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Everything posted by Juniper

  1. I would have completely agreed with you.................................last week.:tongue_smilie:
  2. I would not doubt that it started out as MC, now they get a lot more inflamed and the most recent is turning into a boil. It most like is a entry point for the secondary bacterial infection. I have just spent way to much money on cleaning supplies and anti-bacterial products. I called my mom in tears, because this is very antithetical for me. I am very much a get in the dirt, limited medication, exposure is good so long as you are not immuno compromised, build up natural antibodies and strong fighter cells type of person. But everything I am reading about this speaks of an extreme anti-bacterial lifestyle. The whole thing is a bit frustrating and confusing.
  3. Hmmmmm, I almost exclusively where V-necks so where I am getting the breakouts is exposed. The way I explained it to the Dr was that it was like having a small pimple that slowly progresses towards the surface of the skin, eventually breaks, gets very inflamed and goes away, almost within 24hrs of one of these resolving a new begins. It is like putting out a fire in one location, taking a breath and having it erupt in another.
  4. I'm sorry :o It is not my intention to start some mass scare. I "knew" all about MRSA in a clinical sense. When I was doing clinicals for nursing school a few years ago we were being drilled about it and I had a very healthy appreciation for proper hygiene practices and methods of breaking the chain of infection. The only problem is that was Hospital acquired MRSA and I knew what to do. Now that I have it here at home it is different. Stopping the cycle of infection/contamination with multiple children feels slightly overwhelming.
  5. For me it is not that simple. I found out I have the impetigo form on my chest. As they erupt I do cleanse and cover, but as soon as one heals another erupts. It was only this morning that I discovered what this was going on. I thought I had some strange acne on my chest. My body does seem to be able to fight it there, but I am passing it to my children. So while I do agree with you in the vast majority of cases. I can't bandage a large area nor my nether regions.
  6. Can we talk about this a bit? What are some things I can do in the home to help fight this infection or prevent its reoccurence? What about our diet and nutrition? I would appreciate ideas and help from those who have been there, done that. If what you are doing seems to be helping. Also, please talk to me about further ways we can prevent antibiotic resistance. We have always used them sparingly, but there has to be more we can do.
  7. Warning female content ahead. Also, with everything happening in my family (MRSA and ds recent anaphylactic reaction) you might think me a troll. Please know I have been here awhile and am not. Below contains some female content, just warning you. Background timeline: Sunday I was in Urgent Care for a yeast or bacterial vaginoses infection that would not clear up. The Dr covered all bases and prescribed for both conditions. Mon, ds has anaphylactic reaction and secondary reaction, I am not improving. Tues, we get son taken care of at Dr and notice dd's MRSA. Tues night I am worse not better. Wed I head in to the Dr with an unknown vaginal infection that I have now been battling for almost 2 weeks, that is not improving with antibiotics and prescription yeast meds. You guessed it! It is not a yeast infection. :glare: At some point I picked up the same strain of staph dd has. Don't worry I will not be sharing any pictures of this!!!! ;) It has been a hellish week! I guess what I want to pass on, is that if there is a chance you have MRSA in your environment and you develop a yeast infection, please take extra precautions with your personal hygiene. Also, ds and dd are doing very well. Dd had very little pus this morning and seems to be responding well.
  8. I "know" that is true in my head, but the way she responds to it is very recognizable. I was hesitant to post anything, but since running into so many who do not even know what it is I decided to give it a shot. The first time we brought her in her I brought her in for a spider bite. Her Dr. saw her in the hallway and immediately said, "That's MRSA." He then started calling for a nurse and tray of instruments so he could lance it and get the culture. Sure enough it was. My other hesitation is that people would just think it looked like a really bad bug bite, so I appreciate the poster who posted her dd's scrape.
  9. :iagree: This is a stance we have always maintained and I am very grateful. When she contacted it the first time I could see that the Dr was very dubious the oral antibiotics would work. He had prescribed the strongest course he could, but she was borderline needing to be admitted. I really think that since she had only had antibiotics once as toddler we were very lucky.
  10. I have a surgical iodine scrub that I use here. I am starting to think it is in the soil. She does a lot of farm chores and while I am very thankful for the robust living she is getting I sometimes want to lock her in a sterile room! ;) I started to suspect the soil, because this last week they have spent days building a mini golf course in one paddock. It's hot and she was on the ground a lot!
