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Everything posted by Juniper

  1. Well, we have gone through something similar except it was from a Pastor's family-nonattendance-EO. When the kids asked questions, something they did at different stages, we would explain what we could given their level of maturity. I tend towards the really honest. "Right now, precious, Mommy and Daddy are not comfortable with some of the teachings at XYZ. So, until then we are going to be making an effort to learn about ABC and when we feel more confident we will either attend or find a different spiritual/family outlet." If there were questions about what issues we had, I would say something along the lines of, "Well, one thing is how this church explains Hell (this is one of my own examples) I am not sure that I agree or that it lines up historically, but I do not have all the answers yet so I need to study a little more. What would you do if you were not sure the answers you were receiving were the correct ones?" ...and then we would actually talk about what to do when you do not know the answers or are no longer in agreement with a particular church/company/volunteer organization's platform. One of the really important aspects is to ferret out why they want to go back? Is it a social issue? I would validate those feelings and do what I can to connect them with friends. Is it a fear issue? Be reassuring. Is it their own spiritual hunger issue? A little trickier, because you will want to encourage and allow for this in way that does not completely go against your personal beliefs as the parent. Hope that helps!
  2. I will be honest and say that I am scared to go on opening day! Then again, I am scared they will run out of stock and it wouldn't be worth it for me to go until next month :tongue_smilie:. Houston has been talking about this for as long as I have lived here, I think it will be a complete mad house. :D
  3. Yes, but very far to the west. The closest to me will be Memorial City, but I might drive to the Woodlands next week just for the experience. :001_smile:
  4. I know, but I also read that they introduce 18 new products a week, so I figured something could have changed. :D
  5. If you shop there what do you get? Your favorites? What is scary? I'm a little excited as will have three of these within the next month or so. :001_smile:
  6. I think this is where many of us part ways and cannot have a productive conversation. For you Scripture trumps Tradition, for others we have Scripture because of Tradition. Therefore there is no way Scripture trumps it. It cannot contradict it, but the end all be all is not, "Is it in the Bible."
  7. You could black line your sketch after you complete it. That will bring more definition for the scanning and retain some of your pencil marks. :001_smile:
  8. I just ordered the Enviro Steamer. It was only $54 on Amazon. I swung into Sam's and the Shark was over $100.
  9. You can get it in smaller quantities. Just go the site and search Signature Tea, or you could just go to the Pike Place Market. ;) PS, my hometown too!
  10. Check out the Market spice I linked above. It is even better!!!
  11. I am happy for you! It sounds like you have found a good fit for your beliefs. I say that with all sincerity. Blessings on you and yours! Now, I am going to get off my sickbed and enjoy the feed store for a bit! :D
  12. This is my all time favorite!!! It is a spicy sweet tea brewed on its own. No need for added sugar. http://www.marketspice.com/store/products/marketspice-cinnamon-orange-tea-16oz-package I have never found anything that comes close to it!
  13. I am very aware the Rabbinical Judaism, in part, developed as a reaction to Christianity. That in and of itself does not change the content of their teachings on this issue, as held before the Temple's destruction and after. My point was that the issue has been addressed through history. Edited: No, I am not saying EO bases it's "law" on Rabbinical Judaism, but that Rabbinical Judaism and EO/RC traditions have a common factor in the Judaic oral tradition the Apostles grew up with.
  14. It is my understanding that it was addressed, very pointedly, in the Jewish oral law. When the temple fell I believe the oral law was written down into the Talmud. The Talmud does speak directly to this issue. Your right in that this cannot be argued from a Sola Scriptura platform, but many of us do not embrace Sola Scriptura arguments. I know for myself I like to look at a religion as whole. For Judaism this would include the OT and their Oral tradition, for RC it would include scripture and the churches Dogmas and teachings, for EO it would be Scripture and the teachings of the church Fathers. I hope thatg makes sense. ;) Edited to add: I will never personally shame a young man or woman for m*sturabation, nor will I say it perfectly healthy and without consequence. I have worked directly with sexual addiction specialists and have seen both ends of the spectrum on this issue. Yes, an adult who m*sturbates can end up with a perfectly healthy sexuality. Often it is done at times of extreme stress or boredom, but I have also seen it in it's worst addictive and damaging forms, both to the participator and to the family. One thing I think that is important to remember is that it is possible for an individual to refrain from it, but it is equally valid to not let an unhealthy amount of shame descend if one does not refrain.
  15. When I go in Tues. I will ask. I have the feeling they will send me through another round as the labs came back with MRSA in my bladder and the next day my kidneys were sore. Topically, it is much better, but not completely clear.
  16. It looks to me like the RC and EO churches have taken there stance as a direct conntinuation of the Orthodox and Conservative Judaism position. From Wiki-Orthodox and Conservative Judaism The Talmud forbids male masturbation, as it leads to unnecessary spilling of semen, or the impure thoughts of women other than the man's lawful wife. This prohibition is derived from the Biblical narrative of Onan (Talmud Niddah 13a). The Talmud (ibid) likens the act to murder and idolatry. The wrath displayed by God toward Onan was invoked not through the act of spilling semen, but through disobedience to God's command for Onan to impregnate his brother's widow (see the story in Genesis 38:8-10). Others consider the death sentence excessive for failure to properly follow the laws of Levirate marriage — the Biblical option offered to those refusing a Levirate marriage was that the woman who was refused, would spit over the males shoe, after removing it from his foot. Because Onan's punishment was so much more severe, they argue that the spilling of semen was the relevant offense. Onan was not masturbating, but practising birth control by withdrawal. According to the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, "It is forbidden to discharge semen in vain. This is a graver sin than any other in the Torah".[33] However, Beis Shmuel expounds that this is not literal, but rather serves to frighten man into avoiding the sin.[34] There is disagreement among the poskim, decisors of Jewish law, whether masturbation is an acceptable way of procuring semen for artificial insemination or in vitro fertilisation.[35] Judaism in general neither prohibits nor discourages female masturbation, although some authorities consider female masturbation as necessarily involving "impure thoughts".[36]
  17. In my quest for a cleaner, "healthier," safer home I am looking into these. What works? What doesn't? What is the best bang for my buck?
  18. No. It was one of the first thoughts I had. ;) Texas is not marijuana friendly. I just have to make it to Tues right now, when I will go back to the Dr. When I take Percoset it goes away, but knocks me out and I do not have enough pills to last until Tues.
  19. The Bactim has started to make me very nauseaous. Miserably so. :ack2:I have Ginger Ale, but I am not sure what else to do. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them!
  20. This has always been one of those areas I felt I would strongly disagree with both RC and EO. But the bolded is much more gracious and understanding, than I was aware the RC acknowledge. :001_smile:
  21. Me neither!!!! I think I am in a little bit of shock. The highlight though was Sun early morning when these two little beauties were born.
  22. I am on two antibiotics right now and dd is on one. Hopefully, we will get this cleared up. I just want to know how to help keep it from the other members of the family and try to prevent reinfecting.
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