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Everything posted by Juniper

  1. Weekend: We packed and watched my three oldest fly away to camp for the week. The littlest cried. :crying: and I am stressing over ds allergies and various medications. He has everything, but well, it was just hard for me to let him go. Temp: I think is upper 90's or 100. We are supposed to hit 107 with Houston humidity on Thur :tongue_smilie: Super Power: Mother Nature! :D My green thumb was completely destroyed by my chickens, so the ability to control both is very appealing!
  2. Everything for us is 45min to 1hr each way. Track is 1hr, co-op is 45 min., foreign language is 45 min the opposite way from co-op. We just double up trips and I make sure I do my shopping on the same days. Okay 4h is local, but our group was horrible so we have stepped down for the rest of the year. :glare: Often times dh drives an hour to work, an hour home, and then an hour back out to track and vespers and then an hour home. He has a little car that gets 40mpg, so if we all do not have to go that is how we work it.
  3. We went through this last year here in SE Texas. I know one of the needs that struck close to home was curriculum. Quite a few families lost all their books and curriculum when there homes burned. :crying:
  4. Hows she handling the heat? I almost picked up a couple Cashmere goats, but I just was really worried about the heat and humidity.
  5. The nature of what they did crosses a line in my mind. My grandfather would tell me stories about his cases as a public defender. There were some juvenile cases. He would take these kids to a detention facility with him. He WANTED them to get a really good look at where they were heading. Sometimes they went to an adult prison. I think it also went far with the judge that they had taken proactive steps to get the young people back on the right track.
  6. I was assigned community service in my early teen years. It was during a phase of "tough love" with my mother that I think actually backfired. Anyhow, by the time it went to the sentencing she felt horrible, the person I had "wronged" felt horrible, so I was granted my choice of community service projects. I chose to do my community service at the horse barn I was a student at. I mucked stalls and did various other chores. Not exactly torture. ;) There is a certain plasticity in the Juvenile system. I am grateful that I benefited from that (that they were able to take into account that this was a nonsense, parental power trip), that I had a Grandfather who was a district attorney and went to bat for me while taking his grown daughter to task. I am glad community service is there for young people like myself whose parents want to turn the court into their disciplinarian, whether on purpose or through neglect. I am not a huge fan of community service for juveniles who are beyond their first offense or who have cause injury to another person or animal, unless it involves working within a juvenile/adult detention facility.
  7. I wondered about this. My fear is that it would set some sort of precedence. Then any child who plays in little league is a potential target for these lawsuits. I have a couple boys who can throw, and this would make me hesitant to let them join LL.
  8. I think they should be tried by the Pony-tail judge ;). I sure he could come up with something fitting.
  9. I was just going to mention how similar it looked to crocheting! This is the first time I have even been a little enthused about knitting. The problem is that I really have some design ideas that need to be worked in both. There is a certain drape to knitting that cannot be done with crocheting. Thank you for sharing that link!
  10. Interesting! I was doing English I guess, but that looks fun! I was using large plastic needles.
  11. From the mother, in the comments section of the article, Victims Mother Price, UT I was not present when this incident occurred. My children were with their grandfather where, like on many occasions, he likes to take them for dinner and play. He was present in the restaurant when the incident took place, and if any of you have children who play in a play area like these, there are several "hiding" places involved that make it impossible to see everything all the time. To set the record straight my daughter DID NOT leave with the girls when they went across the street to buy scissors (some people are under that impression for some reason). No, I was not texting. My daughter was the victim, not because she was left unsupervised, but because 2 older girls who were strangers to her for whatever reason decided to take a pair of scissors to my daughter's hair maliciously, even kept it for a while as a trophy. In going to the police I only wanted an apology, to know why, and a hope consequences for their actions. Thank you Judge Johansen, their punishment was sweet vindication for me, considering I got to miss out on my daughter's first hair cut.
  12. Crochet....no problem! Knitting....I fall apart. :glare: I cannot knit without dropping stitches. I am in the south so the few times I have tried was with huge needles and a bamboo yarn. I just wanted to make a large, airy, simple square. Because of the large needles, when I went to try and pick up the dropped stitch, it got all wonky and puckered. Any advice? How can I keep from dropping stitches? Thanks!