  11. Thought I would explain a little about how I Knew we were dealing with MRSA. For what it's worth, this is our second episode on the same leg. The first time I did not take her in until the red area was swollen and covering an area the size of my hand. She had started to run a temp and it was approaching the weekend. This time as we were walking out the door I saw her bug bite covered with those tiny bandaids. When I looked I could see that the front of her leg was swollen. If you can picture it, she looked like she had a mini calf muscle in the front of her shin. The area around the bite was only red in a "silver dollar" size circle." Since had done this before I proceed to gently squeeze it (yes like a pimple :tongue_smilie:) Immediately, about 2cc worth of pus came out. For us, swelling (even non-red) and pus equals MRSA. MRSA is not fun. Like someone else mentioned the hospital contracted is worse than the type we have, but because I waited so long last time dd almost landed in the hospital hooked up to IV antibiotics. The idea of being in the hospital with MRSA is not comforting, although I would have done that had she not responded to oral antibiotics. I am tempted to take another picture for you guys but it is really gross. There is now about a 2-3mm hole in the center of the wound. We have had to drain it twice each time getting between 8-10cc (almost a small childs medicine dropper) of pus. It is something we will monitor very closely over the next 24 hrs. Again, I hope it helps someone out there!
  12. I wanted to share a picture of dd 10's upper shin, where she has a MRSA infection. This time I caught it really early as it just looked like a regular bug bite yesterday. Above it is a regular bandaid for perspective. Hopefully, this will help someone down the road. ;)
  13. Okay, we are back. Prednisone, epi pens, benadryl galore. His Dr was very upset that he had been released without oral steriods. DD is on antibiotics. On a positive note: A new ER went in closer to my home, 20 min away instead of 30. His Dr said he really likes the staff there and should we need to go, please head there. Here is ds right after we saw the Dr. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3470512834741&set=a.1912958656860.2096985.1028714038&type=1&theater I am going to take a nap!
  14. Please send prayers my way. I noticed my dd had a bandaid over a bug bite on her leg. I took it off and I know it is MRSA. She had a similar infection a couple months ago. Upside: I am already heading to the Dr. :glare:
  15. Beyond exhausted. It did keep them up at bay, but they are starting to darken again. Heading into his Dr shortly. Thanks everyone. I just needed to know others were there last night. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3470155385805&set=a.1912958656860.2096985.1028714038&type=1&theater
  16. When we were in ministry we hosted a reunion for Orphan Train kids. I do not remember much though. They were a bunch of sweet elderly people. I do know they were so excited to see and meet others who shared in their experiences. I was struck by there resilience and sadness.
  17. She asked about this, and seemed a bit annoyed. Truth is it was an Urgent Care that I initially went to. The Dr's their are actually phenominal in their specialty (Internists), but I am seeing where we slipped through the cracks a bit. I am hoping the steriod cream combined with the high dose will help till morning. The hives a holding. He is sleeping and breathing peacefully. I can tell he's a bit annoyed that I keep waking him up. ;) Even in his initial reaction his airways stayed clear. Hives, vision, swelling and blood pressure did not.
  18. I don't think I am gonna get a lick of sleep. He has had two adult doses. She said it is high for his weight, but given the severity it was the way to go. The ER is a 1/2 hour drive. I'm scared.
  19. Got through to his Dr she said give second dose a benadryl and sit and watch. If it gets worse ER, otherwise I have to bring him in first thing in the morning. Gonna go check.
  20. I just went and woke ds up to check on him. He has patches of hives on both sides of his neck, and a few starting down his chest. His lips are puffy and numbish. I gave him another dose of benadryl an hour ago and just put a steriod cream on the hives (his twin has systemic reactions to poison ivy so the Dr. gives me large tubes) That said, he is not having any trouble breathing, he doesn't have the tiny hives all over like he did the first time. These are large raised patches, the ones before were like goose flesh from head to toe. We get the epi pens tomorrow from the pharmacy. The drs did not tell me what to do in this situation.
  21. Well I suppose you could make the argument that it was not random, because he narrowed the firings to one division. I may not have used the word "random" in this case, but when pre-meeting it is one number and post meeting it is another number then there is a certain randomness to it. Either way, it is sick.
  22. Yes, his twin (crud. He has an identical twin who has never been stung) His sister is going as well, and our Priest is going to. I am going to have to ask our ped if I need more pens for his twin. Will definitely need a nice glass of wine! ;)
  23. It's towards the end. He say's if the coward or cowards came forward before the meeting he would only have fired 10, but since they didn't he will fire 25.
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