skirt! Leave whatever you get at your mom's for the next visit. :)
  22. It's easier when you're here the whole year. Your body gradually gets used to it. That's why 50 now feels like heaven and 50 in September feels like Alaska. One year in college, I spent a semester in New Orleans. Coming home in December, I about froze to death. Everyone here was walking around with their coats open talk g about how warm it was that week. It's just what your body gets used to.
  23. Class sizes were in the 30s when I was in school. (many years ago) I don't understand why they don't just break that class up? They could still come together for reading groups if that makes things easier. Seems like 30 kids and one teacher would be easier than 60 and two. Although that is still a large class.
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