  13. I figured my perspective was a little off, my grandfather was an avid sailor so we always stayed on the boat. ;) This thread has made so incredibly homesick. My mom and I actually lived in Snug harbor, back in the early 80's. We lived right across the Bay from the the little Marina and motel where she worked. We would travel my dingy every morning. Sigh..... :001_smile:
  14. I am partial to Snug Harbor and Roche Harbor on San Juan. Roche Harbor is really special!!!!! There are lots of activities, but my favorite are the hiking trails. I have not been there since I was 16, but growing up we were there multiple times a year. I am not totally sure about where exactly to lodge. I think there were smaller cabins to the left (when facing) the main resort. The pier had wonderful ice cream!
  15. That painting brings to mind these. A little older, but to the point. ;) What is interesting to me is you would find these icons in Monasteries. And a blog post giving some of the historical info. http://iconreader.wordpress.com/2011/07/03/milk-giver-icon-not-scandalized-by-the-incarnation/
  16. Honestly it would depend a couple of things. One would be how old my kids at home are. The other issue is trickier to explain. Basically, if the hospital was intervening in such a way that the babies were being kept alive, when under natural circumstances I would have miscarried, I would allow nature to take its course. Please understand that if my life and the life of my kids mother was not at risk, I would do everything in my power to save them. I know that my dh would feel the same.
  17. I am a little confused as well. Is it that you have thread from where you retied after cutting out a knot? Once you do get to safe spot in your work. I would attempt to salvage the stretched row, by doing the next a little bit tighter and then the following back to the original. After you finish the piece you can hang it, spray it down, or lay flat and reshape. But, I am not sure what you are making. :confused: What sort of yarn are you using. Boucle is notorious for knotting.
  18. Oh, she is very well known for adopting strays! ;) I really wished I could be closer to her and be more directly involved with both the fiber end and the gallery end. It is something I always keep in the back of my mind and keep hoping dh will land a job that would send us a bit closer.
  19. I do a variety of fiber work for my mom's gallery here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.108846362504552.13618.108843012504887&type=3 The photos do not really show the fiber work though. :tongue_smilie: I crochet just about everything! From Arabian horse halters, jewelry, curtains, and practical stuff for the home. I like to sew, but am not as proficient as I would like. Knitting....my nemesis :tongue_smilie:. I have tried so many times. I can knit a simple scarf, but after constantly dropping stitches last time I tried, I have refused to pick up needles again! I do some spinning and will most likely do more when my mothers Alpacas are shorn. I really wish I could find a fiber animal that would do well in the Houston area. :glare:
  20. Since I can only get dd to her track club twice a week, I think we need be a little more diligent helping her train at home. She needs to increase her speed a bit and not slow down at the end. Ugh, she runs the 4x800 relay in the anchor position, so it is really important that she finish strong. She leaves for a week of camp on Sunday, and then she has two weeks before Nationals. :tongue_smilie: What can I do to help her? We started with distance, and then moved to sprints and hills to increase speed. Do I just continue this? Any other ideas? I am not a track person, but I do understand conditioning.
  21. I keep one Rooster. He actually watches the skies for predators and herds his harem to safety when needed. :D I had about six and really wanted to keep the RIR, but the Leghorn turned out to have a better personality for our situation. Fertilized eggs do not bother me.
  22. We travel 2 hrs round trip, 2x a weeks + meets for dd to train in an AAU club. They meet almost every night, but since we live so far away we only go twice a week and she trains at home the rest of the week. Our club is only active during the summer track season, so this is something we do for a limited amount of time. I really appreciate dd having the access to good coaches. We have a couple National Champions in our club and just regular kids that need something to do over the summer. It has been a wonderful exposure to the whole sport. Also, if we hadn't joined the club dd would never have discovered her love for high jump. That is something she HAS to have a coach for. :D I know I did not answer your actual question, but I thought I would share what we do. :001_smile:
  23. We don't really hide that stuff. In fact we often make it a game where they try to get in between and pry us apart. They say, "yuck," but there is always a glint in their eye. I think they like knowing mommy and daddy enjoy being together. :D
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